Author Topic: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie (nadinbrzezinski)  (Read 20389 times)

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Offline franksolich

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2014: #02 Top DUmmie (nadinbrzezinski)
« on: December 30, 2014, 11:36:42 AM »
Oh my.

For the second time in three years, the winner in this year’s secondmost spot in the Top DUmmies was separated by just a single vote to tie for top spot, or two votes for the outright win.

One suspects this happens because some voters don’t vote for a full slate of ten primitives, or when voting, they don’t rank their top five preferences.

Or because some potential voters don’t vote.

Every vote counts, folks, and one’s first five ranked votes count even more.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Anyway, congratulations! to nadinbrzezinski, for having attained the second-highest spot in the Top DUmmies of 2014.

But really, as fans of Nebraska Cornhuskers football team used to assure fans of the Oklahoma Sooners football team--this is now ancient history, back when the two teams dominated college football; days long gone now--when the former defeated the latter on the gridiron: second place is nothing to sneeze at.

It means that while one’s lesser than one team, one’s still better than circa 188 other major college football teams.

Or in the case of nadin, while there’s one primitive better than her, she’s still better than the circa 3,500-5,000 other primitives on Skins’s island.

Nothing wrong with second place.

And one must consider that the cousin’s won:

2014 the Steven Dawes award, the “Steve”
2013 #03 Top Dummie
2013 the Nadin Abbott award, the “nadin”
2012 #02 Top Dummie
2012 the Robyn McGrath award, the “Rob”
2011 Top Dummie
2011 the William Rivers Pitt award, the “Willie”
2010 #17 Top Dummie

She’s collected oodles of awards, in addition to those bestowed by the journalistic community; one suspects the cousin’s going to have to purchase a larger trophy-case for them all.

- - - - - - - - - -

Now, as some might be aware, when conservativecave came back on-line in May, there were some quirks and fragmentations that disrupted functions we’d been used to, for years; such happens.

Alas, among them was that “search” can’t find all of the “nadinbrzezinski” posts and threads here.  The posts and threads are still here, intact, but “search” doesn’t recognize them.

One now wonders if the cousin had something to do with the downage last April, given that she and the Bostonian Drunkard are the only primitives here “search” can’t find.  Posts and threads about all the other primitives are as easy as strawberries-and-cream, to find.

There’s of course off-site alternative methods of “searching,” but it’s all such a long complicated cumbersome chore, and time’s running out, so I’m not going to bother.

Everybody knows what a stuffy, pompous, arrogant oblate spheroid the cousin is anyway; there’s hardly anything new one can say about her.

- - - - - - - - - -

nadin finally called it quits on Skins’s island about halfway through this past year, something she’d vowed to do for years, but never did.

However, she still has her fans among the primitives:

This was also discussed here in the Dumpster:

