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Russia and China Promote Masculine Virtues – The US Celebrates Sissy Men


Russia and China Promote Masculine Virtues – The US Celebrates Sissy Men

--- Quote ---Even Commies can get it right occasionally.

The Chinese government has officially banned effeminate men (“sissy men” or “girlie guns”) from television, ordering broadcasters to provide traditional masculine role models.

A side-by-side comparison of Russian and U.S. army recruitment ads that hit the Internet in May brought peals of laughter or howls of protest.

The Russian ad showed tough-looking Slavic dudes with shaved heads resolutely doing sit-ups, loading guns and jumping out of airplanes. The dialogue includes phrases like: “Your new life,” “Find the limits of your potential,” “To hell with limits” and “There is no victory without battle.” -- slogans which would have appealed to the Greatest Generation.

The U.S. Army ad (which must have Sgt. York gyrating in his grave) should be called “Private Benjamin Has Two Mommies.”
--- End quote ---

Russia and China value masculinity. In America, it is looked down upon as toxic.

The pussification of American men. It's real. Pajama boy is a classic example.


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