Author Topic: This was an election between an American Capitalist Christian and an Un-American  (Read 818 times)

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Offline megimoo

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Welcome to Vichy America
This was an election between an American Capitalist Christian and an Un-American Anti-Capitalist Anti-Christian.

 This was not just another election. The last time we had a presidential election, the Left tried to get a brazen traitor elected - namely John Kerry. This new President from the Left is even more than that. Obama was no traitor, because he never was really on our side in the first place. Obama was really a foreign candidate - in spirit, funding, and citizenship.

Obama is foreign: Foreign candidate, foreign courting for money, foreign goals pursued, and foreign interference in our election right down to foreign funding for advertising. Fox News and others noted this unique international aspect to the election: "To some observers, the international reaction has elevated America's president-elect to an unparalleled post: president of the world." (link) This was an election between an American Capitalist Christian and an Un-American Anti-Capitalist Anti-Christian.

This was not an American election. It was an international election between America and Anti-America.

For years we have been warned about the specter of one world government. We now have something close to one world government, and it is America. America never needed to submit to the UN. The internationalists simply dissolved the meaning of our borders by financially influencing our government from the inside out. They now own the American government. America was purposefully bankrupted and they picked it up at the election fire sale.

This did not happen overnight. With the foreign lobbyists in the White House, and all the blackmail and threats seen throughout the Bush Administration, President Bush has been compromised for years. If you have read my articles and those of Frank Gaffney et al, you know that the leftist and Islamofascist skullduggery has been warping decisions for years through bribes and threats to congressional and White House staff.

This infiltration and treason destroyed the Republican reputation. Leftist media influences have warped Republican decisions and led them to "bipartisanship," which is just another name for collaborating with the enemy.

That is why I have desperately pushed for the free use of the fMRI lie detection equipment in the White House and Congress. To solve the problem you need to go to the root of it and that is the sock puppets the White House and Congress have become for wealthy enemies of America.

We all know that McCain was a liberal open borders guy who was forced upon us in a primary that was manipulated. Even the bold move of adding Sarah Palin was not enough to get enough conservatives to vote for McCain. We were manipulated from the start. The only real electoral struggle was between the Clinton's sexually perverse white mafia and Obama's racially perverse black mafia.

So what happens when a nation is taken over by its enemies? Vichy France offers some examples. Figureheads are put in power. (Watch for RINO's to take high positions in the new administration.) Weak people kowtow to the new overlords. (Note Hasselbeck's capitulation on The View afterwards .) The media is controlled. (Note Ailes' order to Fox News to back off on Obama.)

Obama's plans to have a homeland security force equal in power to the military, but directed at American citizens is chillingly similar to the Nazi Gestapo (link). Requirements for colleges to require their students to perform "public service" like the Peace Corps is reminiscent of Hitler Youth:

"The Obama Administration will call on Americans to serve in order to meet the nation's challenges. President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to help teachers in under served schools, as well as a new Health Corps, Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps. Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year. Obama will encourage retiring Americans to serve by improving programs available for individuals over age 55, while at the same time promoting youth programs such as Youth Build and Head Start." (From the official site of the President-Elect)

A force of occupation has taken over America. An economic coup has replaced a military one in today's warfare. Welcome to Vichy America.

Is there any upside?

1) America will be too poor to support or enjoy much extravagant socialism so Obama will fail to deliver on his Chosen One Promises. As The One fails to deliver on the loaves and fishes (or jobs and mortgages in this case), his followers may begin to lose faith. However, all things are possible in the Mainstream Media. It is amazing what magically disappears or appears in the media when it is needed. The continued existence of the alternative media in America will be vital. Even Russia has some alternative media so there is hope. Furthermore, the growth of new technology and media make it harder to control.

2) Conservative causes important to churches were successful, even in California. This election was more a failure to elect John McCain than a failure of conservatism itself. However, conservatism was no match for the combination of financial forces and political treachery that was set upon America. Since Obama is likely to kill or maim the goose that laid the golden egg, much of the wealth his cronies grabbed from the Fannie Mae scam will have been dissipated. There won't be that much wealth for him to "spread around," outraging the moochers who voted for him. That may work to our advantage.

