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Current Events => Archives => Politics => Election 2008 => Topic started by: Wretched Excess on May 19, 2008, 07:42:29 AM

Title: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Wretched Excess on May 19, 2008, 07:42:29 AM
and this is from the guy that was whining about "fear mongering" over bush's appeasement remarks
(that were intended for carter) just last week.   no, sir.  you won't ever catch this guy trying to scare
the shit out of senior citizens.  and thank God that the dems have turned the page on all the "old washington
ways  of doing things", like trying to scare the shit out of senior citizens during an election year.


Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats

Democrat Barack Obama told seniors Sunday that Republican John McCain would threaten the Social Security that they and millions like them depend on because he supports privatizing the program.

Obama turned to a bedrock, pocketbook issue as he spoke to about 130 people at an assisted living facility and sought to tie the GOP's presidential nominee-in-waiting to an unpopular President Bush on an issue that motivates seniors.

"Let me be clear, privatizing Social Security was a bad idea when George W. Bush proposed it, it's a bad idea today," Obama said. "That's why I stood up against this plan in the Senate and that's why I won't stand for it as president."

Bush proposed a Social Security plan in 2005 that focused on creating private accounts for younger workers, but it never came up for a vote in Congress. Democrats strongly opposed the idea and few Republicans embraced it.

Obama said McCain would push to raise the retirement age for collecting Social Security benefits or trim annual cost-of-living increases. Obama has rejected both ideas as solutions to the funding crisis projected for Social Security in favor of making higher-income workers pay more into the system.

"We have to protect Social Security for future generations without pushing the burden onto seniors who have earned the right to retire in dignity," he said.

McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds accused Obama of making "misinformed partisan attacks."

"John McCain has been clear about his belief that we must fix Social Security for future generations and keep our promises to today's retirees, but raising taxes should not be the answer to every problem," Bound said.

It was a day of coastal campaigning for the two Democrats still competing for the party's presidential nomination.

Obama was in Oregon, where he is favored to win the state's presidential primary on Tuesday. Hillary Rodham Clinton spent a second straight day in Kentucky, where she is favored to win when its voters head to the polls the same day.

She attended worship services at a Methodist church in Bowling Green, and happily sang hymns and joined in Bible readings. But her smile faded when the pastor launched into a sermon about adultery, asking his congregants whether the devil had ever whispered over their shoulders in their marriages.

Her mood appeared to brighten by the time she arrived for a rally at West Kentucky University.

"Now, my opponent said the other day he wasn't coming back, so I've got the whole state to myself," Clinton said, sounding happy not to be sharing the Kentucky spotlight. "What a treat."

Obama, the front-runner for the nomination, has begun casting himself as the inevitable nominee and using his time to distinguish himself from McCain as he pivots toward the fall campaign. He has scheduled appearances later this week in Iowa and Florida, two key swing states.

Later Sunday, Obama was headed for a big outdoor rally in Portland and a second town meeting in Pendleton before a late flight to Montana for a day of campaigning on Monday.

During the meeting with seniors, Obama was asked why McCain seems to have avoided the enormous press scrutiny the Democrats have gotten.

Obama said McCain has benefited from a Republican nomination process that ended early while the Democratic race continues. He said the attention both candidates receive will grow more intense as the race settles into an Obama-McCain contest.

"It's very understandable that the press has focused on myself and Senator Clinton because it's been a pretty exciting race," Obama said. "The fact is that the press will submit him to the same scrutiny they are giving to me."

"People will lift the hood and kick the tires with John McCain, just like they do with me," he said, who traveled Sunday with his wife, Michelle.

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Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: TheSarge on May 19, 2008, 07:45:39 AM
No matter how much of a "new tone" any of the Libs claim to have...they ALWAYS come back to the same scare tactic topics.
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Willow on May 19, 2008, 07:53:12 AM
I listen to Obama carefully, And very carefully what he includes in his speeches is the same talking points you can pick up at KOS, DU, Media Matters, and MOveTheeffOn.  :-) I think he hired them for his speech writers.
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Wretched Excess on May 19, 2008, 07:54:15 AM
No matter how much of a "new tone" any of the Libs claim to have...they ALWAYS come back to the same scare tactic topics.

"uniting", "unifying", and "healing" were all primary themes that perhaps the silly liberals may have bought into. :kumbaya: it's ironic, but I doubt he can run on that against mccain, who HAS crossed the aisle (most often with unfortunate results) on many occasions and on many important issues.

from what we have seen so far, he thinks he's going to win by running against a guy that isn't going to be on the ballot in november.

Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Wretched Excess on May 19, 2008, 07:56:12 AM
I listen to Obama carefully, And very carefully what he includes in his speeches is the same talking points you can pick up at KOS, DU, Media Matters, and MOveTheeffOn.  :-) I think he hired them for his speech writers.

he ran on actual issues in WI (it was sort of a fluke, so I paid attentions), and it was all standard liberal fare.  class divisions, corporations bad, unions good, open heart surgery should be free, & etc.

it takes a lot of damn gall for him to stand up there and try to sell himself as something fresh and different.

Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Splashdown on May 19, 2008, 08:00:43 AM
Why change what works? Fear mongering gets their base out to the polls. No one wants mommmom eating cat food.  :whatever:
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: TheSarge on May 19, 2008, 08:01:09 AM
"uniting", "unifying", and "healing" were all primary themes that perhaps the silly liberals may have bought into.

Those terms along with "bi-partisianship" and "reaching across the aisle" mean something completely different to them than it would to normal people.

To the Liberal Dems in this country the above mentioned terms and slogans are code speak for "Shut up and do it our way"
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Wretched Excess on May 19, 2008, 08:14:30 AM
"uniting", "unifying", and "healing" were all primary themes that perhaps the silly liberals may have bought into.

Those terms along with "bi-partisianship" and "reaching across the aisle" mean something completely different to them than it would to normal people.

To the Liberal Dems in this country the above mentioned terms and slogans are code speak for "Shut up and do it our way"

his "unity" is going to last about 10 seconds if he is ever inaugurated.  no matter what he does in iraq, it won't be fast enough or final enough for the barking raving lunatics on the fringe left, and no matter how "cautiously" he proceeds with a pull out, the republicans will be screaming "surrender monkey".  "compromise" is a loser tactic in the first place in this environment;  a compromise is a splitting of the differences.  on most issues, the differences between the parties are so stark that there is no middle ground.

I really don't think he has thought this through;  he knows he wants to be president, but I don't think he has given much thought to what he is going to do, or how things are going to work, in the event that he actually gets there.

Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Lauri on May 19, 2008, 09:30:24 AM
I listen to Obama carefully, And very carefully what he includes in his speeches is the same talking points you can pick up at KOS, DU, Media Matters, and MOveTheeffOn.  :-) I think he hired them for his speech writers.

i cant wait until he has to debate McCain on all his tax ideas... that is going to be pretty sweet to watch.
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Wretched Excess on May 19, 2008, 09:33:16 AM
I listen to Obama carefully, And very carefully what he includes in his speeches is the same talking points you can pick up at KOS, DU, Media Matters, and MOveTheeffOn.  :-) I think he hired them for his speech writers.

i cant wait until he has to debate McCain on all his tax ideas... that is going to be pretty sweet to watch.

he needs to bone up on what a capital gains tax is before he embarrasses himself again.
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Lauri on May 19, 2008, 09:35:50 AM
I listen to Obama carefully, And very carefully what he includes in his speeches is the same talking points you can pick up at KOS, DU, Media Matters, and MOveTheeffOn.  :-) I think he hired them for his speech writers.

i cant wait until he has to debate McCain on all his tax ideas... that is going to be pretty sweet to watch.

he needs to bone up on what a capital gains tax is before he embarrasses himself again.

well, he's been in public service for, what did he say? "20 years" ....?

surely he understands these big issues by now.  :-)
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Wretched Excess on May 19, 2008, 09:38:09 AM
I listen to Obama carefully, And very carefully what he includes in his speeches is the same talking points you can pick up at KOS, DU, Media Matters, and MOveTheeffOn.  :-) I think he hired them for his speech writers.

i cant wait until he has to debate McCain on all his tax ideas... that is going to be pretty sweet to watch.

he needs to bone up on what a capital gains tax is before he embarrasses himself again.

well, he's been in public service for, what did he say? "20 years" ....?

surely he understands these big issues by now.  :-)

when he was a community organizer.  and thank God he did that;  all of our communities were so disorganized
before he fixed that problem.
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: DixieBelle on May 19, 2008, 10:17:17 AM
Does he really think he's fooling anyone with his talk about bi-partisanship? I mean come the libtards it simply means "We will get it our way and you will live with it". To the conservatives, it means well, the same thing! Sorry Oooobama, go sell crazy someplace else.
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Wretched Excess on May 19, 2008, 10:20:35 AM
Does he really think he's fooling anyone with his talk about bi-partisanship? I mean come the libtards it simply means "We will get it our way and you will live with it". To the conservatives, it means well, the same thing! Sorry Oooobama, go sell crazy someplace else.

he's a rorschach ink blot right now.  no one knows anything about him, he has no history and virtually no paper trail.  so people are seeing in him whatever they want to see in him.

Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: DixieBelle on May 19, 2008, 10:24:47 AM
Which means the McCain camp can use that to their benefit. I really, really hope they have a Rovian type brain on staff.
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Wretched Excess on May 19, 2008, 10:27:31 AM
Which means the McCain camp can use that to their benefit. I really, really hope they have a Rovian type brain on staff.

their responses to obama's little whines and rants have been pretty good so far.  calling him hysterical last week was awfully funny.  and I am sure (or perhaps I just hope) that teh rove will work on mccain's campaign.  well, wait, he would have to quit his jobs at the NYT and foxnews, I guess, so maybe we are on our own this election.
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: DixieBelle on May 19, 2008, 10:37:25 AM
Well he could consult in the background. I can't imagine his gigs taking up all of his time. He seems to really be on top of the campaigns when he gives his breakdown on Fox. I love watching those.
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Lauri on May 19, 2008, 01:57:11 PM
Well he could consult in the background. I can't imagine his gigs taking up all of his time. He seems to really be on top of the campaigns when he gives his breakdown on Fox. I love watching those.

