Author Topic: My suggestion for health care plan....don't fall for the tricks anymore...  (Read 2064 times)

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Offline 5412

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As I write this, our government is trying to perpetuate another fraud upon the citizens that, from a financial perspective, could be the final straw that breaks the camel’s back.  We cannot accept them setting the rules and setting up their charade anymore.

The government is pushing our country toward socialism or worse, at breakneck speed.  The politicians have cleverly pitted us against one another, democrats versus republicans, kept us fighting among ourselves while our country gives more and more power to the federal government at the expense of our personal freedom.  It was Glenn Beck who I credit with helping me realize that both parties are doing the same thing.

Now on to the game I referred to.   The president is screaming for congress to pass a comprehensive health bill and it must be passed immediately, before congress goes on their summer break.  The same sense of urgency that was used to spend trillions on a stimulus package, a bill that quadrupled our national debt, and was not read in its entirety by a single member of congress who voted either for or against it, and it already has proven to be a colossal failure.

The democrats, because of their numbers in congress, are in charge of crafting the legislation.  The republicans scream bloody murder and voice their opposition to the bill.  The democrats then ridicule them with the help of the mainstream press, well we passed our plan because you did not even offer a plan, and therein lies the charade, the fraud that is being put forth on the American public once again.

In 2003 and 2004 one of the platforms the democrats ran on was the absolute crisis in this country concerning the cost of prescription medication.  Had to fix this absolute crisis immediately, it is a crisis.  As a result President Bush, worked with congress to craft a prescription drug bill.  I am sure he would easily justify this as the republican plan, and we should support it because it does not contain the odious elements the democrats stand for.  If we have to have a prescription drug bill at least ours did not nationalize the drug companies, cause the government to take over private industry, and the citizens have to pay for this coverage as part of the package.

As Glenn Beck pointed out so well in his book “Glenn Beck’s Common Sense”, the bill was put into law in 2006 and in three years has run up unfunded liabilities on the part of the federal government of $17.2 trillion.

That is analogous to having your hand in a vice and giving it 20 quick turns and your fingers are totally crushed and broken.  Then you back off the vice 3 or 4 turns, still cannot remove your hand, but blessed relief, the pain is so much less….  What a crock, your fingers are still broken, crushed and likely your hand will never function properly again. 

In other words, the democrat plan and republican plan results in the same thing, more and more government control, and less freedom and choices for the American citizens and the American public left with trillions more debt to be paid by future generations.  Government wins, America loses once again.  Much like the hand in the vice, the damage becomes permanent.

If one has ever taken a course in problem solving there are two simple principles that you would learn.  If you do not solve the cause, you do not solve the problem.  And, once you feel you have determined the cause, you will investigate various solutions….then “look for the effect of your solution, sometimes you can cause a bigger problem.” 

Unfortunately, because our government now consists primarily of career politicians, they never apply even the basic principles of logic and reason, that becomes secondary to their political considerations… do I make sure I get re-elected becomes the primary motive.   Any long term effects of their decisions are not regarded, they will be someone else’s problem.  Their needs are paramount, not the needs of the American people.

Let me give you an example of what I mean.  The government decides that poor people do not have the same opportunities to buy homes as rich people.  They then conclude the real cause of the problem is the banks will not lend them money, they give preferential treatment to the rich people.  That, of course was not the true cause, but they set about to fix it anyway.  They then set up a system which requires banks to lend money to folks they know cannot afford to pay it back.    The banks then present the government with the problem, if they continue with the practice they will go out of business because of their credit losses.  The government then solves that problem by requiring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy those distressed loans by the thousands. 

Well we saw what happened there, the house of cards collapses, and the government declares another crisis, spends trillions to bail out the banks, while they take control and continue on their path to socialism, and once again the taxpayers are left with trillions more in taxes that will have to be paid from our pockets.

An example of the effects of decisions causing a bigger problem is this.  In 1963 part of Lyndon Johnson’s great society was to protect the poor, innocent children that were born to unwed mothers.  The government then decided to give money to unwed mothers so they could help raise their children that were poor, innocent victims and did not ask to be born into poverty, etc.  History has proven that the effect of that decision was to set up an incentive system that rewards out of wedlock birth and we now have a much larger percentage of our society who are born into poverty.  That also caused many to drop out of school as early as 13 or 14 so they could start having children and get on the gravy train of government handouts all that much sooner.  Once again, the government gains more control on the march to socialism, and more and more funding is thrown into the mix so even more are now dependent upon the government for survival.


