It is fun but expensive and must travel out of cities to get good dark skies.
You can see interesting stuff with a good 7X50 and larger Binoculars (Mine is a 9X63) sometimes it is better than a Telescope because of its brigtness or large size of the image.
This fall and Winter with Binoculars you see Pleiades (M45) Beehive cluster (M44) Association cluster around and below Mirfak the bright star in Perseus, the Coathanger (Brocchis cluster) directions here:
Lock your binoculars onto Altair. A short distance above it you’ll find mag. +2.7 Tarazed (gamma Aquilae).
Altair, Tarazed and Vega are almost aligned, and it’s this imaginary line that you want to move along towards Vega.
As you go, you will see the almost identical stars of Alpha and Beta Sagittae, both mag. +4.4, in the left of your field of view.
The Coathanger will appear a little farther on. In all, you will have shifted your gaze approximately one-third of the distance from Altair to Vega.
The Double Cluster (NGC 869/884) between Cassiopeia and Perseus as a cloudy spot between the two constellations.
Here is a nice website called
In the Sky