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Big bodies a challenge for morgues



Equipment for autopsies getting bigger

--- Quote ---As it is with stadium seats and amusement-park rides, so it is with autopsy tables and morgue drawers, cadaver carts and other equipment used to hoist, lift and carry the dead. Americans are growing too large to fit, so autopsy equipment is getting bigger.
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--- Quote ---These days, some bodies are too large to slip into the drawers of morgue refrigerators. They tip over standard-sized cadaver carts. Their weight tests the physical strength and stamina of the people who must lift and flip a corpse to conduct a thorough exam.
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--- Quote ---Standard weight loads for autopsy carts used to be 300 or 400 pounds, Bell said. Now customers want tables that can carry 1,000 pounds.

Because many bodies are too big for morgue drawers, the company now manufactures them in wider sizes.

Special mechanical lifts that hoist bodies that were once typically built to hold 500 pounds are now designed to hold 750 pounds.

Equipment for the obese dead is pricey. Larger tables come at a 30 percent to 40 percent premium because they take more materials.
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My New Years resolution; put down the :spork:

Myself, I am proud to say that I put on 5 lb over Christmas.    :censored:

Yeah the extra weight Americans are carrying around poses lots of health issues as well. I am amazed at how many kids are overweight. I used to be one of the "healthier" looking kids, I look at my pics now and think what a squirt!

almost put down my chocolate covered graham cracker cookie while reading this..then what the hell, I'll be dead, so I won't care...

huh...interesting. I grew up hanging around a morgue. You see some interesting things there.

They don't get charged extra, so why should they worry? :popcorn:


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