Author Topic: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside  (Read 12282 times)

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Offline Lord Undies

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2008, 08:56:26 AM »
If cigarette smoking is so horrible, then outlaw cigarettes.  This one-at-a-time intrusion into people's private lives is unAmerican and there should be no one not outraged by this. 

It IS absurd.  If smoking in your car with your children inside was so damaging, there would not be one of us kids from the 1950's and 60's left standing.  You and I both know this has nothing to do with "children".  It has everything to do with government control.

As a free person determined to remain free, no one should find this long arm of the law's reach into their private automobile acceptable.  It isn't the role of our government, period.           

Offline DixieBelle

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2008, 10:44:11 AM »
^yeah, what Undies said.

+1 :-)
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Offline lastparker

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2008, 10:59:34 AM »
What Undies said, squared.

I'm waiting for mandatory breastfeeding.
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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2008, 08:21:23 PM »
If cigarette smoking is so horrible, then outlaw cigarettes.  This one-at-a-time intrusion into people's private lives is unAmerican and there should be no one not outraged by this. 

It IS absurd.  If smoking in your car with your children inside was so damaging, there would not be one of us kids from the 1950's and 60's left standing.  You and I both know this has nothing to do with "children".  It has everything to do with government control.

As a free person determined to remain free, no one should find this long arm of the law's reach into their private automobile acceptable.  It isn't the role of our government, period.           

Very well said, Sir - all of it.
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Offline vftb

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2008, 08:39:45 PM »
Seat Belt Law - Check
Helmet Law - Check
Hands Free Cell Phone Law (Starting in CA in 7/08) - Check
No Smoking in Bars and Restaurants - Check
No Smoking in your car with Kids (coming) - Check

If I gave it more thought, I could surely come up with more.  No slippery slope here  :thatsright:                           
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Offline Lauri

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #30 on: January 28, 2008, 09:14:27 PM »
Seat Belt Law - Check
Helmet Law - Check
Hands Free Cell Phone Law (Starting in CA in 7/08) - Check
No Smoking in Bars and Restaurants - Check
No Smoking in your car with Kids (coming) - Check

If I gave it more thought, I could surely come up with more.  No slippery slope here  :thatsright:                           

ok, call me crazy but all of those things you mentioned saves countless lives every year. not *every* thing the govt does is bad for us as a country. i would never put my kid in a car without a seatbelt. and helmuts have definitely saved both my kids lives more than a few times - as well as my husbands' noggin riding dirt bikes.

maybe a law saying you cant smoke around kids is a bit far reaching, but ask any kid; they hate the smell of it and when they ask "hey can i do that too?" and you say, "well no, cause its bad for you cause youre a little kid" .. you really dont have much of an argument against it.

or maybe we could have a discussion about the *benefits* of smoking around kids? :-)

(i can argue both sides of this one.. )

Offline vftb

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #31 on: January 28, 2008, 09:36:02 PM »
It's the whole Nanny-state thing.  What's next, cheeseburgers and french fries??

BTW, if you haven't heard, in CA they're considering putting state controls on your thermostats.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 09:38:05 PM by vftb »
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Offline Lauri

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #32 on: January 28, 2008, 09:50:45 PM »
It's the whole Nanny-state thing.  What's next, cheeseburgers and french fries??

BTW, if you haven't heard, in CA they're considering putting state controls on your thermostats.

oh yeah, ive read about that. im not sure it will pass.. it may just be meant to alarm people into turning down their thermostats.

people can always vote this stuff down, but a lot of times, the nanny staters out number every one else.

Offline vftb

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2008, 10:06:42 PM »
i would never put my kid in a car without a seatbelt.
Key word being "I".  You really need the state to tell you to do that??

people can always vote this stuff down,
In CA there have been more than one initiative passed by the people that have been overturned by some judge  :banghead:

Apparently you have kids.  I don't know how you discipline them (I never laid a hand on mine, they were perfect  :-)), but heaven help you in some states if you discipline your kids in public.  All it takes is some do-gooder to drop a dime and you're defending your ability to keep your kids (I ain't talking about beatings either).

