Author Topic: Trump declassifying assassination files and the primitives couldn't care less  (Read 321 times)

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applegrove (124,160 posts)
Thu Jan 23, 2025, 04:05 PM
Trump to Declassify Assassination Files

Trump to Declassify Assassination Files

January 23, 2025 at 3:55 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 10 Comments


President Trump announced that he’ll declassify any remaining files from the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr, CBS News reports.

He signed an executive order at the White House Thursday.


President Trump is declassifying the JFK, MLK, and RFK assassination files and the primitives act like they couldn't care less--making stupid jokes and changing the subject in the replies.

But the primitives are secretly dreading the release of these files because they know themselves and they know that they will throw JFK, MLK, and RFK under the bus in a heartbeat and defend whatever LIHOP or MIHOP shenanigans their new pals from the deep state blob have committed.

Reply to applegrove (Original post)
Thu Jan 23, 2025, 04:08 PM
1. What about Epstein??? C'mon MAGA, and QANON, Demand that the Epstein files get released
Expose the pedophiles!
Don't change the subject, dummy.  Epstein files release will happen too--another thing the leftists are dreading.

Reply to applegrove (Original post)
Thu Jan 23, 2025, 04:10 PM
2. Hey, ya G.O.P. FelonFreak how about declasifying your "ear boo boo" ER report?

Guess that's top secret.

Wouldn't want anyone to know the truth
about your alleged so-called G.O.P.-style Miracle BooBoo.
JFK, MLK, RFK, the Trump assassination attempts, and the Epstein files.  Just have patience, dummy.  I have confidence that it's all coming out.

Reply to applegrove (Original post)
Thu Jan 23, 2025, 04:15 PM
3. New AI generated Zapruder footage will prove Antifa did it.And BLM responsible for the King assassination.
Go ahead, make your jokes.

JFK, MLK, and RFK are dead and gone and of no further use to the primitives but their deep state pals are the point of the spear in the Trump resistance RIGHT NOW and they will be defended, whether or not they were involved in some way in the assassinations.
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Other than that these releases, IMO, are decades overdue, I don't much care. The assassinations happened 6 decades ago and have little or no bearing on the events of the past couple of decades. Of, course, if the records fail to satisfy some JFK, RFK, or MLK Jr. assassination CT, the pertinent CTers will scream, "Cover up!"

Reply to applegrove (Original post)
Thu Jan 23, 2025, 04:08 PM
1. What about Epstein??? C'mon MAGA, and QANON, Demand that the Epstein files get released
Expose the pedophiles!

Fine by me. They won't have the Gotcha-Trumps DU-grade Progs see in their :stoner: (does any DUer seriously believe that LIEden and anti-Trump FBIers would have withheld, for 4-6 years, that Trump was a pedo)? OTOH, becareful what you pray for, DU-Progs, you might get it but not like it.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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The central point of Donaldus Magnus' declassification and release of these files that the DUmp'Rats are studiously ignoring is that the Uniparty/Deep State have been constructing a phony narrative completely independent of the evidence at hand for decades now, and using it in a systematic, continuous, baby steps usurpation of governing authority, as outlined in the 10th Amendment. These mouth breathers hang on every word that issues forth from their god, Government, as if DC were Mt. Sinai itself, and evidence that the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations were - at the very least - NOT as the Almighty Government said they were is never going to break thru DUmp levels of cognitive dissonance.

Wait until they discover that Epstein Island was a Deep State run 'Honey Trap' intended to create leverage over the politician caste. Wait until the documents are released that show the 9/11 terror attacks were a Deep State LIHOP operation (which plane hit Tower #7 again?). I'm sure we'll find many many more troves of evidence at odds with the official narrative in coming days, and DUmp'Rats won't be able to COMPREHEND the evidence, to say nothing of believing it.
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Reply to applegrove (Original post)
Thu Jan 23, 2025, 04:08 PM
1. What about Epstein??? C'mon MAGA, and QANON, Demand that the Epstein files get released
Expose the pedophiles!

You're gonna have to wait until Patel gets confirmed for that. :-)

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Releasing Epstein’s files is going to embarrass a lot of people high ranking people and probably mostly Democrats. I don’t think they’re too anxious :thatsright:

Well, the rich, famous and powerful are gonna have their ass shown in public lol. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:a :lmao:

He may be dead, but evidence lives on :thatsright: :tongue:
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Democrats talk a good game about challenging the system, but now they hate that someone is doing it.

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Reply to applegrove (Original post)
Thu Jan 23, 2025, 04:08 PM
1. What about Epstein??? C'mon MAGA, and QANON, Demand that the Epstein files get released
Expose the pedophiles!

I'm all for it.  My money says those papers haven't been released either because Trump is no where on the real dirty files, but a whole lot of well known libs/proggies are (duh) or even if Trump is somewhere on those dirty files, those libs/proggies are high enough up the global power chain that they aren't willing to sacrifice themselves to get rid of Trump. 
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