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Thought on impeachment
« on: May 16, 2019, 08:23:49 AM »
pdsimdars (5,804 posts)

Thought on impeachment
On a few shows, I think Chris Hayes did it last night, they list the items in crises we are in, and the illegal and criminal activities of tRump and his administration. The question of impeachment always comes up. Some, like Warren, are very clear about starting the process yesterday. The other argument is that "politically" it is dicey and that's why they aren't doing it.

First, think of the people who died in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. They DIED to insure that we have a rule of law laid out by the Constitution. The Democrats are afraid of losing their seats? That's the courage, inspiration and leadership that gets people to the polls . . . (not). But that is the way some are thinking.

And why are they thinking that? Haven't I heard that after they impeached Clinton, the Republicans won control of House, Senate and WH? By those results, they didn't pay a big price.

Since recent history refutes their fears, it means that they have NO COURAGE OF CONVICTION in themselves or in our country or the people or the constitution.

Their duty is laid out in the constitution. I don't recall the part about not impeaching just because you don't want to lose your seat. Remember, people died.

can you list them here?

Star Member Laura PourMeADrink (26,301 posts)

3. WTH ? Are we here last in bizzaro world? Everything

You are saying is true. I have never felt this demoralized about my party ever. And I can't believe this is happening. Worrying about THEM and what they will say and do? What about US? What about the, what, 66% of Dems who favored impeachment in the last poll I saw.


ginnyinWI (16,987 posts)

4. She doesn't want to divide the country.

I think that's the main motivation, not their political advantages.

What can we do? We, and the media, can keep talking it up. Impeach, impeach, impeach! When enough of the public is there, the Congress will be too.

Meanwhile they are building the case, brick by brick.


Star Member Stuart G (22,169 posts)

5. The question is not if, the question is when.

..While impeachment may be off the table now, in a few months it may be on the table. Timing is everything. And when can be more important then if. More info will come out on Trump, and then impeachment may be more appropriate.

pdsimdars (5,804 posts)

6. I don't think that is true. The country could not get more divided.

THEY are dividing it. That means you need to stop THEM.
I think if they had a unified message that emphasized the rule of law, that is how you get people to rally to your flag. You don't do it by not showing up. It's not a matter of waiting for the public, they need to step out there and make the case to the public. . . you know, LEAD.
Every word out of his mouth is meant to divide the country. . . so the logic is that stopping him would be divisive?
There are all the obvious things like the fact that he is more in line with the Russian government than with OUR government. He believes their intelligence more than our own intelligence community. He sides with all of our enemies, the dictators, and shuns all of our allies who have been with us since the world wars. Paint that simple picture of a traitor, someone who is not working in our interests. Make the case.


delisen (3,938 posts)

8. One factor: the 2020 elections are open to Russian manipulation as well as dark money from there and elsewhere. House and senate races are at risk, not only the presidency. Bill Nelson, for example, probably won his senate seat in Florida but is no longer senator (we know know now that at least 2 voting systems in Florida were breached and there is more we don't yet know about the 2016 election).

Hence Pelosi is aiming at getting elections won by large margins-which makes it more difficult for election manipulation to succeed and more difficult for it to be dismissed or downplayed after the fact, as in 2016.

I think the priorities are: increasing House majority, increasing seats in Senate. As 2020 is a census re-apportionment year the state legislatures are critical. The successful passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2009, was followed by a backlash in which we lost the power of re-apportionment 2010-making it even more difficult to win in subsequent years.

The House investigations will continue, and new information will keep coming out-strengthening the case for impeachment among the public.

Star Member Laura PourMeADrink (26,301 posts)

14. All I know is that on the day the Mueller report came out...the press was animated "this is it"....he will finally be held accountable. Mueller spelled it out. His approval dropped to 37%. And, what did we do? Said we needed to investigate more, got put on page 2. His approvals have risen since while he filled the void with "see, nothing I did was wrong (even the Dems won't impeach me)" Hearing that day in and day out until election? Great strategy !

If you see no point in impeaching - I see absolutely ZERO point in not - given what I have actually seen so far.


manor321 (3,332 posts)

13. There is no reason not to start an impeachment inquiry now.

Not one reason.

Star Member Laura PourMeADrink (26,301 posts)

15. Well, it ain't gonna happen. Pelosi says no and not a single Dem objected in closed door hearing. This is so unbelievably wrong.

I love the smell of liberal tears in the morning...

It smells like... Victory.
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline SVPete

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Re: Thought on impeachment
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2019, 08:44:46 AM »
In the real world Dem leaders who haven't gone full Mad Maxine know no crime has been committed by Trump, know that most Americans know this, and know that Dem candidates would be likely to pay heavily for an impeachment vote.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.