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sore as Hell
I'm wondering about something, but it's not bad enough yet, to go 80 miles to see a physician (usually available closer than that, but not for the next three weeks), especially not in this weather, on these roads, this time of the year.
What are the early signs of incipient arthritis?
I've been getting progressively sorer the past month.
There are external factors here--that I'm over pneumonia that I had a month ago, and that the weather here in the Sandhills of Nebraska until yesterday--for three weeks--was sub-zero temperatures, high winds, and much snow to dig.
I'm hoping that's all it is, this soreness.
But I'm wondering if it might be something else, given my age and genetics.
During Christmas, I think often about those who came before me and who are no longer here; the parents, the brothers and sisters, the nieces, and further back, the grandparents, the ancients, and other ancestors.
It suddenly strikes me that 100% of those known to me, were afflicted with arthritis.
In the case of the parents and the brothers and sisters, I always credited it to that they were afflicted with other ailments of the too-affluent, too-easy, too-secure, too-undisciplined, life, which led to early development of arthritis, and their early demises.
At my age, middle age, I am circa twenty years past that point where they developed such things; they were developing them in their early 20s, and passed on in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, far short of the usual threescore-and-ten.
That's the parents and siblings; in the case of the grandparents and those before, they appear to have waited until at least attaining 60 years of age, but usually longer, before getting arthritis.
But every single one of them known to me, developed it.
It's a pain in the neck, this relentless soreness and stiffness that's suddenly come on.
I take no prescription drugs. The last time I took a prescription drug was in January 1993, when while still under anesthesia, I was administered a pain-killer (after I came out of it, I refused any more; this was when my right elbow was shattered and had to be substantially replaced by metal).
I have to add a slight correction, here; the past ten years, I've taken penicillin--about five years ago, if I remember correctly--for two weeks (the real stuff, not any chemical substitute), for a women's problem, and then for two weeks in late November, early December, this year, when it was determined the source of the pneumonia was bacterial in nature.
But I don't consider penicillin a "drug" in the same sense as one considers prescription pain-killers, mood-alterers, blood-pressure-lowerers, cholesterol-preventers, diabetes-ameliorators, heart pills, and somesuch. You know, the stuff the primitives munch on like handfuls of popcorn, paid for by the taxpayers.
Since 1998, there have been some drugs given to deal with melanoma, one-shot things, and given only sporadically in a physician's office; and since I've become an expert at noticing something before it starts, it's been less and less, almost nothing now, because things are burned off before they evolve.
I've taken 2-4 aspirin every day of my life--including when I was wandering around the socialist paradises of the workers and peasants with free medical care for all, and aspirin was worth its weight in gold--ever since I was 19 years old.
The only other thing that might possibly maybe be relevant is that of the 206 bones in the skeletal structure, I've broken 203 of them at least once since I was 3 years old, and lost three of them (a minor one in the left foot, a rib, and a minor one between the shoulder and neck). This is due wholly to deafness, not being aware of a certain situation, and thus an accident.
Ten years ago, I was taking 380-pound, 20-foot, steel poles and bending them into posts for basketball backboards, as easily and freely as one dines on strawberries and cream.
Nowadays, it's to where even the most minor of joints in the hands are sore, and getting stiff, not to mention all the other joints.....and this is so sudden, so very sudden, that I even wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat worrying about it, developing arthritis.
Should I worry, or might this just be the weather, or might I simply be hypochondrial?
Hey Frank,It's possible it,s arthritis.
If it is there are several things you could do. Home remedies:take a 1/2 a bottle of gin and put raisins in the bottle of gin until covered. Soak. Take a tablespoon once or twice a day.
Apple cider vinegar, honey, ,water.
1TBsp vinegar, 1Tbsp honey, and 8oz. water together are a good cleaning remedy for arthritis. Take it 3 times daily with meals.
Food to eat: Black Cherries as juice, Alfalfa seeds or juice or tablets, Peanut oil, 2 Tbsps., Celeriac or celery root as a dish, Liq. B complex.
Add remedy MSM, glucosamine, hyluronic acid. Good Luck.
The ole' timers used WD-40, spray on.