Watch out, that camel has got it's nose way into the tent.
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Offline Lauri

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #34 on: January 28, 2008, 10:20:07 PM »
i would never put my kid in a car without a seatbelt.
Key word being "I".  You really need the state to tell you to do that??

people can always vote this stuff down,
In CA there have been more than one initiative passed by the people that have been overturned by some judge  :banghead:

Apparently you have kids.  I don't know how you discipline them (I never laid a hand on mine, they were perfect  :-)), but heaven help you in some states if you discipline your kids in public.  All it takes is some do-gooder to drop a dime and you're defending your ability to keep your kids (I ain't talking about beatings either).

Watch out, that camel has got it's nose way into the tent.

well, i grew up in the 70s and some very well educated people back then didnt put their kids in car seats or use seat belts.. it was just our culture. we dont have seat belts on school buses still and most kids use school buses back and forth every single day.

i think as we learn more about how things work, we adapt our laws to reflect that.

when cigarettes first came out, doctors were telling women to use them to keep their figures trim. Barney and Fred Flintstone were hawking cigarettes in ads. as we learned more about the affects of cigarette smoke, they put warning labels on them and encouraged people not to smoke.

when the internet first came out, it was free wheeling, anything goes. well, now we realize that its not always an acceptable place for kids to hang out and that our kids have to be monitored.

its just the nature of the world; we invent something, and then we figure out the unintended consequences of that invention..

Offline Ptarmigan

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2008, 10:30:21 PM »
I don't approve of smoking, but I would be against the law. However, kids who smoke pick that habit up because of parents and/or friends do it.
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Offline vftb

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #36 on: January 28, 2008, 10:38:52 PM »
we dont have seat belts on school buses still
Now that one I agree with you on.  In that situation we are relinquishing the safety of our kids to the state and I've never figured out why seat belts aren't mandatory on school buses  :confused:.

Is that someone knocking at your door??  Have you been feeding your kids too many cheeseburgers again  :rotf: :tongue: 
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Offline tuolumnejim

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #37 on: January 28, 2008, 10:49:31 PM »
So your saying you find nothing wrong with kids breathing in smoke, when they have no say in the matter?

No, but the states should do something about it, not the federal government.

Check the story again boss.  This is about the Washington State Legislature making the decision.  And it also talks about 27 other states who are looking at the topic right now as well.  Not the Federal Government.
In the Peoples Republic of Californistan this is already a law (just one of the many things that makes me want to get out of here) the story being here.
This type of crap law just leads us along the way to the nanny state level and I find it unpalatable.

I used to smoke about 9-10 years ago, and yes I do find it stinks, but no I do not find second hand smoke dangerous.
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Offline Lauri

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #38 on: January 28, 2008, 11:18:15 PM »
we dont have seat belts on school buses still
Now that one I agree with you on.  In that situation we are relinquishing the safety of our kids to the state and I've never figured out why seat belts aren't mandatory on school buses  :confused:.

Is that someone knocking at your door??  Have you been feeding your kids too many cheeseburgers again  :rotf: :tongue: 

here's one you might have heard already: when taking your kids to the pediatrician, the docs will ask your kids if there are smokers in the house, if there are any guns in the house.. how many people live in the house, and so on.

i think at some point, there will just be informational overload and maybe it will implode the govt. what could they possibly do with all that information?

boggles the mind..

Offline Lauri

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #39 on: January 28, 2008, 11:20:45 PM »
So your saying you find nothing wrong with kids breathing in smoke, when they have no say in the matter?

No, but the states should do something about it, not the federal government.

Check the story again boss.  This is about the Washington State Legislature making the decision.  And it also talks about 27 other states who are looking at the topic right now as well.  Not the Federal Government.
In the Peoples Republic of Californistan this is already a law (just one of the many things that makes me want to get out of here) the story being here.
This type of crap law just leads us along the way to the nanny state level and I find it unpalatable.

I used to smoke about 9-10 years ago, and yes I do find it stinks, but no I do not find second hand smoke dangerous.

i cant tell you if its dangerous or not.. but being a kid, growing up with it, we all hated it. and we couldnt do a thing about it.

my dad could smoke, or he could quit.. it was all up to him.

us kids had no say so. it made me want to puke at times, especially in the morning. it gave me headaches.. i never told my dad. i didnt want to hear him say to me, "well, too bad you dont get to tell me what to do" ..