Here is what I would propose for the alternative to the democrat plan, nothing you will see coming from either party in congress, but more than likely, one that would be supported by the majority of Americans.

Let’s begin with the premise being shouted from the President, “Medical Costs are unsustainable and out of control, something must be done.”

Now if one stops and analyzes for a moment they will learn that there are a certain number of families that need some form of health insurance.  If the numbers I have seen lately are correct around 75% already have some sort of health care coverage and they and/or their employer are paying the premiums, deductibles etc.  They are generally getting the proper medical care they need, and may complain about the cost but are responsible and paying for it.  This group would also include those on Medicare who have chosen to supplement government coverage with additional insurance bought from the private insurance carriers.

The second group is folks that need health care insurance and either truly cannot afford it, or choose not to buy it, but in an emergency will receive medical care in most any hospital in the country.  Now each of the groups need to be looked at individually.

Let’s start with those who do not have health care insurance at all.  This must not be confused with the fact they do not have care, because the current system provides that they must be treated under Medicaid etc.  They have health care provided, they just do not have insurance.  Therefore they are not complaining about the cost of health care are they????  It likely is not costing them a dime.  It is the government paying for them that has cost the rest of us billions of dollars.  So the real problem to be solved is to find a way to reduce the cost to the government of health care, not add more people to the system of getting free handouts.  Here is what I would suggest go into a bill to help solve this situation.

 I saw studies in CA where over 40% of the health care costs borne by the taxpayer are for medical costs for folks who are in this country illegally.  I would change the law to require several things.

When a person comes into a medical facility the hospital or doctor must ask them for their social security number which could be checked into a master government database.  They could quickly determine if they are legal or otherwise.  Then they would be required to do two things.  First, do the humane thing and treat them.  Second, they must immediately inform US immigration who would be required to deport them.  Then they would be told they could apply for citizenship after they paid their outstanding medical bills which had been paid by the taxpayers.  Medical facilities must follow that procedure or they will not be reimbursed by the government for the treatment provided to insure compliance.

Now, common sense would tell you there would be an immediate saving because illegals would not come for care unless it was truly an emergency.  At the same time, as the deportation process falls into place this would reduce the cost even further.  The US is one of the few people that would even consider treating those in the country illegally and that madness needs to stop.

Assuming that the figures in CA are reasonable accurate, the government would see a reduction in cost of 40% or more in a very short time. 

Now the remaining folks in that class would be working folks who cannot afford medical insurance, or choose not to buy it, and unemployed who are truly needy and need medical care. 

I would add to the legislation an incentive program to encourage employers to offer basic coverage to their employees and the cost would be shared between employer and employee.  This should certainly help to get many more on some form of private health care plans.  If insurance is offered to every employee and they choose to turn it down, which is their right, then they have chosen to self-insure and are personally responsible for the cost of that decision.  It is not up to the government to choose for them, that is the individual’s right.  At the same time, the government does not pay for their health care, their choices have consequences.

Now, here is my last premise in this regard.  I do not feel the majority of the American people do not have a problem helping those who are truly in need.  With the numbers pared down, the cost to the government should be reduced to a manageable number.  If I am even remotely correct, it is now no longer a crisis that is unsustainable.

Now, on to the bulk of the population, those who have insurance, are getting medical treatment and working with an insurance company to pay for it.

Realistically, that segment of society is not only paying for their care, but subsidizing medical facilities that are losing money treating patients on Medicare and more so Medicaid.   In other words, their fees and premiums are covering more than the true cost of providing for themselves and their families.  One then would need to look at what the primary cost components are in these charges.

We hear a lot of talk from the government about doctors practicing “defensive” medicine, ordering treatments and tests to cover themselves from a legal perspective.  Who can blame them?  Every time the government even mentions some sort of tort reform or cap on malpractice awards the American Bar Association and trial lawyers lobbies spring into action.  With their millions of dollars in campaign contribution they are able to buy enough votes to make sure those types of bills do not pass.  It is time for the American public to say “enough is enough” and enact some sort of reasonable limits on malpractice lawsuits. 

In addition to putting reasonable limitations on awards, I would also add some additional legislation.  It is common practice for trial lawyers to take the cases of the “victims” on a contingency basis.  The theory being that they might not win.  Of course they do not tell the public that the lawyers, based on their experience generally take cases that they fully expect to win and reject many they feel cannot be won. 

