Current Events > Boston Marathon Bombing
Boston bomber brothers may have slit the thoarts of 3 jews.
Did Waltham Murder Victim Know Marathon Bomber?
--- Quote ---Brendan Mess, one of the three people murdered in a Waltham home in 2011, was the “best friend†of one of the alleged Boston Marathon bombers, according to the Boston Globe.
John Allan, the owner of the Wai Kru mixed martial arts gym in Allston, told the Boston Globe Tamerlan Tsarnaev introduced Mess to him two years ago.
Police say Tamerlan and his younger brother Dzhokhar committed the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15. Tamerlan was shot and killed during a shootout with police in Watertown on Friday, April 19. Dzhokar was captured after a lengthy manhunt in Watertown on Friday, April 19.
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Mounting Evidence that Boston Bombers Involved in Triple Homicide
--- Quote ---Mounting evidence indicates that the Boston Marathon bombers were involved in the unsolved murder of three men, two of them Jewish, in a suburb of Boston on September 11, 2011.
Police officials have said that some crime scene forensic evidence was a match to Tamerlane Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the two brothers who are alleged to have set off two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon last month, ABC News reported over the weekend. The officials also said records of cell phones used by the brothers put them in the area of the murders on that date.
Three men — Brendan Mess, Rafael Teken and Erik Weissman — were found dead in September 2011 in an apartment several miles from the campus of Brandeis University in the Boston suburb of Waltham.
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--- Quote from: Ptarmigan on May 12, 2013, 01:25:51 PM ---Mounting Evidence that Boston Bombers Involved in Triple Homicide
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I do not give a rats ass if the people killed were Witch Doctors from Haiti, these were living souls until the Muslims decided to wipe them off the earth.
Do we don't see we have a BIG problem here. Everyone tries to ignore it but there are some of us that cannot do so.
My faith is most at risk, I am a Baha'i, we except Jesus and the Bible and are so far over a million or us have been killed and thousands more imprisoned.
So far it has been in the ME that we have been considered an enemy to Islam and for good reason, we cannot except that Mohammad was a prophet of god.
We are Jews and Christians in our beliefs but we came from the Muslim faith that abandoned it to the thuggery, hate and the distruction of their ideas on woman and children.
It was 1844 when the Bahia's arose against the Muslim faith as it was. Came a mixture of Islam and Baha'i s faith--Much as the mixture of the faith between the Jews and the Christions today.
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