NYC_SKP (63,906 posts)   Sun Dec 7, 2014, 08:50 PM

~~~~~Appreciation Thread for nadinbrzezinski~~~~~

You can like her style or not, but Nadin always tries to bring us breaking news.

She's scrappy and gets out there with the camera and she is an asset to this community.

A typical OP for her:

after which something nadin wrote

liberal_at_heart (8,613 posts)   Sun Dec 7, 2014, 08:53 PM

1. I always enjoyed Nadin's posts.

morningfog (10,124 posts)  Sun Dec 7, 2014, 08:54 PM

2. Miss her here. In before the troll swarm.

rhett o rick (40,812 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 08:45 PM

180. I think they know to stay away from this thread.

morningfog (10,124 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 10:07 PM

187. Cowards. Big tough internet bullies noticeably absent.

PCIntern (15,512 posts)   Wed Dec 10, 2014, 01:17 PM

234. they are that...

I'd love a shot at a no holds barred discussion.

Not likely…

CaliforniaPeggy (112,817 posts)   Sun Dec 7, 2014, 08:54 PM

3. I appreciate her too, my dear NYC_SKP!

SummerSnow (4,651 posts)   Sun Dec 7, 2014, 08:56 PM

4. Love her post. I look forward to them.

L0oniX (26,551 posts)   Sun Dec 7, 2014, 08:56 PM

5. K & R ...and of course good ones get purged from DU as well as the bad ones.

Sad for DU. Seen a lot of good member posters get run off.

About nadinbrzezinski

I have requested to have my account permanently closed. I would like that to be done.

SalviaBlue (2,190 posts)   Sun Dec 7, 2014, 09:01 PM

7.  Another person bullied away from DU

Cleita (71,463 posts)   Sun Dec 7, 2014, 09:16 PM

11. K&R for Nadin.

Jackpine Radical (42,648 posts)   Sun Dec 7, 2014, 09:19 PM

I interacted with her on a whole lot of occasions, including on one night

during the Madison protests when she, in San Diego, was picking up police radio from Madison online somehow & pm'ing me with what she was hearing. I was telling my wife what Nadin was feeding me, and my wife was tweeting stuff about police activity to relatives in Madison, 200 miles away from us & 2,000 miles away from Nadin.

I don't know if I ever told that story before.

And on and on lthe primitive accolades went, including this one:

SidDithers (34,701 posts)   Sun Dec 7, 2014, 09:28 PM

20. Yes! I wish she were back…

ChisolmTrailDem (5,201 posts)   Sun Dec 7, 2014, 09:49 PM

34. Hey everybody! Check out this post!

bahrbearian (11,896 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 06:48 AM

83. Yup, sid must be feeling guilty.

greytdemocrat (2,245 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 03:20 PM

147. You are terrible!! [to Sid, above]

rhett o rick (40,812 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 08:43 PM

178. Between you and me, one of us thinks you're very clever, and it sure as hell aint me.

Did you forget you posted this?

"She had a post hidden, accused DU of being an anti-Semitic hate site, and quit in a huff."

That doesn't sound like you miss her.

SidDithers (34,701 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 09:19 PM

183. Stop cyber bullying me!…

And the conspiracy theories:

hrmjustin (50,363 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 09:11 PM

182. Yes and some nasty people signed up several times just to harass her.

Sad-cafe was obamanaut. Signed up just to give her a hard time.

demtenjeep (22,129 posts)   Sun Dec 28, 2014, 04:59 PM

286. Sad-Cafe was absolutely NOT

obamanaut and did not sign up to give her a hard time

hrmjustin (50,363 posts)   Sun Dec 28, 2014, 05:00 PM

287. look at sad-cafe's ppr message and I disagree with you.

demtenjeep (22,129 posts)   Sun Dec 28, 2014, 05:02 PM

288. disagree all you want

but I know for a FACT they were not the same!

Well, that’s that.  Pamela knows, and who are the other primitives to question?

longship (25,498 posts)   Sun Dec 7, 2014, 10:23 PM

44. Love Nadine!!!

Hate the douche nozzles who ran her off... DELIBERATELY!!!!!

All I can say is BULLY FOR THEM (literally).

I despise bullies as much as I love Nadine, a whole lot.

That she is gone and they are still here is disgusting.

I miss you, my good friend.

aquart (68,756 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 12:37 AM

67. Wait. "Miss her"???

Crap. What happened? I know I've been opting out because purity trolls piss me off hugely. So what insanity did I miss?

NYC_SKP (63,906 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 12:41 AM

68. She's still a member.

Nadin remains a member but she's got better things to do. A lot of inappropriate comments have been made that wouldn't have been allowed in the past.

Terrible things. That is all I want to say at this time. Feel free to send a PM.

This thread is for Nadin, a thank you to her with hopes that we'll see her posts here again.

Another squibble-squabble:

muriel_volestrangler (74,647 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 08:28 AM

96. I don't know when she last had 5 posts hidden, but she hasn't posted for over 4 months

It's her choice to not post here any more.

rhett o rick (40,812 posts)    Mon Dec 8, 2014, 07:51 PM

163. Yes it is her choice. Victims of bully always have a choice. They can go to another school,

stay off the playground, get another job, etc. Nadin was subjected to a barrage of ridicule and hate, plus alert stalked. I think she got tired of getting alerted on every post. And some bully victims lash back and then are subjected to criticism for that. One poster explained to me that their many alerts were just "cleaning house".


