Author Topic: Primitive Likes 'Em Young, Fresh, & Probably Breathing Chloroform  (Read 4640 times)

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Offline Big Dog

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Re: Primitive Likes 'Em Young, Fresh, & Probably Breathing Chloroform
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2013, 10:43:35 AM »
I seem to recall recently they were debating that the age of 18 is only an arbitrary number. I forget whether the context was for sexual activity or not, but knowing the DUmmies it probably was.

DUmmy maturity meters:

5 is old enough to learn about homosexuality and masturbation from strangers.

10 is old enough to consent to sex, or abortion without parental notification.

16 is too young to fire a rifle or hunt with Dad.

17 is too young to be held responsible for beating a stranger's head against a sidewalk.

18 is old enough to enter into a legal contract, but 22 is too young to be required to honor it (student loans).

40 is an appropriate age to live in your parents' basement, let the cat lick the Cheetle in your neckbeard, claim disability for "entangled personalities", and move into a dorm with a bunch of 18 year old freshmen.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 03:09:11 PM by Big Dog »
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Re: Primitive Likes 'Em Young, Fresh, & Probably Breathing Chloroform
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2013, 10:44:28 AM »
Sounds to me that this dude may have all ready acted on impulse and trying to justify his actions. 

What on earth would any married  man have in common with a female  under 10 years his age if it was not just sex ??  Asking about age of consent is a good tip off, This man is not asking about a woman over the age of 18.

Then there is the fact he mentions having a wife and daughters, so why ask these questions of others and not his own family ?     This man must be attracted to a female so young he is worried about getting caught.     

Following this line of reasoning, it could get much darker as we know from the news with the teenager kidnapped by a family friend last month.   

I hope DU keeps him talking with no disgust at him.   More he reveals about himself the easier to catch him as CC caught Doug who was just an idiot-----This guy sounds dangerous.

Vesta, I heartily agree with Big Dog on this.  You get a well-deserved H5 from me as well as him.
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Re: Primitive Likes 'Em Young, Fresh, & Probably Breathing Chloroform
« Reply #27 on: September 14, 2013, 11:27:40 AM »
Vesta, I heartily agree with Big Dog on this.  You get a well-deserved H5 from me as well as him.

Thank you, I do believe CC can be a public service in outing the perverts more then some idiot who steals a remote control.

We have some brilliant Moles in DU, the trick is to keep the pervert talking so there is a way to track them down and get them fired or arrested.    A bit of public humiliation for them and a heads up for their family that can become victims in the future.

The mother and little brother that were murdered when the daughter was kidnapped needed to have some fore warning about him.

Have to be careful about this, let Frank know if you are a Mole so we others do not think the Mole is another bad guy.

Tricky here, have to go in slow, and gain the posters trust, let them think you may agree with some of his statements.   Keep them interested in You as a fellow with same interests.

I had a go around with someone that I met in a game room.   I was not sure if he was a Cop or a pervert.   Had I the stomach for it I most likely have gotten allot to present to the police but I messed it up when he sent me pictures of people having sex.    I asked it the people in the pictures were over 21 as they looked about 15,16 and drugged up.    I was stupid and cussed him out, last I heard from him.

Good hobby for those that have time to spare, a civic duty to catch these ne'er do wells, that are a danger to all.

The police cannot catch them all but we with time on our hands can help, with thousands of retired folks and little to do we can catch the bad guys and feel we have accomplished something in taking them off the streets.

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Re: Primitive Likes 'Em Young, Fresh, & Probably Breathing Chloroform
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2013, 12:23:54 PM »
Actually, I think there are more cops than real predators on the net nowadays, so it's pretty much covered. Hell, if anyone has done it the NSA has chat transcripts, emails, texts, and packet information on any video or audio contact, so if they even suspect anyone, all they have to do is to get a federal warrant and call Utah.

The real problem, of course, are the Doctor J's who slip in under the radar and occasionally slip up. But with over 27,000 posts, there is bound to be some data mining gold to be found.
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Offline RobJohnson

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Re: Primitive Likes 'Em Young, Fresh, & Probably Breathing Chloroform
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2013, 03:20:00 AM »
DUmmy maturity meters:

5 is old enough to learn about homosexuality and masturbation from strangers.

10 is old enough to consent to sex, or abortion without parental notification.

16 is too young to fire a rifle or hunt with Dad.

17 is too young to be held responsible for beating a stranger's head against a sidewalk.

18 is old enough to enter into a legal contract, but 22 is too young to be required to honor it (student loans).

40 is an appropriate age to live in your parents' basement, let the cat lick the Cheetle in your neckbeard, claim disability for "entangled personalities", and move into a dorm with a bunch of 18 year old freshmen.


Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: Primitive Likes 'Em Young, Fresh, & Probably Breathing Chloroform
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2013, 09:05:40 AM »
I seem to recall recently they were debating that the age of 18 is only an arbitrary number.

Well, that really is true, after all I doubt anyone here can say they were any smarter, more mature, or more sophisticated the day after they turned eighteen than they were the day before they turned eighteen.  Still, you have to have an arbitrary line drawn somewhere on the age-of-consent stuff, and eighteen is as good as any other possible choice.  But the fact that it is an arbitrary line is what makes it illegal, but not also paedophilia unless the victim is a pretty long darn way from being eighteen.
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Re: Primitive Likes 'Em Young, Fresh, & Probably Breathing Chloroform
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2013, 09:23:37 AM »
Well, that really is true, after all I doubt anyone here can say they were any smarter, more mature, or more sophisticated the day after they turned eighteen than they were the day before they turned eighteen.  Still, you have to have an arbitrary line drawn somewhere on the age-of-consent stuff, and eighteen is as good as any other possible choice.  But the fact that it is an arbitrary line is what makes it illegal, but not also paedophilia unless the victim is a pretty long darn way from being eighteen.

Used to be that you could drink but not vote at age weren't mature enough to vote.
Now you can vote at age 18 but you can't drink  because you're still to immature.
You were told not to screw around before age 18 and you couldn't get an abortion.
Now you are taught how to screw around and you can get an abortion at any age.
Homosexuals and homosexuality were to be avoided but now they are both to be embraced and encouraged at all ages.

See what happens when the democrats get their hands on the steering wheel of the bus.....not to mention all those that get thrown under the bus.

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Re: Primitive Likes 'Em Young, Fresh, & Probably Breathing Chloroform
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2013, 03:16:43 PM »
Id Doctor J still on track for a severe wallduding? I haven't been able to mine the posts as I'd like.
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle