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The DUmpster / So I watched part of the VP, Oprah and
« Last post by CC27 on Today at 07:47:31 AM »
malaise (275,388 posts)

So I watched part of the VP, Oprah and
Participants, I will make this pellucidly clear

The CONvicted felon does not have a chance against her.
Her Communications team is better than world class.

I am howling with laughter here.
Who was not in the house tonight - Julia Roberts, Meryl and a who’s who of supporters.

An Afro-Asian women is about to whip his ass.

Stop embarrassing yourself for once.
The DUmpster / Re: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« Last post by USA4ME on Today at 07:03:16 AM »
59% Trump - 37% Harris, last Teamster poll I saw.


I'd like to know who the 37% sissies are who wanted the commie.

"cactusfractal (531 posts)
27. **** Trumpy Truckers

It will be a great day when the last of those rigs are automated and these RW radio-listening ****s are idled forever. They can stay home and beat their cousin wives and save their "NoThInG mOvEs WiThOuT tRuCkS hUrRdUrR"

What a nice fellow!
Yet, I bet he is absolutely mystified as to why so much of the Left are seen by the majority of the country as a bunch of cruel, arrogant, pretentious, stuck- up, hypocritical, condescending elitist pricks who look down their noses at everyone else, ESPECIALLY the working class and/ or people from what they call "Flyover country."

Someone should share that thread with the Teamsters. 

YES! Give them a crystal- clear picture of what Kamala's primary supporters, those supposed "Champions of the workers," are REALLY like!
The DUmpster / Re: ****ing Boom
« Last post by CollectivismMustDie on September 19, 2024, 08:49:06 PM »
DUmmies used to be able to tell the difference between main street and wall street.

Not so much these days.
The DUmpster / Re: ****ing Boom
« Last post by USA4ME on September 19, 2024, 07:00:00 PM »
The underlying health of this economy is not good. This is the sheep thinking things are going to get better. In the meanwhile, inflation is still a major problem, wages can’t keep up, companies are cutting back and filing bankruptcy, etc… The market is way overpriced. It’s just a matter of time until the nosedive begins.

The DUmpster / Re: Teamsters Thrown Under the Bus Driven by a Dem Scab
« Last post by FlippyDoo on September 19, 2024, 05:43:48 PM »
Geez, dude(tte)! Move to some socialist paradise like Cuba, Venezuela, or Zimbabwe, where your ... ummmm ... something-or-other ... would be useful-ish. Though if you're white, Zimbabwe might not be a safe choice.

Sounds like aeromanKC has been less than well accepted socially at his/her employer and is much embittered thereby.

No. If he's white, Zimbabwe is where he should go to spread his wisdom. They'd probably welcome him as some sort of great white savior and would be eager for him to instruct them in the ways that they should live.
The DUmpster / Re: ****ing Boom
« Last post by FlippyDoo on September 19, 2024, 05:39:56 PM »
Loaf of Bread $7.59
Dozen Eggs $5.99
Gallon of Gas $7.53
Rice $3/lb

I can keep predicting the future but correctly unlike a DUmbass DUche.

It's interesting that you mentioned eggs. About two hours ago my wife came in from buying groceries. She said that when she got to the egg section that an older guy was standing in front of the eggs just staring. When she said "excuse me", he apologized and moved. Then asked her if she realized that they had gone up again. Apparently, he's not please with Bidenomics. Maybe he'll remember that come election time.
Looks like the terrorists are going to have to get into their Tesla's to communicate one on one.  :lmao:  :popcorn:

Exploding teslas would be a great idea  :-)

Or maybe some explosive camels  :lmao:
If more cell phones/pagers/laptops or anything else start to blow up, then I am ok with that as long as it takes out a terrorist in Hamas or Hezbollah. If this didn't make those fanatics stop and think that maybe they should stop then by all means keep going. The more terrorist that die, the less the world has to worry about them.

Looks like the terrorists are going to have to get into their Tesla's to communicate one on one.  :lmao:  :popcorn:
The DUmpster / Re: ****ing Boom
« Last post by jukin on September 19, 2024, 03:44:28 PM »
Loaf of Bread $7.59
Dozen Eggs $5.99
Gallon of Gas $7.53
Rice $3/lb

I can keep predicting the future but correctly unlike a DUmbass DUche.
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