Author Topic: When it comes to Iran and Israel, Obama is way off target  (Read 1873 times)

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When it comes to Iran and Israel, Obama is way off target
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:34:49 AM »
We know and knew that this is correct.

When it comes to Iran and Israel, Obama is way off target

If Israel ultimately decides that America doesn't have its back and that it must take action to against the threat of nuclear extermination, then Obama will have nobody to blame more than himself.

The unelected mullahs in Iran must be having a hearty laugh this week, enjoying the spectacle of the Obama Administration falling over itself to drive a wedge between America and our vital Middle East ally Israel.

For a wartime president who campaigned on pledges to end conflicts in the Middle East, his latest actions suggest that he may be just the man to keep them burning and to even ignite new ones. In Washington a firestorm of controversy has been sparked, but not over Iran's continued intransigence, its stonewalling of international arms inspectors, or even its expanding sphere of deadly influence in the Middle East and gross repression of civil and human rights. Instead, the President’s minions are playing politics to discredit Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before he addresses a joint session of Congress on the very real threat posed by Iran’s nuclear arms program.

The absurdity of the world’s superpower undercutting the only Western-style democracy in the Middle East would be laughable if it weren’t deadly serious for this country, Israel and the rest of the world.

At this very moment, government officials whose salaries are paid by American taxpayers are actually cooking up ways to harm America’s relationship with an ally that serves as a bulkhead against radical Islamic terrorist forces in the Middle East and cooperates closely with us on myriad arenas ranging from intelligence, defense and homeland security to agriculture and biotechnology.

I added the color to the first paragraph, so that any Progdolytes that may be reading it will understand exactly what Mr. Williams (who is AA, BTW) means.

The rest of this is here:
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Offline thundley4

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Re: When it comes to Iran and Israel, Obama is way off target
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2015, 12:20:33 PM »
Leading Black Activist, Ministers Say ‘Congressional Black Caucus Should be Absolutely Ashamed’ for Boycott of Netanyahu Speech[/]
A prominent leader of the black Christian community on Thursday, along with leading black ministers, lashed out at the Congressional Black Caucus for its boycott of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming address to Congress on March 3.

“The Congressional Black Caucus should be absolutely ashamed of themselves and these black ministers are standing to oppose them,” said Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, a public policy think-tank. ”We want the Israeli Prime Minister to know that he is welcomed here by the black Christian community.”

“Israel has had to fight for survival every single day since its founding and it is a sign of ungratefulness that the Congressional Black Caucus is not supporting Prime Minister Netanyahu as the Jewish community stood by us throughout the Civil Rights Movement,” she added. “They financed Dr. Martin Luther King. They helped found the NAACP. Two Jewish youth even died in Mississippi trying to help the black community.”

Once again the CBC puts their allegiance to Democrats and Obama above doing what is right.

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Re: When it comes to Iran and Israel, Obama is way off target
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2015, 07:13:23 PM »
BLT (ala Jeremiah Wright)

If any one of these organizations had a white or other race counterpart, they would be harassed and stomped into oblivion.
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Offline docstew

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Re: When it comes to Iran and Israel, Obama is way off target
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2015, 10:44:16 PM »

Once again the CBC puts their allegiance to Democrats and Obama above doing what is right.

But come next election, these black ministers will be pushing for those same CBC people to be re-elected.