Author Topic: Pro-illegals rally in LA: "We will die in this struggle"  (Read 10146 times)

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Offline vesta111

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Re: Pro-illegals rally in LA: "We will die in this struggle"
« Reply #25 on: May 05, 2010, 06:55:41 AM »
Texas & New Mexico have their fair share of sanctuary cities. Quite honestly, I think that even the premise of a "sanctuary city" should be illegal. After all, they are tacitly condoning the violation of US immigration law.

What would my Pepe think after fighting on the boarder in WW1.? He came home with some lead shot under his skin at his neck.   As a kid I would push it around under the skin from side to side. 

Is San Antonio going to bulldoze the Alamo as it causes discomfort to the illegals?

Darn will it become hate speech to wear a shirt with Remember the Alamo ?

Will all mention of our young brave defenders of the Alamo be deleted from history books for school kids.?

Us older folks remember the signs of Yankees, go home. Why can we not do the same, Latinos go home.?

Offline artracer

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Re: Pro-illegals rally in LA: "We will die in this struggle"
« Reply #26 on: May 05, 2010, 07:23:53 PM »
I think the American people that care about the survival of this country are just about on the edge here. All these illegals that have broken FEDERAL law by being here, and are protesting their RIGHTS (uh? what rights?) and telling us what a disgrace this country is, while living off our welfare..... and on and on... and  we all know what the answer is.... and while corrupt politicians are in power, looking for votes, robbing us blind and treating us like retards, yes I said it, the time is fast approaching when we will fight back and fight hard. There are way more of us than them. It will only take one incident to light this fireball. You think the race riots 45 years ago were bad? Wait until we are backed into a corner, the drug king pins try and take over our cities openly, gangs of Zapata's are running around slaughtering innocents. It can and may well happen. Obama cares little. All he wants is radical change, and this will help him. He is loving it. The Kenyachurian Candidate.