Offline vftb

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #40 on: January 28, 2008, 11:35:38 PM »
us kids had no say so. it made me want to puke at times, especially in the morning. it gave me headaches.. i never told my dad. i didnt want to hear him say to me, "well, too bad you dont get to tell me what to do" ..
I understand what you're saying, I really do, but did you want the state to tell your dad what to do???  I'm a smoker (daily I question my sanity) and I'm sure on long trips I'd sneak a smoke in the car with my kids in it but I'd make damn sure the window was wide open and all (or most) of the smoke went out the window (mostly would stop at a rest stop), didn't need the state to tell me that.  My daughters are 20 and 24, went to a family gathering last Saturday and all rode in the same car (a three hour trip), my daughters don't smoke, so out of respect for them I didn't (didn't need a law to tell me that).  Lot of common sense involved here.

I was just listening to the radio while I was in the shower, caught bits and pieces and I don't have a link.  Apparently the state legislature in CA is currently debating whether there ought to be a state mandated rent control in CA.  That friggin camel is just working his way into that tent.
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Offline SilverOrchid

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #41 on: January 29, 2008, 10:06:50 AM »
we dont have seat belts on school buses still
Now that one I agree with you on.  In that situation we are relinquishing the safety of our kids to the state and I've never figured out why seat belts aren't mandatory on school buses  :confused:.

Is that someone knocking at your door??  Have you been feeding your kids too many cheeseburgers again  :rotf: :tongue: 

here's one you might have heard already: when taking your kids to the pediatrician, the docs will ask your kids if there are smokers in the house, if there are any guns in the house.. how many people live in the house, and so on.

i think at some point, there will just be informational overload and maybe it will implode the govt. what could they possibly do with all that information?

boggles the mind..

They also ask you if you put your baby down with a bottle and if the water heater is turned down to 100 degrees. About the no smoking in cars thing, I smoke and I never EVER smoke around my baby. When I do smoke, I go out in a "smoking coat" and wash my hands with soap and scalding water. I really don't need a law to tell me what I know already.

Offline Lauri

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #42 on: January 30, 2008, 12:28:47 PM »
us kids had no say so. it made me want to puke at times, especially in the morning. it gave me headaches.. i never told my dad. i didnt want to hear him say to me, "well, too bad you dont get to tell me what to do" ..
I understand what you're saying, I really do, but did you want the state to tell your dad what to do??? 

well, i will tell you this. at the end of his life, when lung cancer took him.. he was laying in a diaper, in a morphine stupor trying to take his clothes off in his room cause he was burning up from the inside out.

i wish someone had warned him off cigarettes when he was a young man. that was an agonizing thing to watch and as a man, he certainly wouldnt have liked knowing that we could all see him naked. he was a proud southern man and having us brush his teeth and do other personal hygeine things for him would have been a real humiliation.

i understand what youre saying, but my dad didnt have to die in his early 60s... another cancer, maybe, but lung cancer is mostly preventable if you dont smoke. i do now have seasonal asthma issues and lower lung capacity - although i'm healthy as a horse otherwise, there is no way to know if growing up with a smoker didnt do me some damage.

again, i'm not mad at my dad... i think in this day and age, we know what behaviors are bad for our kids and we shouldnt need the govt to tell us how to behave...

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Re: Law would ban smoking in cars with kids inside
« Reply #43 on: January 30, 2008, 05:20:58 PM »
Seat Belt Law - Check
Helmet Law - Check
Hands Free Cell Phone Law (Starting in CA in 7/08) - Check
No Smoking in Bars and Restaurants - Check
No Smoking in your car with Kids (coming) - Check

If I gave it more thought, I could surely come up with more.  No slippery slope here  :thatsright:                           

ok, call me crazy but all of those things you mentioned saves countless lives every year. not *every* thing the govt does is bad for us as a country. i would never put my kid in a car without a seatbelt. and helmuts have definitely saved both my kids lives more than a few times - as well as my husbands' noggin riding dirt bikes.

maybe a law saying you cant smoke around kids is a bit far reaching, but ask any kid; they hate the smell of it and when they ask "hey can i do that too?" and you say, "well no, cause its bad for you cause youre a little kid" .. you really dont have much of an argument against it.

or maybe we could have a discussion about the *benefits* of smoking around kids? :-)

(i can argue both sides of this one.. )

True. Helmets and seatbelts do save lives, but nanny-statism is a slippery slope to even worse laws.
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