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If democrats couldn't talk out of both sides of their mouths, they might not be able to speak at all.
The poor excuse for a human being needs to buy all the votes he can so he won’t let something like the Supreme Court stop him from doing that. That crooked drug addicted piece of shit son both need to be locked up.
Adios, asshole! That paper is such a rag birds don’t poop on it when you line the cage with it.

I hated the trick that they used to boost circulation, they would give you a free subscription and you would come out and trip over the paper you didn’t want. The worst part was I traveled for work at the time and would come home to find a pile of sodden papers in front of my door. :rant:
Florida columnist retires after claiming state has become ‘gay-bashing authoritarian dystopia’
'A nasty, mutant strain of populism has taken hold of Florida and the rest of red-state America. Facts don’t matter,' columnist Fred Grimm wrote

A prominent columnist at the South Florida Sun Sentinel announced his retirement in a column Friday, stating that his decision was motivated by the state becoming a "gay-bashing authoritarian dystopia."

Columnist Fred Grimm said goodbye to his South Florida audience in the piece, recounting his 56-year-long journalism career and lamenting how most people in the state are now supportive MAGA candidates, and opposed to Disney, the LGBTQ movement and other progressive causes.

"Not that it hasn’t been fun chronicling Florida’s descent into a waterlogged, python-infested, uninsurable, hurricane-pummeled, book-banning, gay-bashing authoritarian dystopia, but I’m outta here," Grimm opened his farewell column.

For the first half of the piece, Grimm noted that part of his exit from the industry could be his "old age." "At 76, my arthritic fingers no longer dance along the keyboard," he declared.

He also wondered if he’s just tired of this line of work, noting, "Maybe I’ve been worn down by so many hours staring at a blank computer screen, deadline looming, desperation building and inspiration lagging."

Grimm also offered being burdened by the "cumulative effect of chronicling so many awful disasters" as another possible reason, though he stated that the state’s conservative politics were definitely one of the reasons he is done with the industry.

"Another factor has sucked the joy out of journalism," he said, explaining, "A nasty, mutant strain of populism has taken hold of Florida and the rest of red-state America. Facts don’t matter. Medical science is rejected. Literary masterpieces are banned. Abortion is outlawed. Teachers are persecuted. Disney is villainized. MAGA pols, up to their shins in sunny-day flooding, deny that we’re in the throes of global warming."

Grimm continued with a laundry list of right-wing caricatures to describe the state and the rest of red America’s political leanings.

"Meanwhile, MAGA heroes’ lies, sexual misdeeds and financial shenanigans are dismissed as media inventions. Jury verdicts and fair elections are disparaged as leftwing conspiracies."

:sosad: :sosad: :sosad: :sosad:
Echoed this theme yesterday, and naturally Sloppy Joe is still spouting this garbage:

Biden urges respect for legal system after Trump conviction while publicly flouting SCOTUS rulings

Biden has said the Supreme Court could not 'stop' him from canceling student debt, and insisted justices made a 'mistake' in overturning Roe v. Wade

President Biden said on Friday that the justice system "should be respected" and that it was "reckless" for former President Donald Trump to claim that the verdict in his New York trial was "rigged," just days after he told his supporters the Supreme Court could not "stop" him from carrying out his agenda.

"It's reckless, it's dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict," Biden said in response to the former president's remarks about the NY v. Trump verdict, which found Trump guilty Thursday on all 34 counts of falsifying business records related to the hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election.

"Our justice system has endured for nearly 250 years, and it literally is the cornerstone of America. Our justice system, that justice should be respected. And we should never allow anyone to tear it down. It's as simple as that," Biden added.

Biden's remarks came just two days after he bragged to his supporters at a rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that the Supreme Court ruling his student debt relief plan was unconstitutional did not "stop" him from canceling student loans.

"The Supreme Court blocked me from relieving student debt, but they didn’t stop me," Biden said Wednesday from Girard College.

Biden, like several other Democrat and Republican presidents throughout history, has taken aim at the Supreme Court for a number of rulings they have made during his tenure in the White House.

During his State of the Union address in March, Biden took direct aim at the justices and insisted they had underestimated the "electoral and political power" of women in their decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. During an interview with MSNBC about his remarks directed at the justices, Biden said, "Look, I think they made a wrong decision, think they read the Constitution wrong, I think they made a mistake."

Biden made similar comments on how the high court's ruling "didn't stop" him from canceling student loans in February while speaking at the Julian Dixon Library in Culver City, California.
Never Trumper George Conway appeared on a CNN panel in the wake of the Trump Kangaroo Court trial verdict. First he started bloviating about "justice" but then got slapped with a very depressing (for him) reality check by establishment type Republican Scott Jennings. What sent Conway over the edge is the sudden realization that Jennings and most other Republicans who have been lukewarm about Trump have been converted into Trump defenders due to the over the top injustice of the Manhattan Lawfare trial. It sent Conway so far over the edge that he looked like he was about to cry and screamed repeatedly at Jennings that he is a liar. Then he even demanded that CNN fire Jennings.

Oh, and notice how frustrated Conway appeared to be when challenged by Jennings to NAME the underlying crimes. (Spoiler alert: He can't.)
If they can justify this, what's over-the-line for them?

We probably don’t want to know  :thatsright:
If they can justify this, what's over-the-line for them? 
Go for it. What town doesn't want to be the next NYC...
I'm sure new retailers will rush in to fill those vacant buildings you have. And your tourist industry will skyrocket. :banghead:
Some of us were in the military and swore an oath to defend the Constitution and this country from our enemies both foreign and domestic. The left is pushing things they shouldn't be pushing for. I wouldn't want to fight a civil war but if it comes well then, they called down the thunder and they will get it.

This is the sort of thing that caused the English Civil War.
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