Author Topic: Mom of Cop Killed by Illegal Alien Wrote White House 3 Times & Heard Nothing. In  (Read 11020 times)

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Offline Ptarmigan

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Mom of Cop Killed by Illegal Alien Wrote White House 3 Times & Heard Nothing. Instead, Obama….

While he was heading home from work, Officer Brandon Mendoza, 32, was in a head-on collision between him and a drunk driving suspect, who was driving on the wrong side of the road in Tempe, Arizona, according to WPTV.

Drunk driving suspect Raul Silva-Corona was killed in the crash. Silva-Corona had been in the country illegally for two decades and had been convicted of crimes in Colorado in 1994, but not deported, reports USA Today.

Officer Mendoza was taken to the hospital but died later from his injuries.

A cop, Officer Brandon Mendoza got killed by an illegal who has no business here.
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Offline obumazombie

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The legacy media all but refuses to report on any crimes illegals commit.
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