Author Topic: Anyone in GA will find this even more humorous.  (Read 3172 times)

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Offline Rebel Yell

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Anyone in GA will find this even more humorous.
« on: August 07, 2008, 11:30:42 AM »
The fact that this is not a joke makes it even more worthy of Comedy Central.


Do you need help quick and in a hurry?  Well, you are in the right place.  As in Ecclesiates it states... Money answereth all things.

Welcome to the City of Franklin with Rev. Roosevelt Franklin "The Original Georgia Prophet".  Rev. Roosevelt Franklin can get you the help that you need quick and in a hurry.

Are you experiencing problems?  Can you answer yes to the following questions?


If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you could have a spell placed on you.  Someone is using black magic on you.  This bad luck could be an evil spirit that was placed by a witch to drain all of your positive energy and make you feel down in your luck.

You may ask:  What do I do to help myself?  You need to write to the Rev. Roosevelt Franklin and His Clear Thinkers.  They have travelled to find the solution to your problems.  They can help put you back on the right track.  Don't hesitate to write to them right away and Get yourself straightened out quick and in a hurry!!!!

 Do you need help with an upcoming court case?  Rev. Roosevelt Franklin can help you with that.  Write to him so that you can receive the blessing that you need to help you win that court case.  He can have you coming out with a victory.  If you are having a hard time right now, write to the Rev. Roosevelt Franklin.  You will see how good and how quick he can bless you and supply you with your needs.  If you are sick and about to go into the hospital, write to the Rev. Roosevelt Franklin.  He can help you with the power of the Almighty God.  If you want to bring money into your home, all you have to do is write to the Rev. Roosevelt Franklin.  He will send you that special blessing.  It will change your life.

Why suffer when there is relief in sight?  The Almighty God has gifted "The Original Georgia Prophet" Rev. Roosevelt Franklin to help thousands and thousands all over the world and he is now waiting to help you.  Write to him today, and you will be glad that you did.  Let him put you on the right track, that fast money track so that you can have the things that you want.  God wants you to prosper.  God wants you to prosper with Rev. Roosevelt Franklin's Prosperity Plan.  Rev. Roosevelt Franklin is "God's Errand Boy".  His chore and job is to provide you with the prosperity plan to get you all the money that you need.

Thousands upon thousands of people have been blessed by Rev. Roosevelt Franklin's prosperity plan.  Many people are using the prosperity as we speak today.  Do not be the only one without this plan.  Get it together and write to him today.  Some of you may feel sick, tired, or just not at your best.  You cannot get the energy to do the things that you need to do.  You just want to say in the bed all day.  You do not want to do anything to help yourself.  Get the help you need today with the Rev. Roosevelt Franklin.  He can help you get out of that rut that you are in.  Why walk around with a bowed down head.  Let Rev. Roosevelt Franklin help you hold your head up high.  Just write to him today.  Within a few days, you will have your head held high and money in your pockets.[/QUOTE]


The Winning Verdict

Dear Rev. Roosevelt Franklin,

I had to go to court a few months back for something that I did not do. I was so nervous because I did not know what to do. I knew I was innocent, but I did not know how the case was going to turn out. My lawyer did not have a good case and he was not sure of how to get the evidence he needed to help me win my case. I came across your website and I got the "Good Luck in Court Charm". In a matter of days, my case was looking good. My lawyer found what he needed to get my case thrown out of court. He didn't know how it happened. I was able to get my life back in order. Thank you Rev. Roosevelt Franklin. You have helped me in such a great way.

S. A.

Jacksonville, Florida

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Dear Rev. Roosevelt Franklin,

I was really hurt when my boyfriend decided to end our 5 year relationship. I purchased your "Get Your Loved One Back Spell". Within a week, he called "just to talk". After we talked for a few days, he asked to see me again. I told him that I wanted to date other people and that if he truly loved me he would wait for me. He did exactly that. He called me everyday and told me that I was the one for him. He asked me to marry him. We will be married in the next few months. Thank you Rev. Roosevelt Franklin. You have helped me in such a wonderful way.



San Jose, California
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 01:34:37 PM by Rebel »
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad