The DUmpster / Re: I'm in the VA hospital now, the staff here got the resign letter
« Last post by Airwolf on Today at 03:07:15 PM »Well as I was leaving the local VA hospital yesterday, the lady who was driving the van that helps Vets get from the hospital to their cars in the big parking lot was talking to another driver about her status. As I was listening in she wasn't sure if her job was protected or not. The other driver told her to check and make sure her job title hadn't changed otherwise her position could be in danger of getting cut. So I guess there is something to this but we will have to see if someone whose job is so low on the totem pole is on the chopping block or not. I asked her some questions on the way to my car and we both said that if anyone should be first to go is the government contractors since that is where a lot of fraud happens.