Author Topic: Young Democrats are right: There is no reason to date or befriend Trump voters  (Read 427 times)

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Offline dandi

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Now they've deluded themselves into actually believing we're all sitting around pining for their company.  :rotf:

Nevilledog (30,416 posts)                                                                                                                       Wed Dec 8, 2021, 04:07PM

Young Democrats are right: There is no reason to date or befriend Trump voters

You have to give it to Axios: They know how to throw out some tasty bait. Their latest is irresistible for conservatives, who love any story that frames them as victims, and gives them the chance to blame the left for "incivility." Never mind obvious counter-examples such as the storming of the Capitol, gun-waving Christmas cards, and the entire person of Donald Trump.

"Young Dems more likely to despise the other party," blares Tuesday's Axios headline, noting in the article that "5% of Republicans said they wouldn't be friends with someone from the opposite party, compared to 37% of Democrats," and "71% of Democrats wouldn't go on a date with someone with opposing views, versus 31% of Republicans."

Unsurprisingly, this delicious bait worked exactly as intended, at least in social media reactions.

On the right, there was a lot of trumpeting how this supposedly proves the left are the ones who are "really" intolerant. Radio talker Matt Murphy whined that liberals "don't believe in our republic cannot abide people who think differently than them." As if not getting to have sex with or go to parties with liberals is exactly the same as having your basic rights as a citizen stripped from you.

"This doesn't bode well," complained GOP lawyer and ABC commentator Sarah Isgur, who previously defended the Trump administration's policy of separating families at the U.S.-Mexico border as a former spokesperson in the Justice Department.


Star Member TheRealNorth (4,493 posts)
6. Why should someone date someone that doesn't respect their thoughts or beliefs....

We wouldn't say Christians MUST date people outside of their religion. That's a personal decision.

Star Member brush (38,649 posts)
3. They're absolutely right. Socializing/dating republicans now...

is equivalent back in the day to dating/socializing with klan members. That's what the republican party has become.

Star Member MagickMuffin (12,344 posts)
10. Well the women should definitely not date the PB or any of the other incels

They'd be raped before the date was over.

They sure seem to have a lot of rape fantasies lately.

Star Member TheRealNorth (4,493 posts)
28. Exactly

You can no longer be around these people without them making some sort of over the top political comment. Their politics is wrapped up in their identity.


Maine Abu El Banat (2,959 posts)
30. They crossed a line

And can never make it right.

hadEnuf (1,160 posts)
38. Yes Republicans, it's true:

we think you suck and are a bunch of assholes. We don't cuddle up to abusers and to traitors like you. It's absurd of you to think that we would.

You've made it crystal that you hate our guts. Now you're upset that we won't go on a date with you?

Evolve Dammit (7,940 posts)
50. Who would want to interact with a sick, brainwashed cultist? Yewww.

Once again, DUmmies misinterpret the data. Just because most Republicans "would be" open to being friends with a Democrat/liberal doesn't we're all actively yearning to be so. Nor does it mean we'd be put out if our hands were slapped away. There's a difference in "would be" and "want to be."

Compared to the contemporary Left, conservatives are very tolerant. Unless you're a raving moonbat, we're comfortable being around a wide range of people of different cultures, lifestyles and political persuasions. Very few of us have political litmus tests that we put at the forefront when first meeting others, unlike "progressives."

And when we point out those differences in tolerance, we're not complaining that you won't bless us with your attention. We don't need it.  It's simply to expose the hypocrisy of a group who advertises "peace, love and understanding" while harboring constant seething hatred for anyone who is not toeing their line. Anyone to the right of Far Left is labeled "literally a Nazi." One day you're counting someone as a great friend and ally and the next they are written off as mortal enemies if they venture the slightest outside your orthodoxy.

Such is the level of self-importance liberals attach to themselves. We're all supposed to be devastated that they don't love us.

I don't want...anybody else
When I think about me I touch myself

Offline thundley4

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I remember when certain freaks on their side were upset by the fact that most straight males want nothing to do with dating transgendered freaks.

Offline Karin

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Now you're upset that we won't go on a date with you?

Who ever said that, you stupid ****?  I wouldn't touch a democrat with a ten foot pole.  First of all, they're all ugly.  Second of all, they're all humorless.  And third, they're DUmb as a bag of hammers. 

Offline franksolich

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This is as good a time as any to drag this out and show it off.

A left-leaning think tank was hired by the left-leaning Atlantic Monthly to survey the levels of tolerance, county-by county, in the United States.

Not surprisingly, the "Trumpsters" were found to be among the most tolerant of the electorate, while the primitives and those in Democrat-run areas tended to be among the most bigoted, narrow-minded, and intolerant.

There's a map, in addition to the article:
apres moi, le deluge

Offline enslaved1

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I remember when certain freaks on their side were upset by the fact that most straight males want nothing to do with dating transgendered freaks.

Now they are upset that lesbians won't date or sleep with trans women

Back on topic, the article just goes to show the young/new/extereme/whatever Leftist moonbats don't care about getting along, compromise, or conversation, just getting their way at whatever costs, and are proud of it.  Just look at the secondary headline

Polling shows many young Democrats won't socialize with Republicans — which just shows they have self-respect

As well as several comments in the article.

If you — quite correctly — believe that Republicans are plotting to destroy democracy, then why would you want to be friends with people who support that?

In addition, having sex with men who back the party of forced childbirth is just ill-advised.

Romans 6:17-18 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.

Offline jukin

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I feel a disturbance in the democrat "love" and "tolerance" force.

It is as if 100 million decent and civilized people breathed a sigh of relief and had a hearty laugh.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline Zathras

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Got some news for these DUmbasses. If you're basing whether or not you want a relation with someone, romantic or otherwise, primarily on what their political beliefs are, I wouldn't want you as a friend at all and am better off for it. I live in California. The majority of my friends are liberal and/or Democrat. I could care less about what their political leanings are. It doesn't make one bit of a difference to me.
Solve a man's problem with violence and help him for a day. Teach a man how to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime - Belkar Bitterleaf

If racist dog whistles are meant to be only heard by racists, then it is quite interesting how progressives seem to be the only people who can hear them. - Leonydus Johnson

What makes a good soldier? The ability to fire 3 rounds a minute in any weather. - Major Richard Sharpe

Offline FiddyBeowulf

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I found it difficult to get close to most democrats since covid-19 but I have not figured out why.

Fire...BAD!!! - John Fetterman

The policies that are indorsed by this party, that they backer of which are much of the 1 percent, causes a social structure much like the one back before the Revolution.

-Words of wisdom from Lady Freedom Returns

"Arguing with's like playing chess with a pigeon; no matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious." -- Anonymous

"A hat should be taken off when you greet a lady and left off for the rest of your life. Nothing looks more stupid than a hat." - P. J. O'Rourke

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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One thing ignored other than the obvious clickbait by Axios, this is a survey of college students.  Not certain about the rest of you, but I'm not exactly in the market to date an 18-22 year old.  The only reason a desirable college "chick" might be interested in me is for my bank account.

Not that my looks are bad, as I was of course voted the "Hottest Chick at CU/CC, whose hotness transcends gender."
Voted hottest "chick" at CU - My hotness transcends gender