Author Topic: AP IMPACT: Science not faked, but not pretty  (Read 2330 times)

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AP IMPACT: Science not faked, but not pretty
« on: December 12, 2009, 01:19:13 PM »
Since it is an AP article I will only link to it but talk about a deceiving headline.

It goes on to explain that they did everything in their power to mislead by manipulating data and silence any dissension.

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Re: AP IMPACT: Science not faked, but not pretty
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2009, 02:55:35 PM »
This is the "money quote" from the piece that throws the entire AP investigation into the trashbin of credibility;

"None of the e-mails flagged by the AP and sent to three climate scientists viewed as moderates in the field changed their view that global warming is man-made and a threat. Nor did it alter their support of the conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which some of the scientists helped write."

Your honor.....the defense rests.......

« Last Edit: December 12, 2009, 02:57:45 PM by TVDOC »

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Re: AP IMPACT: Science not faked, but not pretty
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2009, 04:05:05 PM »
A couple others..

Frankel saw "no evidence of falsification or fabrication of data, although concerns could be raised about some instances of very 'generous interpretations.'"

One scientist practically celebrates the news of the death of one critic, saying, "In an odd way this is cheering news!" Another bemoans that the only way to deal with skeptics is "continuing to publish quality work in quality journals (or calling in a Mafia hit.)" And a third scientist said the next time he sees a certain skeptic at a scientific meeting, "I'll be tempted to beat the crap out of him. Very tempted."

One e-mail that skeptics have been citing often since the messages were posted online is from Jones. He says: "I've just completed Mike's (Mann) trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (from 1981 onward) and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline."

Jones was referring to tree ring data that indicated temperatures after the 1950s weren't as warm as scientists had determined.

The "trick" that Jones said he was borrowing from Mann was to add the real temperatures, not what the tree rings showed. And the decline he talked of hiding was not in real temperatures, but in the tree ring data which was misleading, Mann explained.

Sometimes the data didn't line up as perfectly as scientists wanted.

David Rind told colleagues about inconsistent figures in the work for a giant international report: "As this continuing exchange has clarified, what's in Chapter 6 is inconsistent with what is in Chapter 2 (and Chapter 9 is caught in the middle!). Worse yet, we've managed to make global warming go away! (Maybe it really is that easy...:)."

Any questions kiddies?
Where is TNO anyways on this?

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Re: AP IMPACT: Science not faked, but not pretty
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2009, 04:12:51 PM »

Any questions kiddies?
Where is TNO anyways on this?

Isn't Saturday his day to go bang his noggin for Gaia?  No wait; I think he's out pestering the 7th Day Adventists.
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