This message was hidden by Jury decision.

rhett o rick (40,812 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 08:07 PM

167. So you think she deserved to be bullied? I hope not.

Look at this thread. There are a lot of people here that loved her posts. If she made factual errors we are smart enough to discuss it with her in a nice way or ignore it. But not the bullies. And please don't pretend you didn't see it.

The bullies use whatever advantage they can get to ridicule and mock posters. If the posters fight back, it just gives the bullies more ammunition to continue bullying.

I have seen a number of decent posters run out by the ridicule bullies. They are here to lock and hide posts as a power trip.

muriel_volestrangler (74,647 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 08:10 PM

170. I think she was as much to blame as each one of them

though there were more of them. She was nasty to other people at times too.

She's one of the few people I've sometimes had on ignore here.

Kali (40,120 posts)   Tue Dec 9, 2014, 12:41 PM

227. sorry you got a hide for telling the truth [to muriel, above]

she has a good point of view and posts some good articles occasionally, but the way she treated/treats anybody that questions her or dog-forbid, corrects something she gets wrong...

arrogance and rudeness, including to the owners of this site are a big part of her problem. it isn't necessarily bullying to give back when people act like assholes.

LordGlenconner (921 posts)   Tue Dec 9, 2014, 04:07 PM

230.  Nobody's perfect, despite what this thread seems to make the case for.

My opinion: To use a boxing analogy she had no chin. Question her once, even innocently, and you end up on iggy.

All that being said I think she could have been treated better.

rhett o rick (40,812 posts)   Wed Dec 10, 2014, 11:40 AM

233. What happened to her was text book bullying. She lashed back as many of us do.

That's exactly what the bullies want. Then they justify their bullying. Posters followed her post to post, ridiculing her over and over and she lashed back. Those that lash back often get PPR'd or just quit.

There is never a justification for bullying.

Kali (40,120 posts)   Wed Dec 10, 2014, 06:13 PM

235. Sorry, but that was not my experience with her.

Act like an arrogant ass and you are liable to get some push-back. Period.

stevenleser (21,093 posts)   Tue Dec 9, 2014, 06:46 AM

194. The irony is a post above that offered very tepid criticism of Nadin was hidden.

rhett o rick (40,812 posts)   Wed Dec 10, 2014, 08:16 PM

241. Something doesn't match up here. She got enough hides to take a forced vacation.

And look at all the positive responses here in this thread. She has a lot of friends. And I saw the bullying first hand. I saw the ridicule after ridicule. But for some here rationalization is the key to their happiness.

stevenleser (21,093 posts)   Thu Dec 11, 2014, 10:33 AM

243. Kali's post offers a reason. She was fine until you challenged her or disagreed with her.

Then you typically got a nasty post back, put on her ignore list, or both.

Some of those nasty posts generated hides. I remember when she got her timeout. I checked the hidden posts. Most of them seemed deserved.

On Edit: It is amazing but the hide of Muriel's post is almost like the group of her supporters here echoed how little she seemed to tolerate criticism.

rhett o rick (40,812 posts)   Thu Dec 11, 2014, 12:31 PM

246. It looks to me like the jury didn't think it appropriate in an appreciation thread

to post that the victim deserved it. I probably wouldn't have voted to hide but one thing is apparent here is that there are a lot of posters that are tired of the bullies. Them and their obsessive alerts and grave dancing over PPR's. In my opinion their behavior is not appropriate for a "politically liberal" message board. I have commented to them that ridicule and mocking is not appropriate and I get the response of "they deserved it".

That's a bully's typical response. All bullies think that their victims "deserve it"

stevenleser (21,093 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 08:19 PM

173. The hide of your next post was one of the most ridiculous hides I have ever seen [to muriel, far above]

I was juror #1.

On Mon Dec 8, 2014, 08:07 PM an alert was sent on the following post:

She went looking for trouble, too, such as with her anti-wind farm posts


This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.


It's not fair to bash a DUer (who is still a member here) without her being here to defend herself.


You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Mon Dec 8, 2014, 08:16 PM, and the Jury voted 4-3 to HIDE IT.

Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: This is a ridiculous alert. There is no attack and nothing over the top.
Juror #2 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: The "She started it" tone of the post.... as a point in an argument, reminds me of a late Duers reflection of DU as sometimes like a middle school lunch room.
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: If it were me, and I couldn't respond to a defaming post or defend myself, I'd want it hidden too.
Juror #4 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #5 voted to HIDE IT
Explanation: I'm all for transparency, but this is a flat out call out. I hate to hide but call outs are prohibited.
