Tonights menu. Chicken N Dumplings.
Me, and this dish have a long, storied history. I can remember going to my Grandmothers house, when she was making them. Back then I was just a young lad, but a young lad with a taste for the good stuff. Walk in the door and you could smell the chicken stock bubbling away. Homemade chicken stock of course. Arrive just in time and I got to watch her making them by hand. Little this, little of that. Into the bubbling broth they went for a swim.
My Grandmother was rather short and, shall we say, round.

Like yours truly.

This is the same women who introduced me to Perogies. Whats better then dough thats stuffed with mashed potatoes, then boiled, and submerged in sautéed onions? OR how about "Cathead Biscuits"? Giant Buttermilk Biscuits, made with.. Bacon Drippings. Not shortening. Not butter. No. Pure Bacon Drippings. If you were really lucky, you would bite into the biscuit and find a tiny piece of bacon scrap.
She kept her liquid bacon remnants in a quart mason jar. Right by the stove.
I keep my quart jar in the fridge.

Oh yeah, the recipe!
I used the leftover Roasted Chicken from a couple nights back. I just diced it up and tossed it in a small 2 quart pot. I added 1 quart of water, and a couple tablespoons of "Better then Bullion". Chicken flavored. If you have never used this stuff, your missing out.
Get that boiling then down to a simmer. For about 1 quart of liquid, heres the dumpling recipe.
2 Cups Self Rising Flour
1 Egg
3 TBSP Oil
1/2 cup or so of milk
Blend together until you have a dough. Dont over think it. Scoop about tablespoon size portions into the broth/stock. Let simmer for about 10 minutes.