That's usually how it works. I used to enjoy computers... now I merely tolerate them. 
Cooking for a living stinks. You don't get to be a 'chef' overnight and usually have to work your way up from the bottom. I met a lot of people that went to culinary school and found out what it's like to actually work in a restaurant after they spent all that money.
I have no formal or informal training. In fact, my Mom never helped me. My Grandmother taught me biscuits. That is it. The rest, I learned by doing.
For Firekrakka:
3 pounds ground brisket or chuck
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
8 kaiser or onion buns, split
8 thin slices Swiss cheese
Onion (raw and grilled)
Sauteed shrooms
Mayo(I add horseradish to mine)
1/2 pound thin sliced Pastrami, heated through.
1 pound bacon of choice, fried.
1. In a large bowl, lightly season ground meat with salt and pepper if you like and mix in gently with your hands. To shape the burgers, take about 1/8 of meat and form it into a meatball; then flatten it a between your hands until it's about 3/4 in. thick. Turn the patty on your palm while firming up its edges with the thumb and forefingers of your other hand (your goal is to get rid of a crumbly edge). Press a small dent in the middle. Grilled burgers tend to swell in the middle. Repeat with remaining meat. Let burgers rest at least 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
2. Prepare a gas or charcoal grill for high heat Wipe grate with oil.
3. Sprinkle burgers with salt and pepper (especially if you chose not to season the meat in Step 1). Grill burgers 4 to 6 minutes, turning once, for rare, (For a medium to well-done burger, cook over medium-high heat (about 450°) for 10 minutes total; topping with cheese during the final minute or two.
4. Transfer burgers to a plate. Clean grate with oiled paper towels. Toast buns on grill 1 minute.
Build burgers to taste. Use bacon and/or pastrami for a new take on bacon burgers.