Juror #6 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: No explanation given
Juror #7 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE
Explanation: oy

Thank you very much for participating in our Jury system, and we hope you will be able to participate again in the future.

pecwae (7,982 posts)   Tue Dec 9, 2014, 08:36 AM

197. Hands down stupid.

Alerter and Juror#3 - the subject of the OP has an active account and can post if so desired.

Warren Stupidity (40,758 posts)   Mon Dec 8, 2014, 01:27 PM

132. It wasn't just hides - every post of hers, almost without exception, was alerted on

as off topic and ended up in the hosts forum where her assorted enemies would attempt, and sometimes succeed, in getting her posts locked. I'd mention names but some idiot would alert on that as a "call out" even though THERE IS NO RULE AGAINST MENTIONING WHO SAID WHAT WHEN.

Having to filter what you write because of what somebody might be able to convince some jury to hide is stupid.

cwydro (14,514 posts)   Tue Dec 9, 2014, 08:41 AM

200. According to Skinner, that is not true.

9 alerts out of 2665 posts. And none hidden.

Whoa.  This is new:

SidDithers (34,701 posts)   Tue Dec 9, 2014, 11:04 AM

212. Back when each Forum had its own Hosts...

some GD Hosts enforced a special set of rules when it came to nadin's OPs..

The General Discussion SOP didn't really apply to her threads, and her off-topic posts and local news stories were left unlocked, when similar posts from other DUers were locked up tight…..
« Last Edit: December 31, 2014, 10:24:18 PM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2014, 01:09:19 PM »
Not a bad showing for someone gone half the year.


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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2014, 01:31:35 PM »

Nadin Brzezinski
16 hrs ·
Ok, so I have not done any fiction in a while. But after a long conversation on high particle physics and the big bang and all that... here I am hammering a whole new universe in the future. How far in the future? I have no idea. I don't think the residents of that universe would know either.

I don't even have a working tittle, but the world creation is coming along nicely. I also have discovered how to use Ullyses a tad batter, which makes life that much easier. For reasons of space I much prefer to work in markdown. These files are really, really small.

The only reason why I still work with word for news stories IS style Guard and AP. And in the coming two weeks I will have time for this. Or rather I will make time, At least an hour. I should get back to my science fiction roots, even as we work in this world.
No working "tittle", but I'm sure it will be epic.

And she even gives us advice on word processing software.

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2014, 02:02:56 PM »
Well that's it, primitives. If you want to know how to crack one of the top spots of DOTY, just do the same predictable routine you've done for years, claim others are bullying you, then take your ball and go home. That's all she did this year.

This is the same thing the Prosense primitive did; let others get under her skin and then leave. Biggest difference is she didn't advertise it.

Maybe in one aspect, and purely by accident, nadin did get it right.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline franksolich

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2014, 02:07:24 PM »
Not a bad showing for someone gone half the year.

You know, the cousin's going to have to try just a teeny-tiny bit harder.

That's two times she's come within a single vote of tying for first, two votes of winning first.

And the year she was "only" #03 Top DUmmie, she was within about six votes from first place.

But if she keeps temper-tantrumming on places other than Skins's island, and doesn't get her ass back there, she's done, as a star, doomed to obscurity.

Okay, this leaves only the franksolich and the Top DUmmie of 2014 to be awarded, and that's tomorrow, New Year's Eve.

Anybody want to guess the winner in either one, or both?
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

Offline franksolich

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2014, 02:12:13 PM »
Well that's it, primitives. If you want to know how to crack one of the top spots of DOTY, just do the same predictable routine you've done for years, claim others are bullying you, then take your ball and go home. That's all she did this year.

Oh, but it's so typical of a primitive, it's textbook-perfect.

Her arrogant presumption that by "ignoring" distractors, she's punishing them.

Her arrogant presumption that by leaving Skins's island, she's depriving the other primitives of something.


If anyone knows chutzpah and gall, it's nadin.
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."


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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2014, 02:17:32 PM »
Oh, but it's so typical of a primitive, it's textbook-perfect.

Her arrogant presumption that by "ignoring" distractors, she's punishing them.

Her arrogant presumption that by leaving Skins's island, she's depriving the other primitives of something.


If anyone knows chutzpah and gall, it's nadin.
She used to wield her "ignore" list like the ultimate weapon.

