Author Topic: HRC/Democrats Lost Due to WRONG Message ( drunken widow woman Nance)  (Read 876 times)

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Sat Nov 26, 2016, 10:07 PM

NanceGreggs (21,620 posts)

HRC/Democrats Lost Due to WRONG Message
That’s the truth of the matter. For too many in this country, the Democrats are always wrong on all counts – not because we are wrong, but because we adhere to principles that are considered wrong by a vast swath of the citizenry.

The war between Democrats and Republicans used to be about common goals, the difference between the two parties being how best to achieve them. For decades, this has no longer been the case.

What we are now up against is not differing ideologies. American politics is now a war of the intelligent v the stupid, the fact-based v the gullible, the educated v the ill-informed – the latter group in each case having been nurtured by FOX-News, encouraged by people like Limbaugh, and ultimately catered-to by the GOP in every election.

We are fighting against people who will never accept what we Democrats stand for, regardless of who delivers the message; people who refuse to hear what we have to say, regardless of who says it, or how well they say it.

We have just witnessed an election where people – who know Trump is anti-union, doesn’t pay the people who work for him, and outsources his own brand-name merchandise to low-wage countries – voted for him as the champion of the working class. We saw people who claim to be upstanding, moral Christians vote for a man who bragged about “grabbing pussies”. We saw people who depend on Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare vote for the man who is set on destroying all of the above. And that’s just for starters.

It’s US v THEM, and the truth is:

When we say let’s embrace diversity, they hear let’s make America less “American”.

When we say let’s welcome immigrants, they hear let’s invite rapists and terrorists to live among us.

When we say a woman should have the right to choose, they hear let’s murder babies.

When we say LGBTers should have equal rights, they hear let’s indulge in immorality and turn our backs on God.

When we stand up for things like welfare and food stamps, they hear let’s give our tax dollars to those too lazy to work for a living.

When we stand up for freedom of religion, they hear let’s destroy Christianity.

When we encourage sensible gun control, they hear let’s confiscate everyone’s guns.

When we talk about the importance of education, they hear let’s raise a generation of liberal elitists who will look down their noses at the rest of us.

When we talk about raising the minimum wage, they hear let’s raise the price of burgers-and-fries so some acne-faced kid has enough money to buy liquor, drugs, and weed. Sucks that people can see though your lies.

When we support concepts like sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry, and caring for the sick, they hear – and they actually DO – the promotion of things that are somehow contrary to what Jesus taught.

Throughout his campaign, Trump has demonstrated his ignorance as to how our government works, how foreign policy works, and how our standing in the global community works – and he was elected by people who are just as ignorant as he is.

How do we win in future? It’s a good question. Do we try to capture the votes of the stupid, the ignorant, the ill-informed? Do we appeal to their racism, bigotry, homophobia, and xenophobia in order to win? Do we abandon our long-held principles in order to appeal to those who are dead-set against them?

It IS a good question – I wish I had a good answer.

Obama won by promising change to people who had lost their homes, lost their jobs, lost their savings, lost their sons and daughters in a senseless war. How do you win the votes of people who hear someone like Donald Trump say “change”, and assume that because things got better when Obama said it, things will get even better now that Trump has said the same thing?

It’s not the messenger, it’s the message. The Democratic message was and is the “wrong message” for those too ignorant to see facts as more important than rhetoric, for those who see the rise of bigotry and racism as a means to “making America great again”.

I, for one, will stand with the Democrats and their “wrong” message. I will stand with the party that encourages acceptance over exclusion, embraces diversity rather than demonizing it, recognizes the needs of those who have fallen on hard times, understands the importance of equality among ALL Americns, and continues to further the idea of unification over divisiveness.

I prefer to stand with those who fail by supporting what is right, than stand with those who “win” by standing up for what is wrong.

You are a drunken shrew.

Response to NanceGreggs (Original post)

Sat Nov 26, 2016, 11:34 PM

Star Member democrank (6,886 posts)
25. Not all Trump supporters are uninformed, ignorant, inferior bigots

so a sermon on Democrats' superiority will get us nowhere. If you haven't done so already, you might consider listening to Van Jones' recent speech in Toronto, which was down-to-earth and full of wisdom. Jones has a lot less respect for elites than he has for desperate, struggling, sick-and-out-of-work coal miners. So do I.

