OK, this is a DU-style speculative hypothetical that I think is possible, but may never happen (unlike DUpipo who post outlandish hypotheticals and then pretend it happened or certainly will):
How will the Dems react IF Hispanics, in significant percentages, flip R in 2022 and 2024?
The Dems have pretty much bet the farm on the premise that Hispanic US citizens will support illegal immigration out of ethnic loyalty, setting the stage for a long-term, probably irreversible, Dem-ward shift in US voting as illegals get amnesty and citizenship. Not a few Rs and conservatives have bought that assumption, BTW.
In reality, I think ethnic loyalty and acceptance of illegal immigration are much less strong and common among ordinary Hispanics than the ethnic activists and Dems want to believe. Also, many Hispanic people are Catholic or Evangelical, i.e. are Pro-Life and morally conservative. IOW, the Dems' all-in stances on abortion, LBGTQUVWXYZ, etc. may not be playing well among ordinary Hispanic people.
So, what do you think the Dems will do IF in 2022 and 2024 there is a significant R-ward shift in "The Hispanic Vote"?