Author Topic: I've heard back channel that Gov. Siegelman is having a rough February.  (Read 1681 times)

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Well Dougs ex and her new cause

sfexpat2000  (1000+ posts)       Thu Feb-07-08 04:19 PM
Original message
I've heard back channel that Gov. Siegelman is having a rough February.
 If you could find it in your heart to write to him, that would be so great.

Don Siegelman
FPC P O Box 5010
Oakdale La 71463

His birthday is on the 24rth.

Please let's not forget this BushCo political prisoner.


sfexpat2000  (1000+ posts)       Thu Feb-07-08 04:21 PM
Response to Original message
1. House Democrats follow up on Siegelman case 

House Democrats follow up on Siegelman case
Thursday, February 07, 2008
News Washington correspondent

WASHINGTON - The criminal prosecution of former Gov. Don Siegelman will be a topic today when U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey testifies before a congressional committee, according to the Democratic chairman of the panel.

U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., asked Mukasey to be prepared to discuss the Siegelman case during the House Judiciary Committee's oversight hearing of the Justice Department, according to a letter from Conyers to Mukasey released by the committee.

Conyers' panel has been among the most aggressive in confronting the Bush administration on issues such as torture, selective prosecution and violations of voting rights. He said committee members will cover those areas plus the politicization of the Justice Department, waterboarding and the agency's investigation into the destruction of CIA videotapes of the interrogations of terrorism suspects.

jasmine621 (1000+ posts)      Thu Feb-07-08 09:05 PM
Response to Reply #1
34. I wish Maxine would get really involved in this. What do the candidates 
 say about this.

sfexpat2000  (1000+ posts)       Thu Feb-07-08 09:41 PM
Response to Reply #34
36. I haven't heard either of them say anything. n/t

Pacifist Patriot  (1000+ posts)       Fri Feb-08-08 07:53 AM
Response to Reply #34
66. I have sent inquiries to the campaigns. No response yet.

When will they realize that noone cares about them??

Octafish  (1000+ posts)       Thu Feb-07-08 11:24 PM
Response to Reply #1
52. Go, John, Go! We've ALL got to support CONYERS and the JC...
 ...If We the People demand it from every single freaking Congressmanwoman, the leadership will notice. They certainly will listen if we tell them that we will remember them in the fall and how they weren't there in the battle to restore Justice to the United States.

Gov. Siegelman is a real hero. He has been framed by the BFEE and Corporate McPravda doesn't give a hoot


sfexpat2000  (1000+ posts)       Thu Feb-07-08 04:51 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. Thank you. What Don has been put through, what he continues
 to endure is a travesty.

Please, let's keep supporting him and challenging this subversion of our justice system.

hisownpetard  (1000+ posts)       Thu Feb-07-08 05:35 PM
Response to Reply #14
29. It's the Bush gulag. He should walk out of that cell so we can cram Bush, Cheney, Gonzales, Miers,
 Rumsfeld, Libby, et al in there, all shacked together at the ankles.

Put the real criminals in jail and let the political prisoners out.

marmar  (1000+ posts)       Thu Feb-07-08 04:23 PM
Response to Original message
5. K&R for an end to the reign of this organized crime syndicate known as the Republican Party....


sfexpat2000  (1000+ posts)       Thu Feb-07-08 05:27 PM
Response to Reply #5
26. My mom calls them the "legal mafia".

hlthe2b  (1000+ posts)      Thu Feb-07-08 04:35 PM
Response to Original message
10. thank you.. I will
 How free are we to talk about the case, since I'm sure his mail is "reviewed"?


sfexpat2000  (1000+ posts)       Thu Feb-07-08 04:39 PM
Response to Original message
11. I love DU so much. You step up no matter what.
 Edited on Thu Feb-07-08 04:40 PM by sfexpat2000
You all have the best bullshit detector I've ever seen.

Here's more of Gov. Siegelman's story. And you have to know, he's not the only one that was targeted in that area.

The gulag comes to America: The Don Siegelman case
By Ernest Partridge
Online Journal Guest Writer

Feb 1, 2008, 01:00

Larisa Alexandrovna, one of the few journalists to investigate this case in depth, writes: "For most Americans, the very concept of political prisoners is remote and exotic, a practice that is associated with third-world dictatorships but is foreign to the American tradition. The idea that a prominent politician former state governor – could be tried on charges that many observers consider to be trumped-up, convicted in a trial that involved numerous questionable procedures, and then hauled off to prison in shackles immediately upon sentencing would be almost unbelievable."