The way she talked about it, I really believe she thought her "ignored" DUmmies were blocked from seeing her posts.

In her vast mind, that would be an excruciating punishment.

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2014, 02:24:30 PM »
^^ You are absolutely correct.   :lmao:

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2014, 02:43:28 PM »
But after a long conversation on high particle physics and the big bang and all that... here I am hammering a whole new universe in the future. How far in the future? I have no idea. I don't think the residents of that universe would know either

Suffice to say nads could play the part of a planet in her nadiverse.

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2014, 02:48:51 PM »
No working "tittle", but I'm sure it will be epic.

And she even gives us advice on word processing software.

"Jot be nimble" is the interim "tittle" of her epic work.
Also in consideration...
"Jot jumped over the tittlestick".

Congrats to nadin and all who voted for her.
A most worthy nominee to be sure.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2014, 02:53:28 PM »
This is a crunchy choice.
"My enemy's enemy is the enemy I kill last."
Klingon Proverb.


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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2014, 03:26:57 PM »
Nadin Brzezinski
16 hrs ·
Ok, so I have not done any fiction in a while. But after a long conversation on high particle physics and the big bang and all that..

Can imagine nadin having a conversation of any length on "high particle physics and the big bang"?

If Stephen Hawking's synthesized voice tried to correct her comical ignorance, he'd get slapped down quicker than Sid Dithers.

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2014, 03:53:59 PM »
Can imagine nadin having a conversation of any length on "high particle physics and the big bang"?

If Stephen Hawking's synthesized voice tried to correct her comical ignorance, he'd get slapped down quicker than Sid Dithers.

I'm not sure nadin has a good grasp on fiction and non fiction.
For her, they both just run and tangle together.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2014, 06:29:59 PM »
Can imagine nadin having a conversation of any length on "high particle physics and the big bang"?

That's why she's needed so dearly back at the DUmp, to school the other primitives. 

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2014, 06:47:40 PM »
Teh grate gNads needs to do some squat-jumps on a fire plug. 
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2014, 06:49:47 PM »
"writer, blogger, Historian, reporter..."

for a start. Nadin does it all and nadin knows it all.

Hasta lavista, sexy!

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2014, 07:58:10 PM »
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don't sit looking at it - walk!" -Ayn Rand
"Those that trust God with their safety must yet use proper means for their safety, otherwise they tempt Him, and do not trust Him.  God will provide, but so must we also." - Matthew Henry, Commentary on 2 Chronicles 32, from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible

"These anti-gun fools are more dangerous to liberty than street criminals or foreign spies."--Theodore Haas, Dachau Survivor

Chase her.
Chase her even when she's yours.
That's the only way you'll be assured to never lose her.

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2014, 10:53:44 PM »
I'm a fan of nadin; however, after thinking on the matter I don't believe that she has earned such a high ranking this year.

It seems to me that she is callously and selfishly withholding her vast knowledge and wisdom (perceived or otherwise) from DU. She knows that DU needs her knowledge and wisdom or she wouldn't have spent so much time giving it to them. Sure, it could be claimed that she's just withholding the knowledge and wisdom from the website known as DU and not from the DUers as individuals. It's also true that the DUers could always go receive her knowledge and wisdom in a van down by the river (so to speak); however, there are problems with that. The biggest problem is that it would require DUers to do something (leave DU). The other problem is that they'd possibly be shunned by their overlords for choosing to so.

The easyest thing, the simplest thing, the most compassionate thing would be to return to DU and share the knowledge and wisdom needed onsite at the echochamber (DU).

Until such time that she displays compassion to those poor, needy, empty headed former webmates, I can only give  her a vote of no confidence.

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For new members and lurkers: I am a fictional spirit-guide with no smell whatsoever. I am part irish setter and part pigeon. If you don't smell any strange smells it means I'm probably standing next to you. As I am a fictional character anything I post should possibly be considered fictional.

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2014, 11:11:41 PM »
Nadin is really something. We even have a word to look it up, "Nadin it".
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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2014, 04:54:22 AM »
I'm a fan of nadin; however, after thinking on the matter I don't believe that she has earned such a high ranking this year.

