Current Events > Boston Marathon Bombing
Bill Ayers defends Weather Underground bombings
--- Quote ---Bill Ayers defends Weather Underground bombings
Ayers, a retired professor of education at the University of Illinois-Chicago, co-founded the anti-Vietnam War Weather Underground group that bombed the U. S. Capitol, the Pentagon and other buildings in the late 1960s and into the early 1970s. The radical Weather Underground took its name from lyrics in a Bob Dylan song.
"To conflate a group of fundamentalist people [in Boston] who are nihilistic in some way with a group of people who spent their lives trying to oppose the murder of 6,000 people a week … and still the killing went on. And still the killing went on. What would you have done?” Ayers said. “There’s no equivalence [with Boston]. Property damage. That’s what we did.”
In his talk to the crowd, Ayers mentioned that in 1970, he lost three friends in the Weather Underground, including his lover, Diana Oughton. He did not explain in his talk how they died – they were killed when nail bombs they were making in a Greenwich Village townhouse blew up.
Authorities said the bombs were intended to be used at a dance at the Fort Dix Army base in New Jersey.
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Rewriting and denying history one speech at a time.
--- Quote ---Property damage. That’s what we did.â€
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Nail bombs are not meant to cause property damage. They are meant to kill and maim innocent bystanders. Ayers is no better than Speedbump and Flashbang.
--- Quote from: thundley4 on May 05, 2013, 11:11:07 PM ---Nail bombs are not meant to cause property damage. They are meant to kill and maim innocent bystanders. Ayers is no better than Speedbump and Flashbang.
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Very true what a douche
--- Quote from: A7X_foREVer on May 06, 2013, 07:54:09 AM ---
Very true what a douche
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...and his Buddy, or should I say puppet, Obama makes for a double douche.
Why is he around????????????
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