3) We can finally see who the traitors are. Peggy Noonan and her pseudo-conservative ilk are no longer in the closet. Moving to the center was their personal failure. Similarly, we should be able to tell what aides were sabotaging Sarah Palin. She had agreed to be on Bill O'Reilly and McCain aides told her O'Reilly had canceled it. (link) They lied to her to keep her from making the conservative case directly to the public. Those are the kinds of traitors that we need to keep lists of.

4) With what the Russians have planned, our elections will soon seem like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Only the worldwide economic downturn has kept them from following through with their plans, but that will not last forever. Obambi is hopelessly weak and the Russians took less than a day to start exploiting that. So much has happened in one day... imagine what can happen in 4 years.

5) Just maybe the "People of Color" will finally stop blaming whites for their problems since one of their own has taken over the Plantation. Just what happens when a dog chasing a car actually catches one? That is Obama's situation. Terrorism? The economy? Education? He hasn't got a clue how to fix anything, and he has lost the right to complain.

6) There is still the Supreme Court to rule on Obama's citizenship eligibility...

7) America has been fat, dumb and happy in its consumer gluttony for the last few decades. Now it is going to be financially painful enough to force people to finally think about something beyond their next consumer indulgence. A sleeping giant may have awoken to find someone has stolen his clothes.

8) The approval rate of the Democrat Congress was already at historic lows. With an out of control Pelosi and Reid, the contempt people feel for government Democrats will be overwhelming.

9) The forces at work in the economy are beyond anyone's control. As Dick Morris says: " If ever there was an election that was not worth winning, it was the contest of 2008. While it was hard-fought on both sides, had McCain won, it might have spelled the end of the Republican Party. As it is, the party is well-situated to come back in 2010 and in 2012, if it learns the lessons of this year. Simply put, all hell is about to break loose in the markets and the economy." (link) So Congratulations Obama. You have won yourself a real stink bomb. It is ticking and socialism will only increase the load. The conservatives may have been spared that mess.

10) Perhaps once and for all people will become sick and tired of affirmative action. Real race relations have been set back decades by the racist undercurrent throughout the election, and this may finally help America shed its white man's guilt. Claims of racism ring awfully hollow in a black ruled nation.

11) Like our fathers would say, "It builds character." The trials that forged the generation of the second World War made them conservative and stronger. From the ashes there may come something new. As long as America was under the inane illusion of Republican control, there was no opportunity for improvement. Perhaps now it can get better.

12) Obama is so arrogant and condescending, it is only a matter of time before people get fed up with him and his racist wife Michelle. This is another first. Never before has there been a more ungracious first lady. She too will get old fast. Obama is a fad and fads get faded under the light of overexposure.

13) Last but not least, consider that our winner takes all system tends to mask important things. Conservatives were rightly disgusted by McCain, and many moderates on both sides of the aisle were completely fooled by Obama's smooth pitch. Even though the election went to Obama, America is really still mostly a Red country. There has only been a little change in results since 2004:

Offline TheSarge

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Liberalism Is The Philosophy Of The Stupid

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years.  The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

If it walks like a donkey and brays like a donkey and smells like a donkey - it's Cold Warrior.  - PoliCon

Palin has run a state, a town and a commercial fishing operation. Obama ain't run nothin' but his mouth. - Mark Steyn

Offline NHSparky

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  • Where are you going? I was gonna make espresso!
Obama is the American Idol president, and like the American Idol, soon discarded when we realize there was nothing there, moving on to the next fad, much like a five-year old child on Christmas Day when he realizes that toy he always wanted wasn't so great after all, and starts playing with the box.
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

Offline Baruch Menachem

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We are stuck with him for four years.

Biden was very much the James II kind of candidate.   No one, but no one would do anything to Obama knowing Joe was next in line.
An optimist sees the glass as half full, a pessimist sees the glass as half empty, an engineer sees that there is twice the glass required to contain the beer

My name is Obamandias, King of Kings, 
  Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!