Author Topic: Anger motivates developer to purchase 3 apartments building to house homeless  (Read 2149 times)

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Anger motivates developer to purchase 3 apartments building to house homeless vets

Last edited Tue Apr 24, 2012, 01:37 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

Anger motivates developer to house vets

Real-estate developer Matt Heslin is an avid cyclist. As he rode the streets of Orange County and Los Angeles, something disturbed him greatly.

"As I rode, I continually saw very young homeless men and women," said Heslin. "I'd see them at the beaches, on freeway off-ramps, in river beds, and under bridges.

"In talking with these young people, I learned many of them are veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars."

Heslin says they've come home and have been turned loose into society without any reintegration plan to make the transition from soldier to civilian.

A grateful mother of two children who served in the Iraq war and was sleeping in a homeless shelter was the recipient of one unit. Another veteran of the war in Afghanistan bounced from his car to homeless shelters. Now, he has a bed, a stove, a couch and a place to call his own.

See DUmmies this how it should be, you see people suffering, you care, so you do something on your own about it.

2. It's plain for all to see..

It's a clear cut case of communism at play when a private citizen can care for his fellow man..
Where does the madness end? The next thing you'll know soldiers will want their country to acknowledge their services.

What the hell is this idiot smoking?

8. I thought the same thing...Bill O Liar

would call this guy a commie.

But to me Heslin follows the teaching of what Jesus preaches....

PS. I am not religious but believe in doing good and that we are all in this boat (blue marble) together.

Ok you morons, let me try to explain it so even you fools can understand it, the developer saw people suffering, he cared so he dug into his own pocket and did something about it. If he was a commie he would have come to your house with a gun and demanded a donation, or just went home and posted on DU how  unfair life is, and that someone else should help.

11. See? We don't need big government to coddle these people.

The generosity of Americans and the free market will fix it.

I know you were being sarcastic, but you were actually right, this is a good example of the generosity of one American person fixing it.

13. I think you have hit it on the head. This will be the

repuke line should they acknowledge the generosity.

Once again it is proven they have no clue what we believe in.

Piazza Riforma
16. Pardon me for leaking on this parade

but I'm not giving this guy any props. He only became indignant because they were veterans not just because they were homeless. This has become the new PC, give veterans free meals, free tickets, free this and free that.

More of the same "patriotic" hero worship. Pick up a gun and you're somebody, don't and you're nobody.

Maybe I might think this he is some kind of angel when he does the same for ALL homeless and not just veterans.

Yep someone does something nice out of the kindness of his heart and someone at DU has to complain.  :mental:

18. The difference...

... is that veterans have at some point put their well being on hold to advance the interests of the US, of which Mr. Heslin is a citizen and from which he has benefited.

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Response to AmazingSchnitzel (Reply #18)Tue Apr 24, 2012, 05:17 PM
Piazza Riforma
25. So you're telling me that a non-vet who lost his job and was tossed out on the street

is not as worthy as a vet because he didn't "put his life on hold to advance the interests of the US"?


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Response to Piazza Riforma (Reply #25)Tue Apr 24, 2012, 07:13 PM
29. The scale is not static...

... nor is it black and white.

The things I listed above are merely accomplishments that Mr. Heslin has chosen to reward that some do not have.

Every charity in the world has some limiting characteristic to it. Age, region, ethnicity, work history, drug use, professional affiliation, specific need etc.. etc.. etc...

Do you cast your asparagus at all those organizations as well or just those who support veterans? You seem to have a particular bone to pick with how other choose to recognize what they consider to be services rendered by veterans.
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Response to AmazingSchnitzel (Reply #18)Tue Apr 24, 2012, 05:24 PM
26. +1000

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Response to Piazza Riforma (Reply #16)Tue Apr 24, 2012, 04:37 PM
22. Amazing that someone could find fault here

A guy provides a home for homeless vets and he doesn't get your "props" because he hasn't single-handedly solved the homeless problem in America? Feeling sorry for a homeless vet mom with two kids is "patriotic hero worship?"

The damn jerk hasn't cured cancer, either.

Get a ****ing grip.
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Response to _ed_ (Reply #22)Tue Apr 24, 2012, 05:09 PM
Piazza Riforma
24. It is "patriotic hero worship"

when this guy wouldn't give one hoot much less two if that had been a non-vet mom with kids in a homeless shelter. As far as fixing the problem packing all the homeless vets into apartment buildings doesn't do anything for the rest.

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Response to Piazza Riforma (Reply #24)Tue Apr 24, 2012, 06:20 PM
27. And what does your bile stem from?..."Patriotic hero Resentment"?

Last edited Tue Apr 24, 2012, 06:21 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

and by the way, you have no idea WHAT he has, or hasn't done,

for the homeless population in general..Duh.
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20. 100% caused by the GOP... Hands Down

They started the war...

