I have to say for some conventional medicine has its place,but I have seen to many that doctor have given up on some patients and these people have came into my shop.
Two in particular. A wife brought in her husband whom had cancer. The doctors sent him home to die. He took certain supplements along with the correct nutrition, to this day the cancer is gone and the doctors are baffled.
A mother came in to talk about her son with morgellans and sever staph. The doctor gave up,to the point they didn't know what else to do. Morgellans is a parasitic disease. Worm and /or parasites eat through the skin, leaving lesions and sores.He was not able to get around or work.Three months late he came to the shop in tears and thanks. He still has a ways to go but is back to work and enjoying his family.
But you do need a practitioner or herbalist.These people took extra avenues.