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...Meanwhile, we get almost no discussion of plans and policies from either candidate, Trump is slipping into standard politician territory, dropping random promises that are very debatable if he could do, either on his own or working with Congress (government paid IVF, forcing insurance companies to pay for IVF is the most recent one that made me think of this) Harris never has had any plans that she will publicly discuss (I'm sure there are plans, just nothing her or her handlers want us aware of). 

I'm not looking forward to Nov 6th, either outcome is going to be a long hard row to hoe.

The reason we haven't seen much in the way of policy speeches from either of them is that we know from experience what we can expect from them. We have four years of Trump 45 to draw policy planks from and estimate what those policies will do for us, and whether she cares to admit it or not, we have 4-years of Komrade Kackles performance as part of the #SpongeBrainShitPants regime for where her baseline policies lie, and what they're going to do to us.

The DUmpster / Re: VIDEO: Glenn Kirschner's Brain Fried by Trump Serving McD Fries
« Last post by FlippyDoo on October 22, 2024, 05:31:13 PM »
No real orders? Does he think they were holographic images like some of the DU loons that about the 9/11 planes? Perhaps a good cinder block and chicken wire experiment needs to be performed.
The DUmpster / Re: I hope everyone realizes
« Last post by FlippyDoo on October 22, 2024, 05:25:42 PM »
OK, having fisked the sillinesses and lies in Jilly_in_VA's DU-post, she is correct in perceiving one thing. Trump picking Vance did and does increase Vance's prominence among R leaders. By. Trump's. Choice.

LIEden picking Kammie as insurance against being 25th-Amendmented worked, but too well. Trump running again forced the Dems to try to run LIEden again instead of having an actual primary season in which less prominent Dem hopefuls could gain recognition. Then when it became clear that LIEden was not up to the stresses of a campaign, Dems' failure to have an actual primary season left them stuck with Kammie, LIEden's insurance against being 25th-Amendmented.

I agree. I also really think SloJo quickly endorsing Kammie was actually Jill getting payback on the Overlords for kick her off of her perch by kicking SloJo off the ticket. I'm sure that the Dem Party Overlords didn't want that Kackling Idiot to be their candidate, but they were kind of stuck with her once Jill made her move via SloJo's endorsement. On that occasion, the Overlords were playing checkers while vindictive Jill was playing chess. Or maybe I'm wrong.
Even when he isn't doing things like this, Trump trolls the MSM and Dems into giving him free publicity just by existing and doing/saying things he does/says naturally. How the MSM and Dems do not realize, even after 9+ years, that their howls and lies are free publicity I really do not get. I'm far from the most perceptive guy in the world, but even I recognized this some time in winter '16-'17 or spring '17.

Some of the DUmmies recognize this. Starting in 2015 they started complaining that Trump got ANY press because it "normalizes" him to the general public. They'd love to see Trump banned from getting any press at all.
The DUmpster / Re: I hope everyone realizes
« Last post by Happy Fun Ball on October 22, 2024, 04:39:42 PM »
Alright, let's just see who this horror really is...(Fred pulls off the mask)
I hope everyone realizes
that Biden is merely a stalking horse for Kamala. He's too infirm and unhinged to be president. If, God forbid, he is elected, he will either die shortly thereafter, be 25th Amendmented, or be merely a figurehead as Kamala, Obama, Soros, and the other fascists and lunatics of the left run roughshod over the country.
The DUmpster / Re: I hope everyone realizes
« Last post by enslaved1 on October 22, 2024, 04:03:18 PM »
They’re going to be hating Trump for the next 100 years. He’s a legendary boogie man who will haunt them from his grave. There will be more sightings of him than Elvis  :thatsright:

I can absolutely see something like this happening, or at least being attempted, after Trump dies.  The moonbats already have held onto that hate for so long, at least some of them will never let it go. 
Trump should buy a McDonalds, that would really freak them out  :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Trump showed appreciation for real ordinary people.

Which is something neither biden nor harris has done or is capable of doing. :thatsright:
The DUmpster / Re: I hope everyone realizes
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on October 22, 2024, 02:57:26 PM »
They’re going to be hating Trump for the next 100 years. He’s a legendary boogie man who will haunt them from his grave. There will be more sightings of him than Elvis  :thatsright:
The DUmpster / Re: Dead Heat, huh?
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on October 22, 2024, 02:53:52 PM »

     We vote by unit, not by volume, DUmmies. Lizzo only counts for one.

Are you sure about that her ass has 2 different zip codes. :lmao: :rotf: :rotf: :-)
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