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Smith_3 (133 posts) Mon Jan-07-08 04:05 PMOriginal message I just filled out my application form for the absentee ballot. It asked me for my "race". So should I put "Human" or "Golden Retriever"? Or "Arian" maybe?
tom_paine (1000+ posts) Mon Jan-07-08 04:09 PMResponse to Original message 8. Say White if you want to get it counted, say "African-American" if you want it thrown in the trash by some Bushie.Sadly, that is pretty much the case these days, and the fact that absentee-ballots ask for which "race" makes it quite clear.State-legislature controlled by Repugs much?(no need to answer, I already know the answer, but confirmation would be nice and if I am wrong, I should know, too)
Kucinich4America (1000+ posts) Mon Jan-07-08 04:15 PMResponse to Original message 18. Since you asked, I'd go with "Aryan" Better chance of the ballot not being "lost" that way.