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Offline Dacabeti

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D.C. Clothesline
« on: January 16, 2013, 04:05:36 PM »
D. C.

How Long Does an Oath Last?

The Length of an Oath

“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

“I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God.” (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)

How long does an Oath last? Is its life infinite or does it expire when you are no longer in the military? Does it last until you no longer believe it? Does it only last as long as the benefactor upholds their end?

I took the Enlisted Oath when I joined the Army and when I reenlisted. If you would indulge me, I would like to discuss what that oath meant to me. You see, I grew up poor and not having anyone to guide me. My father was lacking and my mother cared more about her next fix than she did about me. She even told me one time that she kidnapped me out of some ones yard. I joined the Army on my 17 birthday convincing my dad to sign the paper. So please don’t judge me for what I am about to say.

When I first took that Oath it was nothing but words to me. I did not understand the Constitution nor the implications of what that oath truly meant. When I got to my first unit and hear talk about fighting for family, friends, God, and country I would laugh inside. The idea of fighting for anything other than myself, was ludicrous. Slowly over the next year I realized I would never fight for my mom or dad, nor those “friends” back home. I once asked an old school NCO (SFC Smith) what people meant by fighting for something other than themselves. He explained to me that there are things far more important than your own self being. I decided to look into it. I soon found myself enthralled by our Founding Fathers and the Constitutional Republic that they created.

Within the year, I came to realize that my family were the soldiers around me. That my duty was to them, and my honor was their honor. I found a love for a piece of paper that was written years before I was born that meant more than anything I will ever say, write, or create. Right before going to Panama in 89 a few of us were sitting around discussing the possibility that one or more were not coming back. In that one moment of clarity I realized that these men, these brave fighters, these brothers that were willing to stand not only beside me, but for me; were what my oath was about. The brave men that stood up through out time and said, “Not today, not on this day will I let evil prevail,” are what I was fighting for.

In 1776 a few brave men committed treason by writing a document so important that it became the cornerstone of our great Republic. Did they truly understand what was to come? I believe they did. I believe those men knew that today we would see an assault on our Constitution, an assault on our way of life, an assault on our freedom; so they added the 2nd Amendment to that Constitution. They spoke clearly that we as a people have a duty to keep our Government in balance.

Our Founding Fathers in writing the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights took an oath to create this great nation. Many paid a terrible price for that oath; an oath that has lasted until today. Given that alone; I ask how long should my oath last?

I swore my word, my life my bond to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.

What does this really mean? First, that I will take up arms should my country be invaded. I will make sure my local and federal government do nothing to take away from that great document. That if need be I will use my 2nd Amendment duty to defend the Constitution in its entirety.  I give true faith to what was setup. I believe it to be the best form of government that has been established; I have faith that those men long past setup a system that deserves my allegiance, so I freely give it.

The length of an oath is for each man to decide, but mine will last until I do not. Even then I will have faith that another Patriot will stand for the Constitution.
My Youngest Son's Senior Year Wrestling Highlights

"When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny." — Thomas Jefferson

Offline Dacabeti

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Re: D.C. Clothesline
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2013, 01:06:43 PM »
If they come for your guns do you have qa responsibility to fight?

This blog was written by Dean Garrison on the D.C. Clothesline. This blog has gotten a lot of attention; over 1 million hits in 2 weeks. I am posting the first 2 paragraphs.

If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight?

I feel a tremendous responsibility to write this article though I am a little apprehensive. Thinking about the possibility of rising up against our own government is a frightening thing for many of us. I am not Johnny Rambo and I will be the first to admit that I do not want to die. The reason I feel compelled to write this, however, is simply because I don’t think the average American is equipped with the facts. I feel that a lot of American citizens feel like they have no choice but to surrender their guns if the government comes for them. I blame traditional media sources for this mass brainwash and I carry the responsibility of all small independent bloggers to tell the truth. So my focus today is to lay out your constitutional rights as an American, and let you decide what to do with those rights.