Odin's Hand:
I drink cherry juice after weightlifting. There is some enzyme in it that reduces lactic acid production and/or felt muscle fatigue. There are some articles published online about it's scientific testing in that regard.
I thought of something last night, and I'm going to try it to see if things don't change in circa four or five days. I remain really stiff, every bone, every joint.
The electric blanket's to blame.
I have no calcium deficiency, nor any other deficiency of all the good stuff in dairy products. I'm a big promoter of Nebraska beef, but that's just my mouth; my pocketbook belongs with the Nebraska dairy farmers.
Just as I hit the sack last night, I thought to myself, "Hey, hey, didn't I have this problem before, and it was the electric blanket?"
Yeah, I did have this problem before, and after I stopped turning on the electric blanket, the problem evaporated.
Now, I don't know if this is relevant or not, but I'll toss it out for scrutiny anyway.
I am a cold person, a very cold person.
It comes from my maternal ancestress, who was similarly a very cold person.
The maternal ancestress, whose son I am, was a "blue baby" when born--that thing about the blood being all mixed up, positive and negative--and I suspect it screwed up her body thermostat. She was always a cold person.
I have no idea if any of her other descendants (my late brothers and sisters) were similarly cold, although I'm sure that if they were, I would've known about it.
In my case, my "normal" body temperature is something like 95.2 degrees, as was probably hers. This is sort of pushing it, but there you have it.
I don't know about my mother and her experiences, but sometimes I've flummoxed physicians new to me, sweating rivers and congested heavily from one sort of infection or another.....and a body temperature of circa 98.1 degrees.
It doesn't make sense to them, but they ultimately figure it out.
If I ever reached the standard 98.6 degrees, it'd probably be the equivalent of 103.5 degrees in a "normal" person. And if I ever hit three digits, even 100.000001 degrees, I'd be baking alive.
My mother was a very cold person; I'm a very cold person.
It wreaks havoc with intimacy, by the way, as one might imagine.
The only movie I ever saw with my mother (neither of us being big movie-goers) was an old full-length cartoon version of Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen. I remember that fondly, and rather liked the cold Snow Queen. The only movie I ever saw with my mother.
If the primitives had more sophisticated cerebrality and perception, the primitives could probably discern something Freudian in this, but the primitives don't, so I'm not worried about saying it, because the primitives could never figure it out.
Anyway, because of the weather, I've been turning on the electric blanket. It goes from LOW to 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 to 9 to 10; I was setting it at "2".
I was just doing this automatically without thinking.
The usual bedroom temperature is circa 55 degrees.
And then last night, it struck me; yeah, I had the same problem before, and quit turning on the electric blanket, and the problem evaporated.
Probably I've been stiff and sore all over because while consciously all feels okay, in reality physically one is not okay. The heat is probably too much.
So.....I'm going to try this for a few days, to see if it makes me limber again.
--- Quote ---Electric Blankets and Waterbeds
Electric blankets create a magnetic field that penetrates about 6-7 inches into the body. Thus it is not surprising that an epidemiological study has linked electric blankets with miscarriages and childhood leukemia.
This pioneering work was performed by Dr. Nancy Wertheimer and Ed Leeper, who originally discovered that magnetic fields were linked to childhood leukemia. Similar health effects have been noted with users of many electric blankets and waterbed heaters will emit EMFs even when turned off.
The devices must be unplugged to delete the EMF exposure Additionally, there is the issue regarding the vibrations that are generated by sleeping on standing water. There is less hard data in this area but some experts are concerned about the consequences.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote --- Arthritis Patients Warm[/b]
Friday December 5, 2008
An electric blanket will keep you comfortable and soothe the aches and pains in your joints. Most arthritis patients feel better when they are warm. What better way than to snuggle under an electric blanket?
With many electric blankets to choose from, where do you start? A basic electric blanket does the job, but there are some that come with automatic sensors and an automatic shut-off. You can decide how much you want to spend for extra frills -- but don't forget to consider softness too. An electric blanket is not a treat -- it's a necessity for arthritic joints. Learn more about your options in Electric Blankets Keep Arthritis Patients Warm.
--- End quote ---
Frank if it's your muscles you should try MSM are Magnesium. Works great.Do a search on these two. You'll be surprised.
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