he does have a good grasp on the players at this point.. i would like to hear more 'inside baseball' from him though. surely he knows these personalities and can bring out some little nuggets of info on them as the general gets closer..

i cant wait to find out about Obama's 20 years of experience when this thing really gets rolling..
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Wretched Excess on May 19, 2008, 01:59:59 PM
Well he could consult in the background. I can't imagine his gigs taking up all of his time. He seems to really be on top of the campaigns when he gives his breakdown on Fox. I love watching those.

he does have a good grasp on the players at this point.. i would like to hear more 'inside baseball' from him though. surely he knows these personalities and can bring out some little nuggets of info on them as the general gets closer..

i cant wait to find out about Obama's 20 years of experience when this thing really gets rolling..

he organized communities.  and he's a uniter, dammit!!
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Wretched Excess on May 19, 2008, 02:12:25 PM

Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Lauri on May 19, 2008, 03:05:04 PM
Well he could consult in the background. I can't imagine his gigs taking up all of his time. He seems to really be on top of the campaigns when he gives his breakdown on Fox. I love watching those.

he does have a good grasp on the players at this point.. i would like to hear more 'inside baseball' from him though. surely he knows these personalities and can bring out some little nuggets of info on them as the general gets closer..

i cant wait to find out about Obama's 20 years of experience when this thing really gets rolling..

he organized communities.  and he's a uniter, dammit!!

are you serious? holy mother of God, we're in trouble if that kid actually winds up winning..

maybe its time for us actual civilians to start digging into his immense career as a public official?
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Wretched Excess on May 19, 2008, 03:15:02 PM
Well he could consult in the background. I can't imagine his gigs taking up all of his time. He seems to really be on top of the campaigns when he gives his breakdown on Fox. I love watching those.

he does have a good grasp on the players at this point.. i would like to hear more 'inside baseball' from him though. surely he knows these personalities and can bring out some little nuggets of info on them as the general gets closer..

i cant wait to find out about Obama's 20 years of experience when this thing really gets rolling..

he organized communities.  and he's a uniter, dammit!!

are you serious? holy mother of God, we're in trouble if that kid actually winds up winning..

maybe its time for us actual civilians to start digging into his immense career as a public official?

check into his background?  don't be such a peasant.  he's beyond that.  his background is irrelevant.  it's
his judgment that matters, and he was against the war.  and his vision.  he wants to um, heal shit.

LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!  HE'S A UNITER, DAMMIT!!!!. :bawl: :bawl:
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Bluesuiter-Retired on May 20, 2008, 11:38:06 AM
One would think that senior citizens would take the defeatocrat scare about social security with a grain of salt by now given that the defeatocrats have been using this argument for several decades already and it hasn't come true.

But then again, most senior citizens still believe the MYTH that FDR was a great president.   Had it not been for the democrat controlled congress and FDR and their APPEASEMENT of Hitler in the mid-1930s, this nation could have gotten a jump start on building and equipping a military force of sufficient strength with the best weapons to possibly thwart Hitler and Tojo.  The events of December 7th may have been prevented.
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Lauri on May 20, 2008, 02:16:06 PM
Well he could consult in the background. I can't imagine his gigs taking up all of his time. He seems to really be on top of the campaigns when he gives his breakdown on Fox. I love watching those.

he does have a good grasp on the players at this point.. i would like to hear more 'inside baseball' from him though. surely he knows these personalities and can bring out some little nuggets of info on them as the general gets closer..

i cant wait to find out about Obama's 20 years of experience when this thing really gets rolling..

he organized communities.  and he's a uniter, dammit!!

are you serious? holy mother of God, we're in trouble if that kid actually winds up winning..

maybe its time for us actual civilians to start digging into his immense career as a public official?

check into his background?  don't be such a peasant.  he's beyond that.  his background is irrelevant.  it's
his judgment that matters, and he was against the war.  and his vision.  he wants to um, heal shit.

LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!  HE'S A UNITER, DAMMIT!!!!. :bawl: :bawl:

  :bs: :bs:   :-) :-)
Title: Re: Obama warns seniors on Social Security threats
Post by: Lauri on May 20, 2008, 02:18:12 PM
One would think that senior citizens would take the defeatocrat scare about social security with a grain of salt by now given that the defeatocrats have been using this argument for several decades already and it hasn't come true.

But then again, most senior citizens still believe the MYTH that FDR was a great president.   Had it not been for the democrat controlled congress and FDR and their APPEASEMENT of Hitler in the mid-1930s, this nation could have gotten a jump start on building and equipping a military force of sufficient strength with the best weapons to possibly thwart Hitler and Tojo.  The events of December 7th may have been prevented.

i have never heard much about FDR from my elders, but, that's just anecdotal.

as for scaring old people .. yeah, this is such a dead horse issue. nobody in their right mind thinks the govt is going to voluntarily give up billions of dollars a year to let us invest it ourselves.

aint happening.