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Best Of; The Anti-Populist Rhetoric directed against "Joe the Plumber" SICKENS m

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--- Quote ---Leopolds Ghost  (1000+ posts)     

Fri Oct-17-08 01:04 AM
Original message

The Anti-Populist Rhetoric directed against "Joe the Plumber" SICKENS me.
Edited on Fri Oct-17-08 01:09 AM by Leopolds Ghost

As someone who is actually familiar with how the construction trades work and has participated in site planning and worked as an unlicensed contractor's aide, it's amazing how ignorant people are trying to destroy this guy's life for exercising the freedoms we would be holding dear if the shoe was on the other foot.

The reality is, as the guy from the Nation seemed to suggest on KO, the white working class does not seem to matter to many Dems.

They have an Austin Goolsbee mentality.

First they came for the poor. Civil Rights leaders. Welfare and public housing.
Nobody on the left seems to support these things any more. Because, to paraphrase a Lutheran, I was not poor.

Then they came for the small proprietors. Now folks yammer on about "blue" megacorps we should support,
having eviscerated Main Street with our ridiculous highway-oriented zoning policies.

Now they are coming for the heart of the country which is the working class, white and black,
who, I hate to break it to you, have the same concerns. Even if the white guys tend to hate
"urban elites". That is called ethnic division of the labor movement and the Dems have bought
into it hook, line and sinker. Witness the primaries. Why? Because none of the leading
factions care about fair trade and ending scab exploitation of immigrants and preserving
manufacturing jobs and protecting the working class instead of telling them to get lost or
actively encouraging them to vote for McCain (or telling them to be retrained.)

Most of the folks who have time to blog (including me) are in a comfortable position or else poor enough to have ample time to blog and usually they are professionals. Yet they don't seem to know some basic facts about how the trades work or why manufacturing and other working class jobs are the source of a nation's wealth, not glorified typistry jobs or the archipelago of pseudo-professional occupations that revolve around feeding off the trickle-down of a bureaucratized, wealth-based economy utterly dependent on Wall Street.

Dems and Repubs have let Main Street wither, and attacking guys like Joe the Plumber (whether they have a lottery mentality or not -- news flash -- the urban poor have it JUST AS BAD and I've seen DUers attack the POOR for their self-same attitudes of wanting to be rich instead of "retraining" to be just like us educated folks who are supposedly the future of this country. What assets and electronic figments will we be paid to move around once everyone in America is educated to be upper-middle class? It is just the lottery mentality by another name. The existence of an upper middle class REQUIRES an underclass to support them. That is why the upper middle class, professionals even here included, are so historically aloof towards blue collar folk. A Democratic Party by and for the educated upper middle class will never push for a productive manufacturing based economy on these shores where labor movement and enviro protections exist.

--- End quote ---

Some one is trying to educate the DUmp?  This could get ugly.


DumbAss Tanker:
That'll probably get him a tombstone to go with his ghostly identity...or so much vitriol they'll just drive him away.  TEH TRUTH, IT BUUURRRRNNNNNSSSSSSS!!!!!

DUmmie due to have his name changed to "Name Removed" in 3....2....1....

Dang, this DUmmie is courting granite.

--- Quote ---Leopolds Ghost  (1000+ posts)     
Fri Oct-17-08 01:16 AM
Response to Reply #4

10. You don't seem to understand how plumbing works.
Edited on Fri Oct-17-08 01:16 AM by Leopolds Ghost

I am an electricians assistant. I am not required to have a license. My BOSS is. The assholes and nincompoops (all too often well-meaning bourgeois liberals) who run many relief orgs. don't understand this, and end up paying ten times as much for housing that they then sell for ten times as much (and require poor people to get inflated credit -- the whole credit dependent economy) because they don't understand how to get things done properly. You cannot have a sustainable economy in which every person in America is licensed. That is a fascist or socialist (state-capitalist) nightmare, I'm not sure which. The rules of groups like the Brotherhood are pretty clear. You want to get a union card, but guess what? They will only take so many. And the already unionized masters and journeymen rely on illegal immigrants who get paid slave wages to do ALL of the heavy lifting in EVERY ****ING BUILDING any DUer on this site has ever resided in.

--- End quote ---

Someone has been listening/reading too much VRWC material.  Who got to this DUmmie?  Who ever it was they were gooooood.


I'm wondering if this isn't some deepdeepdeep undercover mole who figured it was a good time to come out.


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