They started the killing...

They created the global hatred...

Now they turn out the instruments they used to achieve the above...

This, in a nutshell, is the legacy, they goal, and the ultimate destructive result that the American republican Party has unleashed on the world.

This, in a nutshell, defines what republicans think about EVERYONE other than the 1%'ers...


Once destroyed, the stark realities that face the vast majority of humanity will forever be ensconced in misery.

Destroy the GOP, NOW!!

He has to be a mole.

From the article, this is very important.
Heslin invested $3 million of his own money to start the nonprofit group. He purchased three apartment buildings in Hyde Park and the West Adams area to house homeless veterans and help give them a fresh start.

"We're currently putting the finishing touches on a benefit concert called A Home for the Brave," said Heslin, who lives in Huntington Beach with his wife and three children. "It's going to be an amazing concert to benefit homeless veterans."
The concert is set for June 10 at the Nichita Center at Orange Lutheran High School.

He put his own money into it and is risking even more money by having a benefit concert. The DUmmies are totally clueless that this is pretty much conservatism on display. I'm making no claims that he is a conservative, I'm just saying this action is what conservatism is about.

I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

Offline Ballygrl

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2. It's plain for all to see..

It's a clear cut case of communism at play when a private citizen can care for his fellow man..
Where does the madness end? The next thing you'll know soldiers will want their country to acknowledge their services.

It's actually communist when the Government does it. I don't think 1 conservative would find anything wrong with what this guy did.
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

Offline Mr Mannn

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I've seen these young homeless people. They're not vets of any war. They LIED. and it got them a home.

These kids are homeless by choice. They travel the country by bus. They have iPods and music courtesy of California liberal city govts. They stay in a place till the freebies dry up and move elsewhere.

They beg, steal, sell drugs...DU would love them. Of course: free food at the occupier camps lures them like a moth to a flame...and being young, they blend right in. They play rich liberals like this guy like a fiddle.

Offline obumazombie

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I've seen these young homeless people. They're not vets of any war. They LIED. and it got them a home.

These kids are homeless by choice. They travel the country by bus. They have iPods and music courtesy of California liberal city govts. They stay in a place till the freebies dry up and move elsewhere.

They beg, steal, sell drugs...DU would love them. Of course: free food at the occupier camps lures them like a moth to a flame...and being young, they blend right in. They play rich liberals like this guy like a fiddle.
Michael Savage started out as a social worker, until he experienced the same type of interactions, and tired quickly of being played "like a fiddle".
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline Freeper

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It's actually communist when the Government does it. I don't think 1 conservative would find anything wrong with what this guy did.

they honestly think that we believe that charity is communist.  :mental:
if they ever bothered to listen to us, they would know that we are all for charity, we just are against being forced to give by the government.

I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

Offline obumazombie

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they honestly think that we believe that charity is communist.  :mental:
if they ever bothered to listen to us, they would know that we are all for charity, we just are against being forced to give by the government.

I read a great book by Marvin J Olasky, with the same theme...
"The Tragedy of American Compassion"
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline AprilRazz

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Did bobothehobo just reincarnate herself into Piazza Riforma?
Proud Navy Wife and Veteran

"How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an individual... as a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of." Suzanna Hupp

racist – A statement of surrender during an argument. When two people or disputants are engaged in an acrimonious debate, the side that first says “Racist!” has conceded defeat. Synonymous with saying “Resign” during a chess game, or “Uncle” during a schoolyard fight. Ori

Offline Rebel

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"In talking with these young people, I learned many of them are veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars."

Tuition assistance, the GI Bill, being paid more than any soldier in the history of this country, etc., etc., etc. Sorry, I don't buy this bullshit.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline hillneck

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Did bobothehobo just reincarnate herself into Piazza Riforma?

Haven't heard from her in a long while.  I wonder where she's hiding at these days?
In battle you have to show no mercy for mercy comes after the war when you still have the freedom to ask for it.

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Pray as if God will take care of all; act as if all is up to you.

Offline jukin

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Obama hates all things military and takes it out on our veterans. Where is the supposed assistance from the government under Obama?

Free abortions for all but no help for the veterans. Welcome to Obama's world of dog eat dog and man eats dog.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

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20. 100% caused by the GOP... Hands Down

They started the war...

They started the killing...

They created the global hatred...

Now they turn out the instruments they used to achieve the above...

This, in a nutshell, is the legacy, they goal, and the ultimate destructive result that the American republican Party has unleashed on the world.

This, in a nutshell, defines what republicans think about EVERYONE other than the 1%'ers...


Once destroyed, the stark realities that face the vast majority of humanity will forever be ensconced in misery.

Destroy the GOP, NOW!!

We are the serpent in the Garden luring humanity from its divinely appinted station.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."