It seems to me that she is callously and selfishly withholding her vast knowledge and wisdom (perceived or otherwise) from DU. She knows that DU needs her knowledge and wisdom or she wouldn't have spent so much time giving it to them. Sure, it could be claimed that she's just withholding the knowledge and wisdom from the website known as DU and not from the DUers as individuals. It's also true that the DUers could always go receive her knowledge and wisdom in a van down by the river (so to speak); however, there are problems with that. The biggest problem is that it would require DUers to do something (leave DU). The other problem is that they'd possibly be shunned by their overlords for choosing to so.

The easyest thing, the simplest thing, the most compassionate thing would be to return to DU and share the knowledge and wisdom needed onsite at the echochamber (DU).

Until such time that she displays compassion to those poor, needy, empty headed former webmates, I can only give  her a vote of no confidence.

You are correct in your analysis, Flip. But I have a caveat to add:

Nads won't come back to the DUmp without an embossed scroll of apology and invitation (plea, really) from der Skinner, himself. Complete with red carpet on the approach walk and a full orchestra fanfare.

And it better be the good orchestra.

Else, how would everyone in the world see and know that Nads has defeated Skinner, giving him his come-uppance after brushing her complaints off for all these years. All of her antagonists then must bow before her superior intellect.

Nads has probably already drafted the surrender documents for a stooped shouldered, humiliated Skinner to sign before being whisked off to the nadin gulag in the deserts of southern California where he will count cacti needles until properly re-educated.

Offline franksolich

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2014, 05:45:54 AM »
Nads won't come back to the DUmp without an embossed scroll of apology and invitation (plea, really) from der Skinner, himself. Complete with red carpet on the approach walk and a full orchestra fanfare.

And it better be the good orchestra.

Else, how would everyone in the world see and know that Nads has defeated Skinner, giving him his come-uppance after brushing her complaints off for all these years. All of her antagonists then must bow before her superior intellect.

Nads has probably already drafted the surrender documents for a stooped shouldered, humiliated Skinner to sign before being whisked off to the nadin gulag in the deserts of southern California where he will count cacti needles until properly re-educated.

 :clap: :clap:
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #21 on: December 31, 2014, 06:41:40 AM »
You are correct in your analysis, Flip. But I have a caveat to add:

Nads won't come back to the DUmp without an embossed scroll of apology and invitation (plea, really) from der Skinner, himself. Complete with red carpet on the approach walk and a full orchestra fanfare.

And it better be the good orchestra.

Else, how would everyone in the world see and know that Nads has defeated Skinner, giving him his come-uppance after brushing her complaints off for all these years. All of her antagonists then must bow before her superior intellect.

Nads has probably already drafted the surrender documents for a stooped shouldered, humiliated Skinner to sign before being whisked off to the nadin gulag in the deserts of southern California where he will count cacti needles until properly re-educated.

Very, very true.
Fictional spirit-guiding by appointment. &

For new members and lurkers: I am a fictional spirit-guide with no smell whatsoever. I am part irish setter and part pigeon. If you don't smell any strange smells it means I'm probably standing next to you. As I am a fictional character anything I post should possibly be considered fictional.

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #22 on: December 31, 2014, 09:55:46 AM »
If that photo above is the nadin I keep hearing about, I keep wondering whose camera took that photo without melting.

That critter was severely beaten by an Ugly Stick.
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
Bach Stradivarius 42OG tenor trombone, built 1992
Kanstul 33-T BBb tuba, built 2011
Fender Precision Bass Guitar, built ?
Mouthpiece data provided on request.

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2014, 10:10:49 AM »
If that photo above is the nadin I keep hearing about, I keep wondering whose camera took that photo without melting.

That critter was severely beaten by an Ugly Stick.

Uh, that's one of the better ones.

Really, it is.
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

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Re: 2014: #02 Top DUmmie
« Reply #24 on: December 31, 2014, 11:12:36 AM »
Point of order, Mr. Speaker! It's "The  Nadin" not just  Nadin.

She has become so famous it's now a title rather than a name. Like The Batman, The Thing, or The Queen...

To Nadin it is to Google it.
To Nadin a thread on the web is to overbearingly preach to the unwashed masses.
To Nadin your history is almost to TiT it, but with less Silver Stars and more peanut butter packets in your boots.
To wear a Nadin means the good rig.

She is much more that just an award, which she has Nadined several, she is an icon, a beacon, a... dare I say, Nadin,... for which to hold up our own lives and say, "Someday, Lord, May I be this Nadin!"
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!