About a month ago I let the “democracy” word slip in a discussion with a fellow blogger. I know better. Americans have been conditioned to use this term. It’s not an accurate term and it never has been a correct term to describe our form of government. The truth is that the United States of America is a constitutional republic. This is similar to a democracy because our representatives are selected by democratic elections, but ultimately our representatives are required to work within the framework of our constitution. In other words, even if 90% of Americans want something that goes against our founding principles, they have no right to call for a violation of constitutional rights.

My Youngest Son's Senior Year Wrestling Highlights

"When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny." — Thomas Jefferson

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Re: D.C. Clothesline
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2013, 02:38:11 PM »
An excellent find. And I found this gem in  Dean Garrison's blog post:
"The time for speaking in code is over.

If they come for our guns then it is our constitutional right to put them six feet under. You have the right to kill any representative of this government who tries to tread on your liberty. I am thinking about self-defense and not talking about inciting a revolution. Re-read Jefferson’s quote. He talks about a “last resort.” I am not trying to start a Revolt, I am talking about self-defense. If the day for Revolution comes, when no peaceful options exist, we may have to talk about that as well. None of us wants to think about that, but please understand that a majority can not take away your rights as an American citizen. Only you can choose to give up your rights."

I too have taken the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United the Air Force, the Army, and as a civilian employee of the Department of Defense. I take the oath very seriously.

Sign me as a life NRA member!


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Re: D.C. Clothesline
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2013, 09:34:53 AM »
A Reasonable Proposal for Rules of Engagement

Guest writer Gary Harper proposes what he beleives are reasonable Rules of Engagement.

My grandmother was a secretary for a Senator.  Her sister was married to a Governor of NJ.  Her other sister was married to the head of the NJ DOT.

From all that she had seen, my grandmother was always talking of Revolution.  She said you would not believe how crooked the whole thing is.  And, how bold and arrogant they all are.

My dad, a carpenter and a millwright, was also always talking of Revolution.  So were a lot of his co-workers.

I was always shaking my head, and saying that the country is nowhere near that.  Everyone is too comfortable with their beer and TVs and air conditioning and taking the kids to soccer practice and their new Davenports and their new cars.  Revolution is not a good thing.  It is never a good thing.  People die in Revolutions.  Lots of good people, innocent people die.  Maybe you would die too.  And the government removed is merely replaced by one with other political hacks of the same ilk.  It attracts a certain nasty, distasteful breed.  Nothing is ever accomplished in the end.
My Youngest Son's Senior Year Wrestling Highlights

"When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny." — Thomas Jefferson

Offline Dacabeti

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Re: D.C. Clothesline
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2013, 09:38:10 AM »
Response to Gary's Reasonable Rules of Engagement

D.C. Clothesline writer Dann responds to Gary Harpers post.

Response to Reasonable Rules Of Engagement

This was written by a friend that is currently serving in an elite unit within the U.S. Military. Since he is still active he will not put his name to this, and asked me to rewrite his thoughts so I told him I would add my writing style and post it. De oppresso liber my brother.  This is not a call for Revolution by the Military or the person posting this. I am only responding to the original post.

While I do not completely disagree with the original write up or with this entire premise, I think the writer fails to understand warfare and what is really at stake. A few fundamental flaws can be found in Gary’s argument. I agree with the sentiment, but the application is lacking and misguided.
My Youngest Son's Senior Year Wrestling Highlights

"When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny." — Thomas Jefferson

Offline Dacabeti

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Re: D.C. Clothesline
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2013, 09:42:04 AM »
Answering an absurd Question

D. C. Clothesline writer Dann answers the absurd question; “Are you willing to die to protect your guns?”

Answering an absurd question

I was asked a simple question on one of the message boards/ social networks/ forums I frequent. “Are you willing to die to protect your guns?” What an absurd question.; why would anyone be willing to die? Diane Feinstein claims she is for hunters rights. She does not get it. Even though I am a Hunter I do not own a gun so I can hunt. I do not need you Ms Feinstein to protect my hunting rights; I can do that on my own.

