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‘No Justification’: School Board Association Retracts Letter Likening Parents to Domestic Terrorists.

They must have gotten some amazing blow-back to have had to walk this back.

"The country's largest school board association apologized late Friday for its letter to President Joe Biden calling on the FBI to investigate parents as potential domestic terrorists.

The National School Board Association said in a memo to its members that "there was no justification" for some of the language in the letter, which was sent to Biden on Sept. 29. "On behalf of NSBA, we regret and apologize for the letter," the association said.

The apology comes after the Free Beacon reported Thursday that officials with the association collaborated with the White House in the weeks leading up to the controversial letter.

Emails obtained by watchdog group Parents Defending Education show the White House asked the association to list examples of parents who had engaged in violence at local school board meetings across the country. In its letter, the association cited several examples of violent outbursts at school board meetings, and suggested the acts were domestic terrorism or hate crimes. Five days later, the Justice Department formed a task force of officials from the national security division and civil rights divisions and FBI agents to monitor school board meetings."

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Re: ‘No Justification’: School Board Association Retracts Letter
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2021, 12:38:32 PM »
That looks like an apology to the NSBA's members, not to the general public or the parents being targeted.  Also, will this have any effect on the Justice Dept. task force and investigations, or is the letter that got the ball rolling unnecessary now?
Romans 6:17-18 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.

Offline Muddling 2

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Re: ‘No Justification’: School Board Association Retracts Letter
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2021, 12:49:29 PM »
That looks like an apology to the NSBA's members, not to the general public or the parents being targeted.  Also, will this have any effect on the Justice Dept. task force and investigations, or is the letter that got the ball rolling unnecessary now?

Oh, I'm certain it's only an apology to the current and former members in an attempt to halt the stampede for the exits.  It would be quite the black eye if another organization was created to represent the various school boards.

I'm reminded of how "PAGE" (Professional Ass'n of Ga Educators) came about.  The GA Association of Educators was basically a "state level" version of the NEA; most teachers were members in order to get low-cost liability umbrella insurance.  As the NEA took on a more "union" stance and became welded to the Democrat party a lot of teachers wanted an alternative and PAGE was born.   GAE lost a lot of clout as they no longer represented "The Teachers of GA".
You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once.
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Re: ‘No Justification’: School Board Association Retracts Letter
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2021, 04:17:02 PM »

Offline Ferrance

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Re: ‘No Justification’: School Board Association Retracts Letter
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2021, 05:28:49 PM »
From the Free Beacon Article:
One director, John Halkias, wrote that the letter "used terms that were extreme, and asked for action by the Federal Government that many of us would not request."

"Many of us have been put in a position now of explaining or defending this action of our association as we are asked by members of our community if we consider them domestic terrorists for showing up to our meetings and expressing their opinions," Halkias wrote in an Oct. 1 email.

The NBSA memo said it would conduct a "formal review" of the "proceedings leading to the letter," and announce improvements to ensure members would be consulted in the future.
I believe between this and absolute scandal going on in Loudoun County, VA, it's forced these people to rethink their approach.
The Democratic party is longest running racist organization in the country. Going strong for over 200 years.

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Re: ‘No Justification’: School Board Association Retracts Letter
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2022, 09:01:57 PM »
NSBA concludes review of letter asking Biden's DOJ to investigate parents under 'domestic terrorism' laws

The National School Board Association, which apologized last year for a letter asking the Justice Department to investigate protesting parents as "domestic terrorism," has concluded a review of the debacle and promised that it will not happen again.

"The letter directly contradicts our core commitments to parent engagement, local control, and nonpartisanship," NSBA executive director & CEO John Heim said in a statement announcing the conclusions. "The sentiments shared in the letter do not represent the views or position of the NSBA. The NSBA does not seek or advocate for federal law enforcement intervention at local school board meetings."

