Give it a try, Frank, unless you can't have salt. Corned beefs are salty.
Corned Beef, Cabbage, and Red Potatoes.
Corned Beef:
Grab a packaged Corned Beef Brisket from Walmart as they are generally the cheapest. Unlike a smoked brisket, there isn't much difference in the point and a flat in corned beef if you boil it long enough. I get the cheaper cut.
Wash the corned beef under cold, running water. Throw the corned beef in a stock pot, cover with water, and boil 5-7 hours until done depending upon the size of the corned beef. Sprinkle the packaged spices that come with the corned beef into the pot.
Healthy version: About 45 minutes before the corned beef is done, cut up the cabbage and place into a large skillet. Sprinkle caraway over the top. Add a half cup of water and let steam until desired doneness is attained.
Yummy unhealthy version: About 2 hours before the corned beef is done, cut up the cabbage and throw it in a skillet along with a stick of butter (or two.) Sprinkle some caraway over the top. Some bacon can be added as well for more flavor. Add about a half a cup of water. Cover the pan and let simmer until desired doneness, stirring frequently towards the end . If cooking it for my father, I cook it for 2 hours until it is "fried cabbage"... all brown and mushy with some of the cabbage carmelized. If cooking for someone that prefers some crunch in their veggies, I take it out much earlier and leave out the bacon. The longer it is cooked, the sweeter (and mushier) it becomes.
Red potatoes:
Split them in half and throw them in the pot with the corned beef about 2 hours before the corned beef is done. I slather with butter before serving, but can be served without the butter for those cutting back on their cholesterol. They do not require salt as they have absorbed the salt from the corned beef. Sprinkle with garlic, parmesan, or your herb of choice.
Note: If you have a pressure cooker, the corned beef and potatoes can be thrown in together at the beginning. Cook on 15 pounds pressure for an hour and a half, or two hours if a larger or multiple corned beefs.
If anyone knows of a better, tastier way for frank to do the cabbage in a healthy manner, please feel free to add. Since my family prefers the fried mush version of the cabbage, I don't have a ton of experience with the healthy version. A great healthy cabbage recipe would be much appreciated.
Leftover corned beef makes great Reuben sammiches. Or leave out the cabbage and potatoes and just make Reuben sandwiches from the get-go.