Response to democrank (Reply #25)

Sun Nov 27, 2016, 12:11 AM

NanceGreggs (21,620 posts)
30. This isn't about ...

... "Democratic superiority". It's about the fact that Republicans always look superior to the the stupid, the ignorant, and the ill-informed.

The Democrats stand up for raising the minimum wage, making healthcare affordable, and putting a college education within reach for those who want it - yeah, that sure is some elitist shit going on right there now.
Then they turn around to those they just called stupid and ignorant and put their palms up to pay for the enlightened losers in the cities that haven`t had "Job" in their vocabulary for several generations.

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Re: HRC/Democrats Lost Due to WRONG Message ( drunken widow woman Nance)
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2016, 06:52:42 AM »
How do we win in future? It’s a good question. Do we try to capture the votes of the stupid, the ignorant, the ill-informed? Do we appeal to their racism, bigotry, homophobia, and xenophobia in order to win? Do we abandon our long-held principles in order to appeal to those who are dead-set against them?

This is rich. These same people she's insulting voted for jugears in not one, but two elections.

Is she saying "stupid, the ignorant, the ill-informed? Do we appeal to their racism, bigotry, homophobia, and xenophobia in order to win?" are ok with her as long as they vote her way?

Sounds like it to me.
Liberals disgust me. (Now I don't have to remember to put it on each post).

Because only the left goes searching for that which is not there in a desperate attempt to be offended about something.

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

Many people do not see evil until the gas is flowing into the chamber. That is why they get on the trains in the first place.

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Re: HRC/Democrats Lost Due to WRONG Message ( drunken widow woman Nance)
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2016, 06:57:36 AM »
So not only are we ignorant rural rubes, but in order to gain our votes we need to be talked down to by the likes of this pissant primitive.

Here's a thought for the Skin's Island skank...
Try not referring to everything between the coasts as the Rust Belt or Flyover Country.  We do not think it is cute or quaint and if you look at the election results, you will see that is where Her Royal Thighness got her more than ample ass handed to her.

Offline USA4ME

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Re: HRC/Democrats Lost Due to WRONG Message ( drunken widow woman Nance)
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2016, 07:02:13 AM »
That rant was in the spirit of Fidel Castro. The claim of superiority, that the masses should be glad the left is here to show them the way, the desire for the destruction of those who would dare speak out against them, is a perfect outline of his rambling nonsense.

No doubt she wrote it to honor Fidel in his death.

JeffR (currently not enjoying his eternal fate) is the lucky one to have escaped having to hear that drunken harpie (his words, not mine).

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: HRC/Democrats Lost Due to WRONG Message ( drunken widow woman Nance)
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2016, 07:53:33 AM »
She starts off half-right, since she omitted to add "...and the wrong messenger."  But then she apparently started hitting the bottle again some time around the period at the end of the first sentence.
Go and tell the Spartans, O traveler passing by
That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

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NanceGregg knows why they lost
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2016, 08:21:40 AM »
Okay, let's run down this it was a lame kitten lying in the middle of the street:

When we say let’s embrace diversity, they hear let’s make America less “American”.

Because American kids are being disciplined for wearing the American flag on Cinco de Mayo

When we say let’s welcome immigrants, they hear let’s invite rapists and terrorists to live among us.

Because you refuse to expunge the rapists and terrorists from among the immigrants. In fact, you even refuse to acknowledge they exist.

When we say a woman should have the right to choose, they hear let’s murder babies.

Because you sanction everything including partial birth abortions performed on viable children and refuse any regulations (an oddity for your ilk) on the abortion industrial complex even in the wake of monsters like Kermit Gosnell.

When we say LGBTers should have equal rights, they hear let’s indulge in immorality and turn our backs on God.

Because you treat the nuclear family -- the lynchpin of our civilization -- as an aberration.

When we stand up for things like welfare and food stamps, they hear let’s give our tax dollars to those too lazy to work for a living.

