Improving the grammar:
Many of you know my wife contracted covid pre -vaccine Hic! and then for 2.5 years she suffered chronic chest infections until she passed.
Is Trump the cause of my wife’s death i do not know Hic! yet after Covid she was always sick with chest infections. Hic!
And trump genocided hundreds of thousands Hic! and went golfing Hic! mass graves Hic! using reefer trailers as temp morgues Hic! good times great memories. Hic!
I had Covid "pre -vaccine" as well, spending 13 days in the hospital. Millions of Americans could say the same, some had it worse, without dying, than I did, some less badly. What I and many others who recovered did not experience was the "chronic chest infections". Sounds like that was a problem unrelated to Covid. Pre-existing asthma? Allergens in the home (e.g. Boog's fur and dander?) or mold?
* Contrary to what
Duncanpup/TEB wants to believe, Trump did not have a magic wand or Star Trek shield he could have but didn't use to keep Covid out of the US.
* Contrary to what
Duncanpup/TEB wants to believe, Trump did not fail to act against Covid in January and February 2020, the first two months after the world learned Covid existed.
* Contrary to what
Duncanpup/TEB wants to believe, it was
Democrats who minimized Covid in January, February, and into March 2020 and denounced as racist and xenophobic Trump's January 31, 2020 announcement that travel to and from China was being shut down.
* Contrary to what
Duncanpup/TEB wants to believe, Trump did not fail to use the Defense Production Act to produce PPE, medical equipment, and other medical supplies in 2020.
Trump spent much time at MaL, much of it performing his duties as President. Just like Bush II did in Crawford (and Bush I in Kennebunkport?). Much as Reagan did on his SoCal ranch. Unlike LIEden watching the bikini girls and the insides of his eyelids on Rehoboth Beach, Trump did some Presidential business, one-to-one, while on the golf course.
"Mass graves"? Where? And when did the Federal government open this new nationwide chain of graveyards?
The refrigerated trailers were used by the City of New York government, not any Federal agency. The City of New York government also declined to use the USN hospital ship sent by Trump and the field hospital set up by
GRRrrrrrrr! Samaritan's Purse
Duncanpup/TEB's memories are greatly