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Is there another chapter?

I missed the part where the cops jump out of the bushes, 24 business hours later.
Well, the fbi confirmed today that what struck President Trumps ear was a bullet, whether whole of in pieces.

Dear DUmmies:

The DUmpster / Re: If Trump was hit by a bullet of that caliber?
« Last post by SVPete on Today at 05:43:42 PM »
After I saw Wray's testimony I started to wonder what his DU name is.

IHatesTrumpses? FBIPartisan1111?
The DUmpster / Re: Jill Biden appreciation thread.
« Last post by DUmpDiver on Today at 05:40:51 PM »
DU-folks and similarly-ummm-minded Progs should extend their sympathy to Dr. Jill. She was hoping for another term of being Edith Wilson 2.0.

Exactly, she hasn't been supporting Joe, she's been running him and the country.
Every Republican I've talked to recently now wants men in womens sports and bathrooms, schools not telling parents when their kids change their pronouns, higher energy prices, an open border and less beef in their diet.
The DUmpster / Re: It is taking all I've got not to be . . . . .
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on Today at 05:24:42 PM »
All I can say is If they were worried about biden winning wait till she gets on the campaign trail and has to debate trump.

I would hope that the republicans would hold the democrats feet to the fire on picking the debate venue and moderators, after all they did the picking last election and the debate with biden. Have her put in a situation where she has to answer questions and not just cakkle away.
The DUmpster / Re: If Trump was hit by a bullet of that caliber?
« Last post by DUmpDiver on Today at 05:22:34 PM »
After I saw Wray's testimony I started to wonder what his DU name is.
Not to change the subject or drift off topic, but last night on Gutfeld he played a clip of randy winegarden at some event giving a speech. She looked like hitler ranting and waving her fists in the air denouncing Trump and how they needed to protect democracy.
The teachers union is another threat to democracy it’s only job is to make more left wing democrats.

Yeah, I saw that. She was acting like the cheese had slid all of the way off of her cracker.
Yes, we all know that the loon going by GaYellowDawg made up this story. Yes, it's terrible that the DUmmies feel the need to lie all of the time.

With the above said, this particular fabrication was kind of refreshing to me. In this fairy tale, the DUmmie's idea of witty repartee isn't what caused the fictional conversion. The mythical conversion essentially happened "off screen" on its own. While I do applaud this Bouncy attempt, I'd urge the DUmmie, if it chooses to make up additional stories, to add more action and more comedy. Despite what some may say "cops jumping out of bushes" never goes out of style and is always a good addition to a made up DU story.

My thanks to GaYellowDawg for attempting to entertain us, but I still miss the classical DUmmies who could really spin a yarn.
2. A DUmmie would not tell this truth, but financial aid for education predated the DOE by years, if not decades. I doubt that a real conservative would not know this and also would not point this out to his son.

Not to change the subject or drift off topic, but last night on Gutfeld he played a clip of randy winegarden at some event giving a speech. She looked like hitler ranting and waving her fists in the air denouncing Trump and how they needed to protect democracy.
The teachers union is another threat to democracy it’s only job is to make more left wing democrats.
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