Because a half century of your programs have devastated numerous communities.

When we stand up for freedom of religion, they hear let’s destroy Christianity.

Because you defend Muslims by damning Christians and you never defend Christians.

When we encourage sensible gun control, they hear let’s confiscate everyone’s guns.

"Melt them down!" and Australian style gun control are confiscation.

When we talk about the importance of education, they hear let’s raise a generation of liberal elitists who will look down their noses at the rest of us.

Because we see your antics on campuses and DU.

When we talk about raising the minimum wage, they hear let’s raise the price of burgers-and-fries so some acne-faced kid has enough money to buy liquor, drugs, and weed.

Because we see your antics on campuses and DU.

When we support concepts like sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry, and caring for the sick, they hear – and they actually DO – the promotion of things that are somehow contrary to what Jesus taught.

No. We see you reaching into everybody else's pocket and pretending it's your virtue.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2016, 08:32:29 AM by SSG Snuggle Bunny »
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: HRC/Democrats Lost Due to WRONG Message ( drunken widow woman Nance)
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2016, 08:24:31 AM »
Whole lot of quotable arrogance over there.  I'm on a phone, can't do it.

Offline SVPete

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Re: HRC/Democrats Lost Due to WRONG Message ( drunken widow woman Nance)
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2016, 10:01:27 AM »
Sarge already got in some good whacks, but I'll gladly pile on:

When we say let’s embrace diversity, they hear let’s make America less “American”.

It's because your "diversity" entails demonizing "whites", males, Christians who take the entire Bible seriously and try to live by it, and people who don't live in inner cities or gated communities (a kpete shout-out!).

When we say let’s welcome immigrants, they hear let’s invite rapists and terrorists to live among us.

Given Euro-style non-vetting, yeah. We'll be getting Euro-style rampant sexual assaults (e.g. last NYE) and soccer stadium style terror assaults.

When we say a woman should have the right to choose, they hear let’s murder babies.

True: the babies who are aborted are alive, genetically human, genetically unique from the mother, and developing in a continuum that, if uninterrupted, flows from conception to death in advanced age.

When we say LGBTers should have equal rights, they hear let’s indulge in immorality and turn our backs on God.

True, but far from complete. We know that what is demanded, and partly jammed down our throats, are not the rights everyone enjoys, but special rights. A baker can refuse to bake a cake with a Christian message, with impunity. As should be. But let a baker refuse to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex "marriage"? The entire force of the state is brought to bear to drive the baker out of business and into bankruptcy. If an ordinary person is flaky about attendance at work, they'll get canned, very quickly. But a homosexual who has identified themselves as such being absent for days and weeks at a time (and I have a specific situation that is not public knowledge in mind!)? It'll be tolerated for a year and more due to fear of a "discrimination" lawsuit!

When we stand up for things like welfare and food stamps, they hear let’s give our tax dollars to those too lazy to work for a living.

Partly true. Contrary to you caricature of conservatives' views, we know there are people who are on various government programs due to disabilities or temporary setbacks. We also know that a large percentage of people on various government programs are able-bodied people who made stupid education choices (being "cool" rather than learning to Read, Math, Science, etc.) or stupid lifestyle choices (e.g. becoming teen mothers and fathers instead of graduating from high school and going to college or learning a trade/skill, or choosing a lifestyle centered on recreational chemicals). We also know of families who have made dependence on various government programs their lifestyle, for multiple generations. And before some DU onlurker's mind goes knee-jerkingly to the race card, we know most people who are dependent on various government programs are "white".

When we stand up for freedom of religion, they hear let’s destroy Christianity.

When have Libs & Progs "(stood) up for freedom of religion" where Christians are concerned?! Christian business people are attacked by Libs & Progs in government when they do business according to their faith. Christian charities are attacked by government - e.g. Catholic and other Pro-Life Christian orgs being forced under ObamaCare to provide coverage for abortion in their health insurance plans. Municipalities who harass and deny building permits to churches because their land is not subject to property tax (like other non-profit orgs!). Christians are routinely demonized by taxpayer paid college professors and school teachers. So the premise of her comment is false - Libs & Progs attack Christians' Free Exercise rights, and Christians' perception that Libs & Progs want to "destroy Christianity" is basically quite correct.

