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Well as I was leaving the local VA hospital yesterday, the lady who was driving the van that helps Vets get from the hospital to their cars in the big parking lot was talking to another driver about her status. As I was listening in she wasn't sure if her job was protected or not. The other driver told her to check and make sure her job title hadn't changed otherwise her position could be in danger of getting cut. So I guess there is something to this but we will have to see if someone whose job is so low on the totem pole is on the chopping block or not. I asked her some questions on the way to my car and we both said that if anyone should be first to go is the government contractors since that is where a lot of fraud happens.
The DUmpster / Re: Racist you say? Huh. Who'd a thunk it?
« Last post by Airwolf on Today at 03:00:04 PM »
Holy Frack! What is it with those people and race? Most of America isn't as obsessed as they are and yet they seem to think there's a Klan member behind every tree.
The DUmpster / Re: VIDEO: George Conway Goes Drama Queen Apocalyptic
« Last post by Airwolf on Today at 02:54:46 PM »
Wow . I guess when you look up the words "Drama Queen" in the dictionary they have his face right next to it.
The DUmpster / Re: VIDEO: George Conway Goes Drama Queen Apocalyptic
« Last post by SVPete on Today at 02:37:43 PM »
Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!  :bouncy:  Me!

He's not handling being irrelevant very well. :loser:  :tongue:  :rotf:
The DUmpster / VIDEO: George Conway Goes Drama Queen Apocalyptic
« Last post by pjcomix on Today at 02:11:05 PM »
George Conway has become so far gone with his apocalyptic shtick that he suggested to Bulwark publisher Sarah Longwell that people will have to be throwing their bodies in front of tanks in order to protest against the reforms instituted by President Trump. Yeah, somehow I can't picture either Conway or his fellow grifter Longwell throwing their bodies in front of tanks. That would terminate the TDS grift that has provided for their comfortable lives.
The DUmpster / Re: We didn't sign up for this!!!!
« Last post by ADsOutburst on Today at 01:07:20 PM »
In case there was still any doubt, CBS/YouGov conducted a poll recently. Not only did Trump receive the highest approval rating he has ever gotten in this poll, but 70% of respondents said he was doing what he campaigned on (that's 70% of all respondents, Trump voters or not. He also had a 94% approval rating among republicans. So yeah, this DU post is BS.
The DUmpster / Re: Facts to drive your republican friends crazy
« Last post by DefiantSix on Today at 12:42:46 PM »
Philadelphia Baltimore, Los Angeles, Portland, and on and on a crime free, didn’t you know that? :thatsright: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :argh: :argh: :argh:

Only because they practice "Catch and Release" exclusively there. Can't count it as a crime if you don't charge it as one.
The DUmpster / Re: Facts to drive your republican friends crazy
« Last post by Old n Grumpy on Today at 12:23:54 PM »
Philadelphia Baltimore, Los Angeles, Portland, and on and on a crime free, didn’t you know that? :thatsright: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :argh: :argh: :argh:
While dem states may have the lowest crime RATES...they have the highest raw crime numbers too.

They just hide them using 'rates', just like they do with gun death numbers.
The DUmpster / Re: Facts to drive your republican friends crazy
« Last post by enslaved1 on Today at 11:39:06 AM »
Biden and Barry reduced the deficit?

Depends on who you ask and how they spin the numbers.  Interestingly enough, Newspeak called this one mostly false back in 2022.

There is an element of truth to the claim that Obama and Clinton indeed achieved deficit reduction during their respective tenures as president. But the question of fiscal responsibility has to factor in growth rates, and when the deficit figures are linked to the GDP, the result shows several other presidents over the past 50 years did so too. Additionally, while Biden's planned budget could add him to that crowd on paper, it is simply a projection that is subject to changes from Congress and unforeseen off-budget expenses. We therefore rate the claim as mostly false.

This is a hilarious excuse for journalism from the article 

Newsweek has reached out to Occupy Democrats for confirmation of the meme's origin, and comment on the underlying claims.

Reaching out to a FB group to confirm a meme.   :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:  Guess there may be hope for the DUmp to be called up to the big leagues. 
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