Author Topic: IS HE IN HANDCUFFS YET??  (Read 265 times)

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« on: April 14, 2022, 11:47:54 PM »
Star Member YoshidaYui (37,554 posts)

i KEEP hearing how Donald Trump is such a bad guy and I keep hearing the wheels of justice are slow, IF THEY don't hurry it up those WHEELS of justice might be in HIS HANDS and then we are all screwed.

Star Member BlackSkimmer (45,474 posts)

1. Not going to happen.

I would love to be wrong about this, but it’s just not going to happen.

Ohio Joe (17,988 posts)

3. Short answer, no... But I think it fits so I'll give you the same info I gave Kentuck...

Annnd seeing as I'm pretty stoned already and getting ready to go to my room and do some gaming... I'm just going to cut-n-paste it

In regard to TFG, 1/6 and Garland... I have some hope here and I have a bit of a hard time understanding why so many have completely given up. I've put this out before and not gotten a real answer. I get the feeling I'm thought of as delusional or overly hopeful... Sometimes worse. I like to think I'm looking at the facts of what has happened and what is happening... Let review.

Garland could have spent four years going after the low level thugs at the Capitol, had a bunch of show trials and called it a career. This was what I feared most at first.

But... He did not stop there.

He went after and caught the next level up and now has 12, including 2 not at the Capitol, charged with seditious conspiracy. Again, he could have stopped there... Had the trials and called it a career. At this point, he probably would have even been made to look as if he had gone above and beyond. A lot of people never expected the investigation to go that far.

But... Again, he did not stop there.

He flipped at least one of the seditious conspirators (that we know of) and in the agreement said he plans to use him in the Grand Jury (we'll get to that). He could have stopped there, not wanted him in a Grand Jury, and had the show trials doubly nailing the 12 in even bigger fashion and bigger TV clip drama with one of them on the stand pointing the finger.

But... Still he did not stop there.

He convened a Grand Jury. You do not do that unless you plan to go higher... And any higher is TFG's inner circle, in this case (with the flipper being Josua James) that mean Roger Stone. The same Roger Stone that currently is having a fairly public falling out with maga world. We also know that at this point there are at least eight of TFG's inner circle under investigation... They are:


For more on Grand Juries for 1/6, see here:

We also know what is needed... What is nice to have... What is known to be had... What is still needed... And how what is needed might be gotten to go directly after TFG, see this previous post of mine:

So... Where and when do you think Garland stops? Does he throw the Grand Jury to let them off? What if they indict? My suspicion is that this Grand Jury is just to go after the inner circle and not TFG yet... I think that for a reason... He has gone after this from day 1 as though it were a mob case, it certainly appears to me to be a text book mob case. Once he has indictments against the inner circle, you have a different set of defendants than any before... Older men who tried for a coup and failed... Older men now facing dying in jail going up against someone they know has them nailed.

I've heard some think that these guys will stay loyal and take the fall with the hopes of getting a pardon once TFG (or some other repug) takes office. I don't believe this... The reason I don't believe it is that they know much evidence will come out before mid-terms. Not in the dry manner of the Mueller report (though there will be a written report of everything) but the 1/4 committee also plans lots of nice ready for prime time viewing video clips to go along with the report... A wicked smart move. I am also very hopeful of indictments of at least some of the inner circle before the mid-terms... Together, I think this allows us to keep both houses... Perhaps even get some gains if the batshit crazy wing of the repugs keeps getting crazier. I fully expect some of this inner circle will see the writing on the wall and realize that there will be no pardons coming there way and that many of them will want to flip... Though I hope few are given the opportunity to leave jail alive.

The last two paragraphs are speculation on my part but I base it on what has happened, what we know and where we are today. I get the frustration of wanting TFG in cuffs already because we all know what the **** he did... But knowing and proving things in a court of law are two different things and I sincerely believe that going for the biggest fish before the solid foundation of the mob case is built would only lead to him getting off... And that would certainly spell disaster... IMO a far bigger disaster then if the investigation does not convict him.

I know it's a lot to go through but a lot has happened and a lot is going on... I hope all that helps a bit.

I stopped after "I am really stones right now..."

Star Member YoshidaYui (37,554 posts)

4. Hey JOe??

You getting STONED WITHOUT me man??   I been waiting for Juju to show up to start smoking but I can start early!!

 :mental:  :stoner: :stoner: :stoner: :stoner: :stoner: :stoner: :stoner: :stoner: :stoner: :stoner:
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!