The independent investigation placed the blame for the Sept. 29, 2021, letter squarely on Chip Slaven, who was then interim CEO and executive director of NSBA. Slaven "was behind the Letter, both in origin and substance," the report released Friday states, and coordinated with a senior education advisor at the White House on the letter's release.


However, the investigation did not find any evidence that the Department of Education or the Biden administration specifically requested the letter. Though Slaven had communicated with Education Secretary Miguel Cardona and shared examples of "inappropriate" parent activism at school boards, the investigators "did not find communications between the [Education] Department and the NSBA… specifically requesting the NSBA make an official request for aid or federal intervention."

After sending the letter to the White House requesting "federal law enforcement monitor and, potentially, intervene in local school board meetings across the country," the highest levels of the Biden administration responded, with "positive and cooperative feedback."

"In less than a week, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memorandum to federal law enforcement officials directing federal agencies to act consistent with relief requested in the Letter," the NSBA report states.


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Re: ‘No Justification’: School Board Association Retracts Letter
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2022, 09:35:06 PM »
Anyone who believes ANYTHING coming out of the SharterJoe maladministration clearly isn't paying attention.  :whatever:
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Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: ‘No Justification’: School Board Association Retracts Letter
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2022, 10:39:29 PM »
The letter is moot now. The FBI is already on the case and is not shutting down.
Retracting the letter is just propaganda as FBI intimidation/investigation is still ongoing.

Now if the FBI shuts down it's part in this, then that might be something. IF you could believe them.

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Re: ‘No Justification’: School Board Association Retracts Letter
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2022, 04:55:00 AM »
The letter is moot now. The FBI is already on the case and is not shutting down.
Retracting the letter is just propaganda as FBI intimidation/investigation is still ongoing.

Now if the FBI shuts down it's part in this, then that might be something. IF you could believe them.

The Feebs have zero credibility anymore, though J. Edgar wasn't exactly a bright spot himself. Inspector Peter Erskine is rolling over in his grave.
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Re: ‘No Justification’: School Board Association Retracts Letter
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2022, 07:09:31 AM »
The "apology" came over 7 months late, assuming the idiot who did this was booted out. An apology became due then. Something like 20 states' school board associations pulled out because of the letter, i.e. a huge $$ hit. A good number of local school board members got thrown out on their ear by voters, with the prospects of more yet ahead. "Apologizing" looks like a desperate after-thought.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Ptarmigan

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Re: ‘No Justification’: School Board Association Retracts Letter
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2022, 08:50:08 PM »
NSBA letter drafts called for National Guard and military to be deployed

Early demands from the National School Boards Association to the White House included calling for the deployment of the Army National Guard and the military police to monitor school board meetings, according to an early draft letter the organization's independent review released Friday.

In contrast to the final version, the draft of the NSBA letter said, "We ask that the Army National Guard and its Military Police be deployed to certain school districts and related events where students and school personnel have been subjected to acts and threats of violence."

The NSBA had originally sent a letter to President Biden in September 2021 that asked for parents protesting at school board meetings to be federally looked into, saying school officials were facing threats and violence at meetings. Most significantly the NSBA requested in its original letter that parents' actions should be examined under the Patriot Act as "domestic terrorists."

Then, on Oct. 4, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a memorandum instructing the FBI to collaborate with state and local leaders to address "threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff." He went on to say that this collaboration "will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment, and response."

It gets more disturbing with the NSBA.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
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Allow enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.
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Offline Eupher

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Re: ‘No Justification’: School Board Association Retracts Letter
« Reply #11 on: May 24, 2022, 04:47:24 AM »
NSBA letter drafts called for National Guard and military to be deployed

It gets more disturbing with the NSBA.

Tyrants gonna tyrannize. These earlier drafts point toward an autocratic organization that "felt" threatened by parents who weren't going to roll over and play dead.

Garland is the one who overreacted and his performance in front of Congress when he was called to account showed all of us how evil that bastard truly is.
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
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