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Offline Linda

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A Whole Lotta Democratic Corruption Going On
« on: March 30, 2014, 10:31:04 AM »
A Whole Lotta Democratic Corruption Going On

 Barack Obama/Eric Holder DOJ is clearing the decks before the midterms. - See more at:

—The Dirty Democratic Mayors' Club: Charlotte, N.C., Mayor Patrick Cannon, who bragged about partying with the Obamas to help grease the wheels for city projects, was arrested this week on federal corruption and influence-peddling charges. He's accused of accepting gobs of cash payoffs and Las Vegas trips.

The bust follows former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin's conviction in January on corruption charges; former Trenton Mayor Tony Mack's February conviction on cash bribes for a downtown parking garage; and former San Diego mayor and serial groper Bob Filner's disgraceful resignation after conviction on sexual harassment-related charges; former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's conviction on extortion, bribery and conspiracy charges; and former Birmingham, Ala., Mayor Larry Langford's corruption and bribery conviction.

—California state Democratic Sen. Leland Yee, gun grabber by day, alleged arms-trafficking gangsta by night: Yee made a decades-long career out of sanctimoniously demonizing gun owners and railing against the Second Amendment. He was arrested this week on corruption charges after an FBI sting found probable cause to believe Yee had conducted wire fraud and engaged in a conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and illegally import firearms. The Chinatown pol went so far as to discuss "details of the specific types of weapons" with a prospective donor. Yee is currently a candidate for California's secretary of state office.

—Pennsylvania state Democratic Sen. LeAnna Washington, party animal: This week, a judge ruled that the Keystone State could proceed with a trial against Washington, who reportedly forced her legislative staff for eight years to use taxpayer time and money for an annual birthday party whose proceeds were diverted to her campaign account. She is charged with felony theft of services and felony conflict of interest. More than a half-dozen former employees blew the whistle. "I am the f—-ing senator," she screamed at one staffer who objected. "I do what the f—- I want, and ain't nobody going to change me."

—Rhode Island state Democratic House Speaker Gordon Fox, multiple-raid target: The powerful Democrat, beloved by the left for his gay-marriage activism, announced last weekend that he is stepping down from office after FBI raids on his home and work office. Fox is the target of several criminal investigations by the U.S. attorney's office, FBI, IRS and state police. Mum's the word so far on the nature of the alleged criminal activity involved.

—California state Democratic Sen. Ronald Calderon, all in the corrupted family: Calderon is on a paid leave of absence after being hit with a 24-count federal indictment for bribery and corruption. His brother also was charged with multiple counts of money laundering and influence peddling. Prosecutors allege the legislator accepted nearly $100,000 in bribes, plane trips, gourmet meals and golf games in exchange for political favors. He also is accused of paying his daughter $39,000 for a phony office job and paying $40,000 in "consulting" fees for a campaign website that didn't exist.

—California state Democratic Sen. Roderick Wright, lying liar: Also on paid leave, the entrenched Los Angeles-area politician is now fighting his January conviction on felony perjury, false declaration of candidacy and fraudulent voting charges. Wright claimed to live in a rented room in an Inglewood home within his district, but the jury found his true residence was outside the district in upscale Baldwin Hills. The jury found he lied on candidacy declarations and voter registration documents and fraudulently voted in five elections.

—New York state Democratic Assemblyman Bill Scarborough, shady jet-setter: The FBI and state authorities raided his home and offices as part of a probe into his travel voucher practices. He blamed a "tabloid hit job" by the New York Post over questionable per diem claims totaling $60,000

—Illinois state Democratic House Rep. Keith Farnham, child porn probe suspect: After sponsoring two bills to increase penalties for child porn possession, Farnham was the subject of state and federal raids last week on his home ... for possession of child porn. Over the weekend, he resigned his seat citing "serious health issues." There's a euphemism.

But rest assured the closer to the election time the more you will be reading about Republican corruption and they are hoping your memory will fail when it comes to all of these Democrat criminals.
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Offline Linda

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Re: A Whole Lotta Democratic Corruption Going On
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2014, 10:35:10 AM »
Is there a site that gives what a politician was worth $$$$ when they were originally elected, compared to what they are worth $$$$ after each term they have served?

That would be a good frame of reference to get an idea if a politician was working for himself or for the people who elected him.
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Offline marv

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Re: A Whole Lotta Democratic Corruption Going On
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 10:57:36 AM »
They're cleaning house now to get the bad news out of the way. This fall, they'll go after Republicans so any news of scandal will be fresh on voters minds in November. This is classic David Axelrod, the Chicago PR expert.

But notice that these are all state and local politicians. Nothing national....yet.


Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: A Whole Lotta Democratic Corruption Going On
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2014, 10:59:51 AM »
They're cleaning house now to get the bad news out of the way. This fall, they'll go after Republicans so any news of scandal will be fresh on voters minds in November. This is classic David Axelrod, the Chicago PR expert.

But notice that these are all state and local politicians. Nothing national....yet.
....and that would only show the money they could show. Not the money hidden in the deep freeze or money in a shoe that dear old momma gave him(John Jenrette?).
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Re: A Whole Lotta Democratic Corruption Going On
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2014, 01:41:52 PM »
They're cleaning house now to get the bad news out of the way. This fall, they'll go after Republicans so any news of scandal will be fresh on voters minds in November. This is classic David Axelrod, the Chicago PR expert.

But notice that these are all state and local politicians. Nothing national....yet.

Harry is hovering right on that cusp these days.  Kinda makes you wonder if, in acknowledging that the Dhimmi'Rats are going to lost the Senate this year, the regime has also come to the conclusion that 'Whorehouse Harry' has outlived his usefulness to The Holy WON of ShitCago.

On the other point you made in your post, there's a simple way to prevent the Dhimmi'Rats from getting much traction on Republican corruption:

...primary out the incumbents/RINOs.  Get rid of the corrupted, and the Dhimmi'Rats don't have a leg to stand on.
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Offline wasp69

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Re: A Whole Lotta Democratic Corruption Going On
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2014, 02:30:00 PM »
Harry is hovering right on that cusp these days.  Kinda makes you wonder if, in acknowledging that the Dhimmi'Rats are going to lost the Senate this year, the regime has also come to the conclusion that 'Whorehouse Harry' has outlived his usefulness to The Holy WON of ShitCago.

Could be.  I think this story was a warning shot across little harry's bow right at the start of the shutdown to behave and carry barry's water.  Thing is, he's been such a dickhead about so many different things, I wonder if they are setting him up to take a long ride down.  He's given them a lot of dirt to fling back on him...

Also, I really don't see how frying a handful of low level dems right before the midterms is somehow going to translate into victory this fall.  The demoshits can try and point to republican corruption all they won't, but the main thing on most people's minds will be the failure of obamacare and how shitty the economy still is.
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Re: A Whole Lotta Democratic Corruption Going On
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2014, 12:10:29 PM »
h5 to marv for his comment about David Axelrod. That guy lives in slime, embraces it, loves it. He manipulates the press to focus on candydates that pose a bigger-than-usual threat to him and his buddy Barry. We saw it with Herman Cain, Michelle Bachman. We saw Axelrod work with particular efficiency against Jack Ryan, which set Barry up for his gig as U.S. Senator.

Nobody slings shit better than David Axelrod. He's a master at it.

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