Current Events > Boston Marathon Bombing
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Confessed to Boston Bombings in a Note on the Boat
--- Quote ---Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Confessed to Boston Bombings in a Note on the Boat
Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev reportedly wrote a note claiming responsibility for the attacks on the marathon one month ago — and stating that he and his brother were motivated by a desire for Muslim retribution for the U.S. role in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Ever the elusive young terror figure, Tsarnaev allegedly penned the note on the interior of the boat where he was found after a day-long manhunt on April 19, and CBS reports that this note will now be used in court. CBS's well-sourced John Miller had the scoop this morning:
Sources tell Miller that Tsarnaev wrote the note in the boat he was hiding in as police pursued him, and as he bled from gunshot wounds sustained in an earlier shootout between police and his older brother.
The note, scrawled with a pen on the interior wall of the cabin, said the bombings were retribution for what the U.S. did to Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq, and called the Boston victims collateral damage in the way Muslims have been in the U.S.-driven wars. When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims, the note added.
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The Atlantic Wire
I would like hear what the truthers and groupies gotta say. :whatever: ::) :mental:
The groupies say its been too long since this came out.
The ones for frying Jahar say it's legit.
--- Quote from: Firekrakka on May 16, 2013, 08:12:24 PM ---The groupies say its been too long since this came out.
The ones for frying Jahar say it's legit.
--- End quote ---
Those groupies are loco. :mental:
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