What are we missing as a party?
Seriously, You refuse to see all sides of an issue in order to make an informed decision. You like the feeling of being part of this special little group that continuously fuels your need to feel morally superior to the masses. You hold on furiously to that self-image. And you shut out any reality that challenges it.
So, your special little group of indignant elitists gladly filter your news so you don't have to face any serious decisions. Your dem politicians love the way you (don't ) think.
Remember, Trump is the only president in modern time whose net worth decreased while President. Your guys got fat rich. But, don't question it. Keep harping about corporate taxes, fruit pickers, dei, Russia, Russia, Russia, turning misdemeanors into felonies, and slamming the J6 people while disregarding the BLM, ANTIFA riots. And by all means continue with RACIST,RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBE, you know the list.
The ridiculous positions the left hold dear could fill 10 libraries. But, I'm aware you will scoff at this...unless you're told otherwise.