Author Topic: Swimming in chlorinated water increases your risk of cancer  (Read 8273 times)

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Offline SaintLouieWoman

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Re: Swimming in chlorinated water increases your risk of cancer
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2011, 06:53:57 PM »
Well....I'm aware that there is an ongoing debate regarding vaccines.  Based on what I've read, most of the anti-vaccine argument is emotional hyperbole.  However......any competent biochemist will tell you that any chemical that is inserted into the body will have both good and bad effects (associated risk)......the trick is to develop drugs that provide the best upside, and the most innocuous downside.  It's always a balance.

I certainly don't see the abnormal risk in the eradication of smallpox, polio, bubonic and pneumonic plague, yellow fever, et al, as a bad thing.  And I'm also not willing to allow my grandchildren to play or attend school with children whose parents refuse to have them vaccinated against these serious illnesses (were there to be a risk)

Along the way, we all have a duty to act responsibly to our fellow humans, and it is fine should you choose to shun vaccines, just confine yourself and your progeny to a secluded area, please.


My vet in both Saint Louis and in Sarasota both said that when our doggies got to a certain age, they didn't need all the vaccines, but just the rabies shot. I never let my Blue, the greyhound with epilepsy, have all those shots in one visit, but spaced them.

However, I am not a believer in not getting those necessary shots for the little ones and the booster shots for the adults.

I know it is just anecdotal, but as far as second hand smoke, when I''m around heavy smokers I can't breathe. I have pulmonary hypertension and need a doc visit and an inhaler prescribed. I run through all the tests and miserably flunk the lung capacity test after that second hand smoke exposure.

We were staying with relatives who were heavy smokers. I suffered as I didn't want to antagonize them. It was their house. My doctor finally insisted on writing a letter "To whom it might concern" warning of the severe consequences to my health. In the end I decided to not go there. The in-laws were ticked off, but that's just the way it is.