Author Topic: "Fed up" conservatives plot revenge against Boehner  (Read 725 times)

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"Fed up" conservatives plot revenge against Boehner
« on: June 23, 2015, 09:51:20 AM »
 Here's the link providing evidence that Boehner is out for "blood" against those that vote against him.  Highlighted in the article is Rep. Rod Blum (Iowa);  "Boehner warned the malefactors that he doesn’t “reward bad behavior."

 Here's the push-back:

"Dozens of members of the House GOP's most conservative faction plan to meet Tuesday to discuss ways to counteract the decision of House Speaker John Boehner and other leaders to seek retribution against members who vote against must-pass measures."

"The House Freedom Caucus, a GOP group made up of about 40 of the most conservative members, plans to hold the discussion some time after Tuesday's evening votes."

"Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said Monday in a radio interview that many conservatives were "fed up" with the string of punishment meted out to members who don't vote in line with the Republican leadership on key legislation."

"The latest punishment was handed down to Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., for voting against an important procedural resolution to advance "Fast Track" trade legislation the GOP is eager to pass. Meadows last week was stripped of his chairmanship of the House Oversight Government Operations subcommittee."

"It's not clear what the frustrated group could do to thwart Boehner, but some are kicking around the idea of trying to slow the work of the House. Freedom Caucus members say that while they number a little more than three dozen, there are an additional 20 conservatives who could potentially vote along with them if they decided to take a stand against the leadership by making it difficult to pass legislation."