Interests > Living Off of the Grid & Survivalism

I asked for a little rain....


...and got a flood. I now have two long little gullies where once corn grew. I planted the corn on flat ground so I could hill up some dirt around it as it grew. That was the softest dirt in the garden so the flood took out 2 whole rows of corn that was about 2 inches high. I got 2 rows left. Also washed out a few beans but I got plenty of beans to spare.

Both of my little gardens this morning are pure soup.
I'm already a month behind now I'll be another 2 weeks on some stuff.

Ouch, JR.  I saw something on a site I frequent ( last week, where the site owner blogged that he had seen the latest weekly USDA Crop Report (comes out on Mondays).  He figured out that somewhere on the order of over 79% of this year's crops should be either in the ground, or coming up through the ground.  He found out that 12.36% of the crop is either in the ground, or coming up through the ground.

The conclusion?  Major food crises (yes, plural) coming this fall.


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