Author Topic: Totally lost it.  (Read 2453 times)

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Offline vesta111

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Totally lost it.
« on: May 15, 2012, 10:18:12 AM »
Daughter calls crying that she has another 20 tests to go through to get her liver translant.

Her major complaint is she is actually anonymous to the doctors and staff. As often has she been there no one remembers her name or herself, she is just a number on the charts.

She is no different from any other patient to be treated, how does she get some kind of individual person across to them. Make them not only remember her but her name.

So after a day or so I came up with a wild and wacky way to get attention that the staff will remember.

So I totally lost it, my first born was dieing and needs help, any kind of help.

I had given her a big box of craft things to keep her occupied and asked her to go through the stuff and find the small packs of Goggle Eyes I put on dolls And Teddy Bears.

Super glue the small ones to your nipples and a big one in your belly button.  When going in for tests and they are found by staff and questioned about them, just tell the staff they have their eyes on you.

Poor child of mine stopped crying as the visual came about and laughed so hard her home Health Carer came over to take the phone from her.      Seems some people have no sense of humor.

But for me it was wonderful to hear her laughter instead of tears, so wonderful to hear her gasps of fun then gasping on the idea of death.  Have to work outside the box here, she was the one loosing hope, all was dark and drab to her, I had to make her laugh and think of wild and fun things she could do, not just lay down and die and become a number on the hospitals lists.

So some things make us crazy the impending death of a child or parent, all this doom and gloom is not helping the Patient,---- do or suggest something that will make the Patient to laugh at the absurdity of it. 

Now I have to wonder if my daughter will in fact use the Goggle Eyes, not likely but when I went in to have a tumor removed from my leg I did use a dark marker to remind the doctors, cut here on one leg and wrote wrong leg on the other.

Offline BEG

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Re: Totally lost it.
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2012, 04:21:24 PM »
When I went in to have stents placed in three arteries they had to take my underwear off because they had to go through my groin. The guy said that he had to shave the "area", he took one look and said "wow, looks like someone has beat me to it, in a BIG way".  Everyone laughed, it broke the tension and made everyone at ease. Then he put my underwear in a biohazard bag and everyone busted out laughing again.

Offline Wineslob

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Re: Totally lost it.
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2012, 04:31:41 PM »
 :lol: :yahoo: :naughty:
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