During the entirety of Bush’s Presidency I heard from the left how much they feared that man and what evil he may do. How he was a fascist, a tyrant, evil, antichrist, and so on. How he was a puppet and wanting to take over the world. If you really believe this, if you really believe that we had a President that did not care about your rights and was hell bent on conquering; why would you not want a way to protect your family from such an evil tyrant?  Is it because you now have a sympathetic ear in the White House? A man that thinks the way you do? How long do you think he will be President? How long before there is another EVIL Conservative in the Oval Office? Are you willing to bet your family that no President will ever try and seize power? I’m not.

I am not angry; I am not clinging to my gun in some desperate act. I own a gun(s) because it is my Constitutional right to do so. I own a gun(s) because I am not willing to bet my family that some elected official isn’t going to try and seize control. I own a gun so YOU do not have to bet your family the same thing. I own a gun(s) so you do not have to if you do not want to. I own a gun(s) to protect the rights of those that want to take mine away.
My Youngest Son's Senior Year Wrestling Highlights

"When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny." — Thomas Jefferson

Offline Dacabeti

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Re: D.C. Clothesline
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2013, 01:09:09 PM »
Obama is a Magician

Sleight of hand is the name of the game, and Obama does it very well. While the Country is looking at his left hand, watching it try and take away our 2nd Amendment rights, we are ignoring his right hand that is moving through our pockets taking away more of what makes us American. Are we being setup for an invasion?

The House Republican leadership has directed the Republican House members to prepare for another planned retreat, and to allow for another increase in our debt limit. The Republicans apparently plan to extend the debt limit for an unspecified amount of money borrowing though 18 May, with the appended provision intended to freeze the pay of Senators and House members if the Senate does not approve a budget by that time. The problem with that is the 27th Amendment, which states: “No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.” In essence they cannot change the pay in the middle of a session. We raise the debt ceiling and get no spending cuts. What a perfect way for the GOP to lose even more votes.  Harry Reid wants another $2.4T to go along with the last $2.4T debt limit hike. The Government gets stronger and the military gets weaker on the backs of citizens.
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"When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny." — Thomas Jefferson

Offline Dacabeti

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Re: D.C. Clothesline
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2013, 01:12:07 PM »
A Voice of Reason Responds to a Voice of Treason…My Response to Obama

Like millions of Americans I watched the President’s speech Wednesday. At times I felt myself getting very emotional. There is no doubt that Barack is a good public speaker. But, with all due respect this is not about making emotional decisions, it is about honoring the constitution as it protects the citizens of this country. This country was built on certain freedoms that the President is trying to ignore. He has zero power to take these freedoms away for they were bestowed by God and are protected by our constitution.

Obama signed 23 executive orders Wednesday. He has vowed to do everything he can to fix this problem. I would truly respect that opinion if I believed that was his real intent. Barack Obama is a hypocrite. Let’s take a short blurb from his speech and allow me to prove that to you.

    “There will be pundits and politicians and special interest lobbyists publicly warning of a tyrannical, all-out assault on liberty — not because that’s true, but because they want to gin up fear or higher ratings or revenue for themselves.  And behind the scenes, they’ll do everything they can to block any common-sense reform and make sure nothing changes whatsoever.” -Obama Speaking on January 16, 2013
My Youngest Son's Senior Year Wrestling Highlights

"When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny." — Thomas Jefferson

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Re: D.C. Clothesline
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2013, 06:44:22 PM »
My oath was, and still is, to defend and protect our Constitution, and to repel and kill invaders who want to destroy our country.
Illinois, south of the gun controllers in Chi town

Offline Dacabeti

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Re: D.C. Clothesline
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2013, 09:28:24 AM »
My oath was, and still is, to defend and protect our Constitution, and to repel and kill invaders who want to destroy our country.
My Youngest Son's Senior Year Wrestling Highlights

"When governments fear the people there is liberty. When the people fear the government there is tyranny." — Thomas Jefferson