Author Topic: Why is the establishment and DUers here now calling Bernie a Putin collaborator?  (Read 633 times)

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Offline dutch508

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sigh144 (44 posts)
Why is the establishment and DUers here now calling Bernie a Putin collaborator ?
He’s about to be 3-3 tonight and will likely win South Carolina.....and be our nominee.

And DUers and dem media are pretending he’s nit the front runner, forcing NDAs, canceling polls, denying him his victory speech and now calling him a Putin collaborator

His perceived weaker electability this how we want to treat our front runner and possibly as soon as 2 weeks from now our presumptive nominee?

Star Member George II (50,141 posts)

1. First, he LOST Iowa. Second, he only TIED in New Hampshire. If anything he's 0.5 for 2.

Cal Carpenter (4,682 posts)

3. Technically, Iowa has not been called
See the AP and NYT election result pages.

For the record.

Star Member apcalc (3,452 posts)

2. Putin views Sanders campaign as a vehicle to sow discord.
And apparently it is -just read the posts on DU.

That is scary.

Do you think I’m going to help Uncle Vlad?


Star Member mr_lebowski (11,673 posts)

5. I agree in part ... a lot of what I'm seeing lately just doesn't seem ... prudent?
But damn, dude IS making things difficult with his 'Democratic Establishment' type of bullshit.

Star Member Fresh_Start (10,650 posts)

9. No one is callling Bernie a collaborator...
its not in bernie... he is unwillingly supported by Putin.

Deero (53 posts)

25. what has he done to stop it other than keep it a secret for a month while saying publicly that putin is trying to hurt him?

Star Member we can do it (8,048 posts)

12. Cut the "establishment" shit. It's not 1969.🙄

ChiTownDenny (643 posts)

13. -1
The establishment includes those of us on this site.

Star Member still_one (67,349 posts)

16. I have not called him a Putin collaborator, and I am a DUer, and according to Sanders definition an
"establishment" Democrat

However, in regard to "is this the way we want to treat our front runner"

Perhaps Jill Stein supporter Gray, or Hillary hating Sirota and Turner can answer that question

After all Sanders is such a unifying figure outside of his base

Star Member pwb (4,385 posts)

19. Putin thinks Trump can beat Sanders so he wants Sanders to be the nominee?
I do not want either one Trump or Sanders if that is Putins play.

We should start our primaries with New York, California, Texas or Florida to get a more accurate feel of the population.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline DUmpDiver

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Star Member apcalc (3,452 posts)

2. Putin views Sanders campaign as a vehicle to sow discord.
And apparently it is -just read the posts on DU.

That is scary.

Do you think I’m going to help Uncle Vlad?


Yeah, Russia probably wants to sow discord more than have Trump in office.  Russia must have been laughing their asses off when Nancy and Schiff put on the partisan shampeachment s***show.  Nancy and Schiff did more to sow discord in the US than Russia could ever dream of.

Offline thundley4

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Star Member apcalc (3,452 posts)
2. Putin views Sanders campaign as a vehicle to sow discord.
 And apparently it is -just read the posts on DU.
That is scary.
Do you think I’m going to help Uncle Vlad?

The DNC elite, who know better than you DUmmies, are using the Red Menace to sow discord and fear to scare people away from Bernie.

Offline Old n Grumpy

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Star Member George II (50,141 posts)

1. First, he LOST Iowa. Second, he only TIED in New Hampshire. If anything he's 0.5 for 2.

And he is not a dummycrat!! He is a soviet socialist independent!!

With bad hair I might add! :lmao: :lmao:
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Offline ADsOutburst

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Sanders would be a Putin dream.

Sanders is a clueless cretin. He's a weak leader. He wants to weaken the US military. And then there's his economic policies.

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Let's see...the owner of Democrat Underground has significant ties to the leftist establishment.  But he enjoys allowing you sowing the discord while $kimmer rakes in the cash from gullible DUmmies.
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