Author Topic: Blaska's Blog sees and hears the Left's hatred of free speech at Capitol Tea Par  (Read 1958 times)

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Blaska's Blog sees and hears the Left's hatred of free speech at Capitol Tea Party

A tea party lady from Up North stopped her speech in mid-stream to address a bearded fellow who had worked his way up front of the speakers platform.

“That guy just gave me the finger,” she announced. Looking the troubled fellow in the eye, she asked, to laughter, “Public schools?”

It is a sad commentary on our schools that anti-social conduct is so closely associated with the situational ethics of our public schools and the values-light indoctrination of their me-first, unionized teachers.

But that was what struck me the hardest at Saturday’s Tea Party rally in front of the East Wing of the Wisconsin State Capitol. The beardo with the over-inflated sense of entitlement was not an outlier. He is what democracy looks like to the Left.

The several thousand protestors who invited themselves to the Tea Party rally were not content to hoist signs alleging that featured guest Sarah Palin was “a Koch whore,” among others. Beardo was only one of several middle digit-insulters. (I’ve pictured another with this blog.) No, what took their behavior well beyond boorishness and way past ill manners was the non-stop effort to shout down speech with which they disagreed...

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― Homer, The Odyssey