When we encourage sensible gun control, they hear let’s confiscate everyone’s guns.

"Sensible gun control"? What a load of of crap! Cities that have tried to ban guns or make owning guns legally impossible have gotten smacked down in court. Libs and Progs really do want to "confiscate everyone’s guns." The current scams are regs that make buying ammunition an onerous process and "smart guns". The ammunition regs - e.g. CA's recent ballot proposition will get smacked down, because courts recognized decades ago that making the purchase of ink difficult is the same as banning printing presses. As for "smart guns" they'll continue to be rejected by the marketplace as unreliable and dangerously inflexible (e.g. a woman wanting to defend herself using her husband's or partner's "smart gun" would find it uselessly dumb). We see through Libs' and Progs' BULLSHIT and scams. Deal with it ... maybe even try honesty.

When we talk about the importance of education, they hear let’s raise a generation of liberal elitists who will look down their noses at the rest of us.

The truth hurts, huh? And we know it's worse than you accidentally admit. We've seen how Libs & Progs have taken the education out of education and replaced it with social engineering as well as political indoctrination. Speaking personally, inconsistent and poor education quality was my family's first reason for homeschooling our kids.

When we talk about raising the minimum wage, they hear let’s raise the price of burgers-and-fries so some acne-faced kid has enough money to buy liquor, drugs, and weed. Sucks that people can see though your lies.

This is a false caricature. We know you all don't intend to cause inflationary price increases and unemployment. But we know what you Libs and Progs blindly deny, that those are the consequences of minimum wage increases. Enjoy ordering your machine-made burger at the touch-screen kiosk. Sorry about your favorite family-owned burger place and Prog bookstore closing down or being driven into bankruptcy due to massive labor cost increases.

When we support concepts like sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry, and caring for the sick, they hear – and they actually DO – the promotion of things that are somehow contrary to what Jesus taught.

You, like so many DU-folk, are amazingly ignorant of what real theologically conservative Christians do. It's not just theologically liberal churches that have food banks; frankly, I would not be surprised if theologically liberal churches are in the minority in that respect. Ever heard of The Salvation Army? Founded by theologically conservative Christians, and also a theologically conservative Church. Ever heard of World Vision? Mercy Ships? Compassion International? Look into the leading charities in your cities. Chances are, some of them, like San Jose's City Team Ministries were organized by theologically conservative Christians. Ya know those "mega-churches" Libs & Progs demonize? Many of them have food and clothing banks, and/or started community service orgs like Beautiful Day, which has become so well known in Silicon Valley that cities and schools come to them, asking for help. Ya know those crisis pregnancy centers Libs & Progs so love to hate? Many provide shelter, maternity clothing, baby furniture and clothing, and job training; Libs' & Progs' beloved PP and Kermit Gosnells kill babies and, very occasionally, the women as well.


BTW, want to open a homeless shelter or a food bank? Go for it! Just follow zoning ordinances and use your own $$, not $$ coerced out of taxpayers' pockets. Your private charitable/humanitarian efforts will probably be 3-5 times more effective and efficient than government social programs.

When we support concepts like ... caring for the sick ...

Seriously? Are you THIS ignorant? How many hospitals in this country have or originally had "Baptist" or "Presbyterian" or "Methodist" in their names? How many hospitals in this country have or originally had religious names like "Saint ______" or "Good Samaritan" or "(Arch)Bishop ______"? I don't think the American Humanist Association or Freedom From Religion Foundation would chose such names for a hospital ... or even start a hospital. Ever heard of Dignity Health? They are "the fifth largest health system in the nation and the largest hospital provider in California"; they are also Catholic.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2016, 10:20:06 AM by SVPete »
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Re: NanceGregg knows why they lost
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2016, 12:53:38 PM »
Because American kids are being disciplined for wearing the American flag on Cinco de Mayo
And the left insultingly and ironically refers to this as "inclusivity".