Less "unbelievable," perhaps, if we reflect upon a dominant Republican mind-set: politics as warfare, the Democrats are "evil" and "the enemy," and not "the loyal opposition." "You are either with us or with the terrorists," said George Bush -- no compromise, no alternatives, and no middle ground. Thus the goal of the GOP warrior is not merely to defeat the Democrats; the goal is to destroy them.

This was the objective of those who brought charges against Don Siegelman, in a case that stinks from top to bottom of political vendetta and manipulation. It’s a rather complicated story, which I cannot recount in detail here. Those details may be found in the Raw Story (Alexandrovna et al) series and the DemocracyNow Scott Horton interview, listed and linked below. However, these are the essential elements.

The bribery charge rose out of Siegelman’s appointment of Richard Scrushy to the Alabama hospital regulatory board, a non-paying position that Scrusky had held under two previous governors. The appointment followed Scrushy’s donation of a half million dollars to a Siegelman foundation and gained Siegelman no financial advantage whatsoever. Of course, political favors to donors is routine in both state and federal governments, as numerous ambassadorial appointments will testify. Moreover, clearly illegal campaign contributions were received by Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions and Federal Judge William Pryor, who have not been investigated much less prosecuted.

That's because what most of you primitives deal in is Bullshit

mod mom  (1000+ posts)       Thu Feb-07-08 04:43 PM
Response to Original message
12. Covered by so many sources & yet he remains imprisoned. Here's the NYT:
 The Strange Case of an Imprisoned Alabama Governor

Published: September 10, 2007
Alberto Gonzales is out as attorney general, but there is still a lot of questionable Justice Department activity for Congress to sort through. The imprisonment of Don Siegelman, a former Democratic governor of Alabama, should be at the top of the list. Jill Simpson, an Alabama lawyer and Republican operative, is heading to Washington this week to tell Congressional investigators that she heard prominent Republicans plotting to use the United States attorneys’ offices to remove Mr. Siegelman as a political threat. The case should be the focus of a probing Congressional hearing this fall.

Mr. Siegelman was a major frustration to Alabama Republicans. The state is bright red, but Mr. Siegelman managed to win the governorship in 1998 with 57 percent of the vote. He was defeated for re-election in 2002 under suspicious circumstances. In the initial returns, Mr. Siegelman appeared to have won by a razor-thin margin. But a late-night change in the tallies in Republican Baldwin County gave the current governor, Bob Riley, a victory of a little more than 3,000 votes out of 1.3 million cast.

Mr. Siegelman has charged that the votes were intentionally shifted by a Republican operative. James Gundlach, an Auburn University professor, did a statistical analysis of the returns and found that the final numbers were clearly the result of intentional manipulation. Mr. Siegelman wanted to take back the governorship in 2006, but his indictment made it impossible.

If Ms. Simpson is telling the truth, she provides important support for Mr. Siegelman’s claim that his prosecution was political. In a sworn affidavit, she says she was on a phone call in November 2002 with Governor Riley’s son, Rob Riley, and Bill Canary, a Republican political operative whose wife, Leura Canary, is the United States attorney for Montgomery. According to Ms. Simpson, they were discussing the political threat Mr. Siegelman posed, and Mr. Canary said his “girls” — his wife and Alice Martin, the United States Attorney in Birmingham — would take care of Mr. Siegelman. Ms. Simpson said Mr. Canary also said the case had been discussed with Karl Rove.

The Bush administration insists that the United States attorney scandal is a non-scandal. But the Siegelman and Thompson cases are a reminder that when the power of the state to imprison people is put in the wrong hands, lives can be ruined and democracy can be threatened. Since the Justice Department refuses to appoint an independent prosecutor to examine whether these and other cases were politicized, Congress must provide the scrutiny. 

Ahhh..........stolen election check

George Oilwellian  (1000+ posts)       Thu Feb-07-08 10:17 PM
Response to Original message
40. I'll be sure to send him a card by the 24th
 Did you happen to see the Judiciary hearing today with Mukasey? The end of it was stunning...the congressman from Alabama, can't think of his name, he used to be a prosecuting attorney in Alabama, was CUT OFF due to time constraints by CONYERS. And that's how it ENDED. I was furious to say the least and Mukasey weaseled out of answering to any investigations going on in regard to Siegelman, Iglesias and McKay

You got off your ass, now get your wife off her back.