To compound this problem, they also engage in price fixing which is illegal.  Try to find a lawyer these days to take even the most obvious cases for less than 1/3 of the settlement.  They follow the recommended guidelines from the American Bar Association or some other professional association,  and basically are guilty of price fixing.  I once confronted a lawyer and told his I felt like suing him for price fixing.  He grinned and responded, “Where you gonna find a lawyer to handle your case?”  This is one time where I would tie the legal fees into a government mandated settlement schedule.  If they are going to fix price, then perhaps the taxpayers should fix their fees.  1/3 of the first $100,000 and then a much lower scale thereafter. 

I would also allow for one other thing.  There are many “frivolous” law suits filed because lawyers know the defendant will settle out of court because it is cheaper than run the risk and cost of going to trial.   It basically is a form of blackmail or shakedown.  I would pass a law that if a defendant counter sues the attorney for filing a frivolous and wins, the losing law firm must also be required to pay the total legal fees of the winner in the case.  In this case, now they have something to lose if they file lawsuits which they know are really attempts to shakedown medical providers to begin with.


I will be damned if I am going to buy the idea of supporting an alternative government health care plan because it is not as bad as the plan presented by the other political party, I no longer want to play that game, it is a fraud.


Offline Rick

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Illegals are here, using fake Id's already. No reason they won't use them for Medical Benefits.

Tort reform. Lawer's are taking 2/3 of the reward. In some states, the remainder goes to the taxes. A more simpler reform would be "loser pays". Have a frivolous lawsuit and lose, you pay.

Offline Lacarnut

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My greatest fear is not that my premiums will go up but that the quality (tests such as CAT-scans & MRI's) will be severely cut back; if you are over 65 years of age and you need a liver or heart transplant, some bureaucratic unelected political appointee will tell you to go home to die because it is too costly. 

Offline Lord Undies

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Makes sense to me. 

Offline 5412

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My greatest fear is not that my premiums will go up but that the quality (tests such as CAT-scans & MRI's) will be severely cut back; if you are over 65 years of age and you need a liver or heart transplant, some bureaucratic unelected political appointee will tell you to go home to die because it is too costly. 


You are exactly right, not to mention the trillion in costs that we have no means to pay for.  Bottom line is we better be telling our legislators to do NOTHING.


Offline Lacarnut

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You are exactly right, not to mention the trillion in costs that we have no means to pay for.  Bottom line is we better be telling our legislators to do NOTHING.


Managed care, single payer or whatever you call it will be a disaster if the government gets their paws on the health care industry. Lower payments to Doctors and Hospitals means less care, fewer Dr's and nurses going into the profession, fewer specialists, less medical research, more wasteful spending and in the end more costly. Those of us that pay for our coverage will get the privilege of paying more and get less coverage. :censored: What's not to like about the morons that propose this stuff. Now, if we could only get them to participate in the system that they want for us rather than keeping their 5 gold star Congressional health plan.     

Offline formerlurker

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The funny part in all this is that they have a demonstrated history of failure with Medicare, yet want to expand on that.   

It won't pass.   Obama wants it done now as he knows it the only time he has a legitimate shot at it.   Go pass summer and you are in mid-cycle elections  -- no one is signing onto this then.   The GOP is predicted for sweeping wins so these socialist medicine dreams will get shelved for good. 

This is it.  The GOP plans to filubuster, and a hole hell of a lot of Democrats may just cross the aisle to join them.

Offline 5412

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The funny part in all this is that they have a demonstrated history of failure with Medicare, yet want to expand on that.   

It won't pass.   Obama wants it done now as he knows it the only time he has a legitimate shot at it.   Go pass summer and you are in mid-cycle elections  -- no one is signing onto this then.   The GOP is predicted for sweeping wins so these socialist medicine dreams will get shelved for good. 

This is it.  The GOP plans to filubuster, and a hole hell of a lot of Democrats may just cross the aisle to join them.


Boy do I wish I had your positive attitude on this issue.  Stuart Varney got into the details this morning and it is really ugly.....including a provision that no union members have to pay for the care..... 

I hope the GOP not only filibusters but also they walk out of the house chamber in protest.  They need to do everything to delay this so the public has time to digest this outrage.

thanks of the optomism,