Author Topic: Morningstar For The Users: Free Guest WiFi  (Read 11205 times)

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Offline Will Morningstar

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Morningstar For The Users: Free Guest WiFi
« on: March 25, 2019, 03:09:18 PM »
Mon 25 Mar 19

Mr. Fernando Bayuga
Manager, Information Technology
Windsor Essex County Health Unit

Dear Fernando,

I had an interesting conversation with your colleagues today. I'll send you this link.

1325 EDT:

Megan, Health Unit, Southpoint office:

"Will, you should e-mail our IT department. This is a good idea. I'd hand out the password to our clients if I could, but I don't have the authority."

Commissionaire R(edacted), Canadian Corps of Commissionaires:

"All of our clients could have access to WiFi and it wouldn't cost a penny? That would be awesome."

Julie, Ontario Govt. Services:

"It's not that simple. We want to provide this service. We've had this in the works for quite some time."

Will Morningstar:

"Your departments all share offices across the county. It could be as simple as your IT guy shaking hands with their IT guy."

"It's already up and running. WE(redacted) GUEST. You already pay for guests, but there ARE no guests, and there have NEVER BEEN any guests. So let your two IT guys just shake hands and give out the password, and this roomful of clients can use the Free WiFi today."

"Julie, since Guest WiFi service was already your idea, let it BE your idea. YOU should have the credit, not me. It can be done in a day. And it won't cost a penny. All you have to do is agree. Just cooperate with each other."

-- Will Morningstar, DI Toronto


(1) Frank Solich,
(2) Naveed,
(3) Skinner,

Discussionists, Cavers, DUers:

Users everywhere are already spending taxpayers' money for these services, and Users are not receiving them. Instead they stand idle. Users should receive Free WiFi in ALL government offices. ALL have "Guest" WiFi. NONE give out the password. So who are these "guests" we're paying for? Certainly not the Users! -- Will*

ON EDIT: Here's the link:,119879.0.html

What works for one can work for all. Please re-post this anywhere it might make a difference, or do some good. For The Users! -- Will*
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 10:33:23 PM by Will Morningstar »

Offline Will Morningstar

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Re: Morningstar For The Users: Free Guest WiFi
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2019, 10:46:10 PM »

This is like a barn dance. The boys are over here, and the girls are over there. Everybody wants to dance, but nobody wants to go first.

Our elders and betters have spent many months developing policies and protocols, with no end in sight. Meanwhile, the Guest WiFi's been up and running for years, and nobody's ever used it, because nobody qualifies as a "Guest". Sorry everyone, you're just our "Clients", not our "Guests"?

So, who's a guest? Prince Harry? Seen any guests lately? Bet you've seen a lot of clients. Let them amuse themselves. It's good public relations, good public policy, wise use of taxpayers' money you've spent anyhow, and what's the harm?

Why study it to death? And spend more money to duplicate what you have sitting there unused? And pay for every month? You share the offices. Just share the cost. They're spending more studying it than it's worth already.

Think of the clients. They're your Users too.

Thanking you, Will*