Author Topic: Laura Ingraham Was Right When She Told Hollyweird To...  (Read 2206 times)

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Laura Ingraham Was Right When She Told Hollyweird To...
« on: May 10, 2015, 01:57:50 AM »
"Shut Up And Sing". Although "Shut Up And Perform" works better.
Libs are telling us what we are doing is sending our planet to hell in a hand basket, while coincidentally doing the same activities at a rate of hundreds of times more...


Hollywood and global-warming panic have always been a natural match.
After all, who can tell you better to cut back on your wasteful ways better than a high-flying multi-millionaire movie star with the carbon footprint of a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

It's never mattered that the stars have all the scientific expertise of Pee Wee Herman.
They're just so good-looking and famous, who cares? PBS broadcast a ten-hour series in 1990 entitled Race to Save the Planet.

The show's host was Meryl Streep, who proclaimed:
"By the year 2000...the Earth's climate will be warmer than it's been in over 100,000 years.

If we don't do something, there will be enormous calamities in a very short time."


It's bad enough that they don't know what they're talking about.
It's worse that they're sheer hypocrites while preaching their nonsense.

A private jet burns as much fuel in an hour as a car does in a year.
The 48,000-pound Gulfstream G550, which can fly from Chicago to Rome with 15 passengers, burns through more than 400 gallons of fuel per hour.

Exhibit A is Leonardo DiCaprio, who lectures "If we don't act together, we will surely perish."
Radar Online reported in April that DiCaprio boarded a private jet six different times within six weeks last year.

But the charade continues.
A partnership between DiCaprio and Netflix was announced in March to create yet another series of propagandist environmental documentaries.

The Media Research Center has a new report on "Climate Hypocrites and the Media That Love Them."
Take Julia Roberts, who recently made a video for Conservation International playing a big role: "Some call me nature.

Others call me `Mother Nature' I've been here for over four and a half billion years.
22,500 times longer than you.
I don't really need people, but people need me.

Yes, your future depends on me.
When I thrive, you thrive.
When I falter, you falter.
Or worse.
But I've been here for eons.

I have fed species greater than you, and I have starved species greater than you."
The loathing of the human race is a constant green theme.

But it's not hard to find photos of Roberts climbing in and out of private jets.
In fact, for a while she even co-owned a private jet.

full article...

There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.